UVA 12446 How Many... in 3D! ( 递推 + 树状数组 )
C. How Many... in 3D!
64-bit integer IO format: %lld Java class name: Main
Problem C: How Many... in 3D!
Given a 2x2xN box, in how many ways can you fill it with 1x1x2 blocks?
Input Format
The input starts with an integer T - the number of test cases (T <= 10,000). T cases follow on each subsequent line, each of them containing the integer N (1 <= N <= 1,000,000).
Output Format
For each test case, print the number of ways to fill the box modulo 1,000,000,007
Sample Input
Sample Output
32 今日组队赛卡住条水题,卡左成个下昼,我都唔知自己做紧咩。其他做得的题队友过晒。最后都AC左比较安慰。
写树状数组然后又唔记得update答案,好心酸。 讲下条题先,就是要用一个 1 x 1 x 2 的小立方体去填充一个 2 x 2 x N 的大立方体,有多少种方案 。 条公式就是 f( n ) = 2 * f ( n -1 ) + 5*f( n -2 ) + 4 * sigma f( n - 3 );
首先 f(n - 1) 层到 f(n)就只有两种方案而已 。
然后 f(n - 2) 层到 f(n)有5种 , 全部竖着放 1 种 , 两个横两个竖 4 种 。
而 4 * sigma f( n-3 )就是 f( k ) [ 0<= k <= n-3 ] 意思就是 到达 k 层是刚好覆盖了的 ,
然后 k ~ n 层是 竖着放 参差 不齐的
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
const int N = ;
const int mod = ;
LL c[N];
LL ans[N]; int lowbit(int x){return x&-x;}
void update(int pos,int key){
while( pos<=1e6 ){
c[pos] += key;
c[pos] %= mod;
pos += lowbit(pos);
} LL query(int pos ){
LL res=;
res += c[pos];
res %= mod;
pos -= lowbit(pos);
return res;
void init()
update(,); ans[] = ;
ans[] = ; for(int i= ; i <=N- ;++i){
LL res = ( *query( i- ) )%mod;
res = (res + *ans[i-]) % mod;
res = (res + *ans[i-]) % mod;
ans[i] = res;
} }
int main()
int _,n;
return ;
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