初学编程时在 csdn 上写过一个陈景润 15 子问题的项目,https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_41628344/article/details/79171846


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms; namespace FifteenButtons
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
(new FrmMain()).ShowDialog();
public class ChessMan : Button
public int RowIndex { get; set; }
public int ColumnIndex { get; set; }
public int Index { get; set; }
} class FrmMain : Form
private List<ChessMan> chessManList;
private int N = ; //边长
private int X0 = ; //横向起始坐标
private int Y0 = ; //竖向起始坐标
private int Step = ; //按钮间距
private int CmWidth = ; //按钮宽度
private int MoveCount = ; //移动次数
private ChessMan hiddenCm;
public FrmMain()
#region Event
private void Start()
if (chessManList == null)
} //点击按钮
private void ChessMan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ChessMan cm = sender as ChessMan;
int differ = Math.Abs(cm.Index - hiddenCm.Index);
if (differ == || differ == N)
ExChange(ref hiddenCm, cm);
if (GameOver())
#endregion #region Method
private void InitChessMan()
chessManList = new List<ChessMan>();
for (int i = ; i < N * N; i++)
ChessMan cm = new ChessMan();
cm.Text = (i + ).ToString();
cm.RowIndex = i / N;
cm.ColumnIndex = i % N;
cm.Index = i;
cm.Width = CmWidth;
cm.Height = CmWidth;
cm.Top = Y0 + cm.RowIndex * Step;
cm.Left = X0 + cm.ColumnIndex * Step;
if (i == (N * N - ))
cm.Visible = false;
this.hiddenCm = cm;
cm.Visible = true;
cm.Click += new EventHandler(ChessMan_Click);
} //打乱所有按钮
private void MoveCm()
Random rnd = new Random();
for (int i = ; i < MoveCount; i++)
int direction = rnd.Next();
switch (direction)
case :
if (this.hiddenCm.RowIndex == )
int index = this.hiddenCm.ColumnIndex + N * (this.hiddenCm.RowIndex - );
ChessMan cm = chessManList[index];
ExChange(ref this.hiddenCm, cm);
case :
if (this.hiddenCm.RowIndex == (N - ))
int index = this.hiddenCm.ColumnIndex + N * (this.hiddenCm.RowIndex + );
ChessMan cm = chessManList[index];
ExChange(ref this.hiddenCm, cm);
case :
if (this.hiddenCm.ColumnIndex == )
int index = this.hiddenCm.ColumnIndex - + N * (this.hiddenCm.RowIndex);
ChessMan cm = chessManList[index];
ExChange(ref this.hiddenCm, cm);
case :
if (this.hiddenCm.ColumnIndex == (N - ))
int index = this.hiddenCm.ColumnIndex + + N * (this.hiddenCm.RowIndex);
ChessMan cm = chessManList[index];
ExChange(ref this.hiddenCm, cm);
} //打乱所有按钮
private void MoveCm2()
Random rnd = new Random();
List<int> list = new List<int>();
for (int i = ; i < N * N; i++)
List<int> list2 = new List<int>();
while (list.Count > )
int i = list[rnd.Next(list.Count)];
} //计算倒置数
int count = ;
for (int i = ; i < list2.Count; i++)
if (list2[i] != list2.Count - )
for (int j = i + ; j < list2.Count; j++)
if (list2[i] > list2[j])
int rowIndex = ;
for (int i = ; i < list2.Count; i++)
if (list2[i] == N * N - )
rowIndex = i / N;
bool list2IsOdd = (count % == ) ? false : true;
bool rowIsOdd = (rowIndex % == ) ? true : false; //0行为奇数,1行为偶数
if (N % == ) //N为偶数:序列为偶置序列,空格必须在偶数行。序列为奇置序列,空格必须在奇数行。
if (!list2IsOdd && rowIsOdd) //偶置序列 空格行号为奇数
int temp = list2[list2.Count - ]; //交换后两个元素,改变奇偶性
list2[list2.Count - ] = list2[list2.Count - ];
list2[list2.Count - ] = temp;
else if (list2IsOdd && !rowIsOdd)//奇置序列 空格行号为偶数
int temp = list2[]; //交换前两个元素,改变奇偶性
list2[] = list2[];
list2[] = temp;
else //N为奇数,序列必须为偶置序列
if (list2IsOdd)
if (rowIsOdd)
int temp = list2[N]; //交换后两个元素,改变奇偶性
list2[N] = list2[N + ];
list2[N + ] = temp;
int temp = list2[]; //交换前两个元素,改变奇偶性
list2[] = list2[];
list2[] = temp;
} for (int i = ; i < chessManList.Count; i++)
chessManList[i].Text = (list2[i] + ).ToString();
if (list2[i] == chessManList.Count - )
chessManList[i].Visible = false;
hiddenCm = chessManList[i];
chessManList[i].Visible = true;
private void ExChange(ref ChessMan hiddenCm, ChessMan cm)
string str = hiddenCm.Text;
hiddenCm.Text = cm.Text;
cm.Text = str; hiddenCm.Visible = true;
cm.Visible = false;
hiddenCm = cm;
this.hiddenCm = hiddenCm;
} //游戏结束
private bool GameOver()
for (int i = ; i < chessManList.Count; i++)
if (chessManList[i].Text != (i + ).ToString())
return false;
return true;

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