[LeetCode] Word Squares 单词平方
Given a set of words (without duplicates), find all word squares you can build from them.
A sequence of words forms a valid word square if the kth row and column read the exact same string, where 0 ≤ k < max(numRows, numColumns).
For example, the word sequence ["ball","area","lead","lady"]
forms a word square because each word reads the same both horizontally and vertically.
b a l l
a r e a
l e a d
l a d y
- There are at least 1 and at most 1000 words.
- All words will have the exact same length.
- Word length is at least 1 and at most 5.
- Each word contains only lowercase English alphabet
Example 1:
["area","lead","wall","lady","ball"] Output:
[ "wall",
[ "ball",
] Explanation:
The output consists of two word squares. The order of output does not matter (just the order of words in each word square matters).
Example 2:
["abat","baba","atan","atal"] Output:
[ "baba",
[ "baba",
] Explanation:
The output consists of two word squares. The order of output does not matter (just the order of words in each word square matters).
这道题是之前那道 Valid Word Square 的延伸,由于要求出所有满足要求的单词平方,所以难度大大的增加了,不要幻想着可以利用之前那题的解法来暴力破解,OJ 不会答应的。那么根据以往的经验,对于这种要打印出所有情况的题的解法大多都是用递归来解,那么这题的关键是根据前缀来找单词,如果能利用合适的数据结构来建立前缀跟单词之间的映射,使得我们能快速的通过前缀来判断某个单词是否存在,这是解题的关键。对于建立这种映射,这里主要有两种方法,一种是利用 HashMap 来建立前缀和所有包含此前缀单词的集合之前的映射,第二种方法是建立前缀树 Trie,顾名思义,前缀树专门就是为这种问题设计的。首先来看第一种方法,用 HashMap 来建立映射的方法,就是取出每个单词的所有前缀,然后将该单词加入该前缀对应的集合中去,然后建立一个空的 nxn 的 char 矩阵,其中n为单词的长度,目标就是来把这个矩阵填满,从0开始遍历,先取出长度为0的前缀,即空字符串,由于在建立映射的时候,空字符串也和每个单词的集合建立了映射,然后遍历这个集合,用遍历到的单词的i位置字符,填充矩阵 mat[i][i],然后j从 i+1 出开始遍历,对应填充矩阵 mat[i][j] 和 mat[j][i],然后根据第j行填充得到的前缀,到哈希表中查看有没单词,如果没有,就 break 掉,如果有,则继续填充下一个位置。最后如果 j==n 了,说明第0行和第0列都被填好了,再调用递归函数,开始填充第一行和第一列,依次类推,直至填充完成,参见代码如下:
class Solution {
vector<vector<string>> wordSquares(vector<string>& words) {
vector<vector<string>> res;
unordered_map<string, set<string>> m;
int n = words[].size();
for (string word : words) {
for (int i = ; i < n; ++i) {
string key = word.substr(, i);
vector<vector<char>> mat(n, vector<char>(n));
helper(, n, mat, m, res);
return res;
void helper(int i, int n, vector<vector<char>>& mat, unordered_map<string, set<string>>& m, vector<vector<string>>& res) {
if (i == n) {
vector<string> out;
for (int j = ; j < n; ++j) out.push_back(string(mat[j].begin(), mat[j].end()));
string key = string(mat[i].begin(), mat[i].begin() + i);
for (string str : m[key]) {
mat[i][i] = str[i];
int j = i + ;
for (; j < n; ++j) {
mat[i][j] = str[j];
mat[j][i] = str[j];
if (!m.count(string(mat[j].begin(), mat[j].begin() + i + ))) break;
if (j == n) helper(i + , n, mat, m, res);
下面来看建立前缀树 Trie 的方法,这种方法的难点是看能不能熟练的写出 Trie 的定义,还有构建过程,以及后面在递归函数中,如果利用前缀树来快速查找单词的前缀,总之,这道题是前缀树的一种经典的应用,能白板写出来就说明基本上已经掌握了前缀树了,参见代码如下:
class Solution {
struct TrieNode {
vector<int> indexs;
vector<TrieNode*> children;
TrieNode(): children(, nullptr) {}
TrieNode* buildTrie(vector<string>& words) {
TrieNode *root = new TrieNode();
for (int i = ; i < words.size(); ++i) {
TrieNode *t = root;
for (int j = ; j < words[i].size(); ++j) {
if (!t->children[words[i][j] - 'a']) {
t->children[words[i][j] - 'a'] = new TrieNode();
t = t->children[words[i][j] - 'a'];
return root;
vector<vector<string>> wordSquares(vector<string>& words) {
TrieNode *root = buildTrie(words);
vector<string> out(words[].size());
vector<vector<string>> res;
for (string word : words) {
out[] = word;
helper(words, , root, out, res);
return res;
void helper(vector<string>& words, int level, TrieNode* root, vector<string>& out, vector<vector<string>>& res) {
if (level >= words[].size()) {
string str = "";
for (int i = ; i < level; ++i) {
str += out[i][level];
TrieNode *t = root;
for (int i = ; i < str.size(); ++i) {
if (!t->children[str[i] - 'a']) return;
t = t->children[str[i] - 'a'];
for (int idx : t->indexs) {
out[level] = words[idx];
helper(words, level + , root, out, res);
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