
Time limit 2000 ms

Memory limit 65536 kB

OS Windows

Source 2012 Multi-University Training Contest 5



To The Moon is a independent game released in November 2011, it is a role-playing adventure game powered by RPG Maker.

The premise of To The Moon is based around a technology that allows us to permanently reconstruct the memory on dying man. In this problem, we'll give you a chance, to implement the logic behind the scene.


You‘ve been given N integers A[1], A[2],..., A[N]. On these integers, you need to implement the following operations:

  • C l r d: Adding a constant d for every {Ai | l <= i <= r}, and increase the timestamp by 1, this is the only operation that will cause the timestamp increase.
  • Q l r: Querying the current sum of {Ai | l <= i <= r}.
  • H l r t: Querying a history sum of {Ai | l <= i <= r} in time t.
  • B t: Back to time t. And once you decide return to a past, you can never be access to a forward edition anymore.

\(N, M ≤ 10^5, |A[i]| ≤ 10^9, 1 ≤ l ≤ r ≤ N, |d| ≤ 10^4\) the system start from time 0, and the first modification is in time 1, t ≥ 0, and won't introduce you to a future state.


n m
A1 A2 ... An...
(here following the m operations. )


... (for each query, simply print the result. )


Input 1:

10 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Q 4 4

Q 1 10

Q 2 4

C 3 6 3

Q 2 4

Output 1:





Input 2:

2 4

0 0

C 1 1 1

C 2 2 -1

Q 1 2

H 1 2 1

Output 2:









[SP11470]TTM-To the moon——主席树区间修改/差分主席树里面的法二,用了两棵主席树,没太看懂,先留坑不填了。


#include <stdio.h>

int T;
int n, m;
long long a[100010]; struct Node
int lson, rson;
long long sum, lazy;
} t[4000010];
int cnt = 1, root[100010], timer;
void build(int &x, int l, int r)
x = cnt++;
t[x].lazy = 0;
if (l == r)
t[x].sum = a[l];
int mid = l + r >> 1;
build(t[x].lson, l, mid);
build(t[x].rson, mid + 1, r);
t[x].sum = t[t[x].lson].sum + t[t[x].rson].sum;
} void add(int &x, int last, int l, int r, int al, int ar, int d)
if (al > r || ar < l)
x = cnt++;
t[x] = t[last];
if (al <= l && r <= ar)
t[x].lazy += d;
t[x].sum += (r - l + 1) * d;
int mid = l + r >> 1;
add(t[x].lson, t[last].lson, l, mid, al, ar, d);
add(t[x].rson, t[last].rson, mid + 1,r, al, ar, d);
t[x].sum = t[t[x].lson].sum + t[t[x].rson].sum + t[x].lazy * (r - l + 1);
} long long que(int x, int l, int r, int ql, int qr, long long la)
if (ql > r || qr < l)
return 0;
if (ql <= l && r <= qr)
return t[x].sum + la * (r - l + 1);
la += t[x].lazy;
int mid = l + r >> 1;
return que(t[x].lson, l, mid, ql, qr, la) + que(t[x].rson, mid + 1, r, ql, qr, la);
} int main()
freopen("test.in", "r", stdin);
//scanf("%d", &T);
//while (T--)
while (~scanf("%d%d", &n, &m))
cnt = 1;
timer = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
scanf("%lld", a + i);
build(root[0], 1, n);
char opt[2];
int l, r, t;
long long d;
while (m--)
scanf("%s", opt);
if (opt[0] == 'C')
scanf("%d%d%lld", &l, &r, &d);
add(root[timer + 1], root[timer], 1, n, l, r, d);
else if (opt[0] == 'Q')
scanf("%d%d", &l, &r);
printf("%lld\n", que(root[timer], 1, n, l, r, 0));
else if (opt[0] == 'H')
scanf("%d%d%d", &l, &r, &t);
printf("%lld\n", que(root[t], 1, n, l, r, 0));
scanf("%d", &t);
timer = t;
return 0;

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