1 上下文切换转换为内核态
2 将fd从用户空间复制到内核空间
3 内核遍历所有fd,查看其对应事件是否发生
4 如果没发生,将进程阻塞,当设备驱动产生中断或者timeout时间后,将进程唤醒,再次进行遍历
5 返回遍历后的fd
6 将fd从内核空间复制到用户空间
- fd_r_list, fd_w_list, fd_e_list = select.select(rlist, wlist, xlist, [timeout])
- 参数: 可接受四个参数(前三个必须)
- rlist: wait until ready for reading
- wlist: wait until ready for writing
- xlist: wait for an “exceptional condition”
- timeout: 超时时间
- 返回值:三个列表
- select方法用来监视文件描述符(当文件描述符条件不满足时,select会阻塞),当某个文件描述符状态改变后,会返回三个列表
- 1、当参数1 序列中的fd满足“可读”条件时,则获取发生变化的fd并添加到fd_r_list中
- 2、当参数2 序列中含有fd时,则将该序列中所有的fd添加到 fd_w_list中
- 3、当参数3 序列中的fd发生错误时,则将该发生错误的fd添加到 fd_e_list中
- 4、当超时时间为空,则select会一直阻塞,直到监听的句柄发生变化
- 当超时时间 = n(正整数)时,那么如果监听的句柄均无任何变化,则select会阻塞n秒,之后返回三个空列表,如果监听的句柄有变化,则直接执行。
在服务端我们可以看到,我们需要不停的调用select, 这就意味着:
1 当文件描述符过多时,文件描述符在用户空间与内核空间进行copy会很费时
2 当文件描述符过多时,内核对文件描述符的遍历也很浪费时间
3 select最大仅仅支持1024个文件描述符
Python中的select模块专注于I/O多路复用,提供了select poll epoll三个方法(其中后两个在Linux中可用,windows仅支持select),另外也提供了kqueue方法(freeBSD系统)
select.epoll(sizehint=-1, flags=0) 创建epoll对象
- epoll.close()
- Close the control file descriptor of the epoll object.关闭epoll对象的文件描述符
- epoll.closed
- True if the epoll object is closed.检测epoll对象是否关闭
- epoll.fileno()
- Return the file descriptor number of the control fd.返回epoll对象的文件描述符
- epoll.fromfd(fd)
- Create an epoll object from a given file descriptor.根据指定的fd创建epoll对象
- epoll.register(fd[, eventmask])
- Register a fd descriptor with the epoll object.向epoll对象中注册fd和对应的事件
- epoll.modify(fd, eventmask)
- Modify a registered file descriptor.修改fd的事件
- epoll.unregister(fd)
- Remove a registered file descriptor from the epoll object.取消注册
- epoll.poll(timeout=-1, maxevents=-1)
- Wait for events. timeout in seconds (float)阻塞,直到注册的fd事件发生,会返回一个dict,格式为:{(fd1,event1),(fd2,event2),……(fdn,eventn)}
- EPOLLERR = 8 ----发生错误
- EPOLLET = 2147483648 ----默认为水平触发,设置该事件后则边缘触发
- EPOLLHUP = 16 ----挂起状态
- EPOLLIN = 1 ----可读
- EPOLLMSG = 1024 ----忽略
- EPOLLONESHOT = 1073741824 ----一次性行为。在退出一个事件后,FD内部禁用
- EPOLLOUT = 4 ----可写
- EPOLLPRI = 2 ----紧急可读
- EPOLLRDBAND = 128 ----读取优先
- EPOLLRDNORM = 64 ----相当于epollin
- EPOLLWRBAND = 512 ----写入优先
- EPOLLWRNORM = 256 ----相当于epollout
Level_triggered(水平触发,有时也称条件触发):当被监控的文件描述符上有可读写事件发生时,epoll.poll()会通知处理程序去读写。如果这次没有把数据一次性全部读写完(如读写缓冲区太小),那么下次调用 epoll.poll()时,它还会通知你在上没读写完的文件描述符上继续读写,当然如果你一直不去读写,它会一直通知你!!!如果系统中有大量你不需要读写的就绪文件描述符,而它们每次都会返回,这样会大大降低处理程序检索自己关心的就绪文件描述符的效率!!! 优点很明显:稳定可靠
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # coding:utf-8
- import select,socket
- import time
- EOL1 = b'\n\n'
- EOL2 = b'\n\r\n'
- response = b'HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nDate: Mon, 1 Jan 1996 01:01:01 GMT\r\n'
- response += b'Content-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: 13\r\n\r\n'
- response += b'Hello, world!'
- sk = socket.socket()
- sk.bind(('',8080))
- sk.listen(5)
- sk.setblocking(0) #设置非阻塞模式
- epoll = select.epoll() #建立一个epoll对象
- epoll.register(sk.fileno(),select.EPOLLIN) #监听sk文件描述符的读事件(连接过来,产生读事件)
- try:
- connections = {}; requests = {}; responses = {}
- while True:
- events = epoll.poll() #关注是否有关心的事发生
- for fileno,event in events: # 返回的events是一个(fileno, event code)tuple列表. fileno是文件描述符, 是一个整型数.
- if fileno == sk.fileno(): #如果是服务器socket事件(即有新连接),建立一个新 连接
- connection, address = sk.accept() #建立的新连接
- connection.setblocking(0) #设置socket为非阻塞模式.
- epoll.register(connection.fileno(), select.EPOLLIN) # 注册socket的read(EPOLLIN)事件
- connections[connection.fileno()] = connection # 保存文件描述符
- requests[connection.fileno()] = b'' #发送过来的内容
- responses[connection.fileno()] = response # 要发送的内容
- elif event & select.EPOLLIN: #如果读事件发生
- requests[fileno] += connections[fileno].recv(1024)# 从客户端读取信息
- if EOL1 in requests[fileno] or EOL2 in requests[fileno]: #表示信息接收完毕,结束标志
- epoll.modify(fileno, select.EPOLLOUT)#一旦完整的http请求接收到,取消注册读取事件,注册写入事件(EPOLLOUT), 写入事件在能够发送数据回客户端的时候产生
- print('-'*40 + '\n' + requests[fileno].decode()[:-2])
- elif event & select.EPOLLOUT: #如果写入事件发生在一个客户端socket上面, 我们就可以发送新数据到客户端了.
- byteswritten = connections[fileno].send(responses[fileno]) #发送数据到客户端,并返回发送的字节个数
- responses[fileno] = responses[fileno][byteswritten:] #对字符串进行切片操作,如果完全切,表面发送完毕
- if len(responses[fileno]) == 0: #表明数据发送完毕
- epoll.modify(fileno, 0) #一旦所有的返回数据都发送完, 取消监听读取和写入事件.
- connections[fileno].shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
- elif event & select.EPOLLHUP: #表示客户端断开连接
- epoll.unregister(fileno) #取消注册
- connections[fileno].close() #断开连接.
- del connections[fileno] #销毁对象
- finally:
- epoll.unregister(sk.fileno())
- epoll.close()
- serversocket.close()
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # coding:utf-8
- import socket
- obj = socket.socket()
- obj.connect(('',8080))
- obj.sendall('hellob\n\r\n')
- print obj.recv(1024)
- obj.close()
- # /usr/bin/python
- # coding:utf-8
- import select
- import socket
- import sys
- import Queue
- import time
- import threading
- import logging
- import datetime
- import re, os
- import hashlib
- sys.path.append('../')
- import multiprocessing
- from SQLdb import SQLdb
- from mylog import MyLog as Log
- from communication_packet import Communication_Packet, Communication_Packet_Flags, Error_Info_Flags
- from encryption import PrpCrypt
- import pdb
- '''
- Constant Meaning
- EPOLLIN Available for read
- EPOLLOUT Available for write
- EPOLLPRI Urgent data for read
- EPOLLERR Error condition happened on the assoc. fd
- EPOLLHUP Hang up happened on the assoc. fd
- EPOLLET Set Edge Trigger behavior, the default is Level Trigger behavior
- EPOLLONESHOT Set one-shot behavior. After one event is pulled out, the fd is internally disabled
- EPOLLRDBAND Priority data band can be read.
- EPOLLWRBAND Priority data may be written.
- EPOLLMSG Ignored.
- '''
- class Server(object):
- def __init__(self, server_IP=None, server_port=None):
- # def __init__(self,server_address = ('',11366)):
- '''
- 初始化服务器一些全局数据
- '''
- # pdb.set_trace()
- # 使用默认模式:debug模式
- self.log = Log()
- self.log.openConsole() # 打开控制端输出
- self.logger = self.log.getLog()
- self.dbname = 'sync_test'
- # Defaut, we use local host IP and port:11366
- if server_IP is None or server_port is None:
- if server_IP is None:
- try:
- self.server_IP = self.getlocalIP()
- self.logger.info('Current server_IP: %s' % self.server_IP)
- except:
- self.logger.critical('Get server IP Error!')
- raise
- if server_port is None:
- self.server_port = 11366
- else:
- self.server_IP = server_IP
- self.server_port = server_port
- self.server_address = (self.server_IP, self.server_port) # 设置server地址
- self.ListenNum = 100 # 设置最大监控soket连接数
- self.connections = {} # 记录当前连接
- self.requests = {} # 记录当前连接的请求数据
- self.addresses = {} # 记录客户端地址
- self.errorInfo = {} # 记录错误信息,如果出错则把错误信息返回给客户端
- self.responseInfo = {}
- self.readthreadRecord = {}
- self.lock = threading.Lock() # 构造线程锁用于数据同步
- self.db = SQLdb() # 初始化数据库用于数据库同步
- self.setDB('localhost', 'root', '', 'sync_test')
- self.readthreadlock = threading.Lock()
- self.EOF = '\n\r\n'
- self.servernum = 'serverxxxxx'
- self.key = '91keytest'
- # set communication user id
- Communication_Packet.set_userid(self.servernum)
- self.encryption = PrpCrypt()
- pass
- def setServerAddree(self, server_ip, server_port):
- '''
- Set server address
- '''
- self.server_address = (server_ip, server_port) # 设置server地址
- def setDB(self, host=None, username=None, password=None, dbname=None):
- self.db = SQLdb(host, username, password, dbname)
- def getlocalIP(self):
- '''
- 获取第一块网卡i做为绑定IP
- '''
- try:
- s = os.popen('ifconfig').read()
- except:
- raise
- else:
- ip = re.findall('inet addr:(?<![\.\d])(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}(?![\.\d])', s)[0].split(':')[1]
- return ip
- def __init_server(self):
- '''
- 初始化server以及epoll监控对象
- '''
- try:
- # pdb.set_trace()
- # Create a TCP/IP socket
- self.server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- self.server.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
- self.server.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
- # 设置socket为非阻塞状态
- self.server.setblocking(0)
- # Bind the socket to the port
- self.logger.info('starting up on %s port %s' % self.server_address)
- try:
- self.server.bind(self.server_address)
- except:
- echo = os.popen('''lsof -i :11366 |grep "(LISTEN)" | awk '{printf($1)}' ''').read()
- print '端口%s被%s进程占用!' % (self.server_port, echo)
- self.logger.error('Bind on %s port %s Error!' % self.server_address)
- raise
- # Listen for incoming connections
- # self.server.listen(self.ListenNum)
- self.server.listen(1)
- # Set up the epoll
- self.epoll = select.epoll()
- self.epoll.register(self.server.fileno(), select.EPOLLIN | select.EPOLLET) # 为server注册读事件,并设置其为边缘出发模式
- except:
- raise Exception('__init_server Error')
- def __jionthreads(self):
- '''
- join the threading
- '''
- # self.logger.debug('Current threadtast is %d ' % len(threading.enumerate()))
- main_thread = threading.currentThread()
- for t in threading.enumerate():
- if t is main_thread:
- continue
- else:
- t.join(0) # 非阻塞join
- # self.logger.debug('After joined the threads... %d '% len(threading.enumerate()))
- def __format_str(self, businessFlag, data, endFlag=True, errorFlag=False, hasnewconf=False, versioninfo=''):
- '''
- 格式化发送数据
- '''
- formatstr = {'BUSINESS_TYPE': businessFlag, 'DATA': data, 'ENDFLAG': endFlag, 'ERRORFLAG': errorFlag,
- 'HASNWECONF': hasnewconf, 'VERSIONINFO': versioninfo}
- return str(formatstr) + self.EOF
- def get_table_filed(self, table_name, db, lock, db_name):
- # pdb.set_trace()
- # from the db get the table field!
- query_detection_version_field_sql = "select COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.COLUMNS where table_name = '%s' and TABLE_SCHEMA = '%s';" % (
- table_name, db_name)
- with self.lock:
- detection_version_fields = self.db.fechdb(query_detection_version_field_sql)
- DB_ERROR = self.db.Error
- if DB_ERROR:
- # Record Error and end task
- DB_ERROR = False
- self.logger.error('----Get %s fileds Error! End this task-----' % table_name)
- return
- else:
- # query result is Unicode,so we need to encode to utf-8
- table_field = [field[0].encode('utf-8') for field in detection_version_fields]
- return table_field
- def calc_md5(self, data):
- return hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
- def validating_message_token(self, receving_data):
- # print receving_data
- # pdb.set_trace()
- # print receving_data
- print len(receving_data)
- pre_md5 = receving_data[:16]
- suffix_md5 = receving_data[-16:]
- message_md5 = pre_md5 + suffix_md5
- message = receving_data[16:-16]
- cur_md5 = self.calc_md5(message)
- print cur_md5, message_md5
- if message_md5 == cur_md5:
- return True, message
- else:
- return False, message
- pass
- def validating_content_token(self, content):
- receive_content = content['Business']['Content']
- if not isinstance(receive_content, str):
- receive_content = str(receive_content)
- receive_md5 = content['Info_Status']['Security_Token']
- receive_time = content['Info_Status']['Time']
- cur_md5 = self.calc_md5(receive_content + receive_time + self.key)
- if cur_md5 == receive_md5:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- pass
- def packaging_message(self, Message=None, Error=None, Info_Status=None):
- # ----Pack send message
- # Init Communication_Packet
- cm_packet = Communication_Packet()
- # def set_content_Business(self,b_type,b_content,table_name = None,table_field = None,b_is_syncdb = True):
- cm_packet.set_content_Business(targv=Message)
- # def set_content_Error(self,error_flag = False,error_type = None,error_info = None):
- cm_packet.set_content_Error(targv=Error)
- now_time = str(datetime.datetime.now()) # get current time
- # Business+time+key calculate token,calculate token
- security_token = self.calc_md5(str(cm_packet.CMC_Business) + now_time + self.key)
- # def set_content_Info_Status(self,info_type,security_token,time,is_end):
- # Need to replace the security_token
- Info_Status = list(Info_Status) # 转化元组到列表
- Info_Status[1] = security_token
- Info_Status[2] = now_time
- Info_Status = tuple(Info_Status) # 重新转化列表到元组作为参数
- cm_packet.set_content_Info_Status(targv=Info_Status)
- try:
- send_data = cm_packet.content
- except Exception, e:
- raise e
- else:
- # we Encryption data
- self.logger.debug(type(send_data))
- encryption_send_data = self.encryption.encrypt(str(send_data))
- # caculate md5
- encrypt_send_md5 = self.calc_md5(encryption_send_data)
- complete_send_data = encrypt_send_md5[:16] + encryption_send_data + encrypt_send_md5[-16:] + self.EOF
- return complete_send_data
- def unpackaging_message(self, unpacking_str):
- # pdb.set_trace()
- if not isinstance(unpacking_str, str):
- raise exceptions.ValueError
- else:
- unpacking_str = unpacking_str.strip(self.EOF)
- flag, message = self.validating_message_token(unpacking_str)
- if flag:
- decrypt_str = self.encryption.decrypt(message)
- try:
- message_dict = eval(decrypt_str)
- except Exception, e:
- self.logger.error('Eval decrypt_str Error!')
- raise e
- else:
- if self.validating_content_token(message_dict):
- return message_dict
- else:
- self.logger.error('Message is tampered!')
- return None
- pass
- else:
- self.logger.error('Message is tampered!')
- return None
- def init_detection_nums(self):
- # get detect_point_nums from server db
- # pdb.set_trace()
- query_sql = "select distinct(sync_point_no) from sync_control"
- BD_ERROR = False
- with self.lock:
- point_nums = self.db.fechdb(query_sql)
- BD_ERROR = self.db.Error
- if BD_ERROR:
- self.logger.error('-----get detect_point_nums error-----')
- if point_nums:
- nums_list = [p[0] for p in point_nums]
- return nums_list
- else:
- return None
- def verification_sync_point_no(self, detection_num):
- detect_point_nums = self.init_detection_nums()
- if not detect_point_nums:
- self.logger.error('-----db config error!-----')
- raise
- if detection_num in detect_point_nums:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def read_sync_contol_configure(self, table_name, sync_type, sync_point_no, sync_user='server'):
- # Read the control configuration from loacal db,if have not,we sync it from server,then read it again
- # pdb.set_trace()
- qeury_sql = "select * from sync_control where sync_table = '%s' and sync_type = '%s' and sync_user = '%s' and sync_point_no = '%s';" % (
- table_name, sync_type, sync_user, sync_point_no)
- DB_ERROR = False
- # set table name
- sync_table_name = 'sync_control'
- # get `sync_control` table fields
- table_field = self.get_table_filed(sync_table_name, self.lock, self.db, self.dbname)
- if not table_field:
- self.logger.error('----------' % table_name)
- return None
- with self.lock:
- control_configure = self.db.fechdb(qeury_sql)
- DB_ERROR = self.db.Error
- if DB_ERROR:
- self.logger.error('-----Get control configure Error!-----')
- return None
- if control_configure:
- # Get the configure from db! and On the basis of classification of table name and sync type(uploat or download)
- # format the configure to a list
- control_configure_list = []
- for iter_conf in control_configure:
- control_configure_item = dict.fromkeys(table_field)
- lenth = len(table_field)
- # set value for everyone key
- for i in range(lenth):
- val = iter_conf[i]
- if isinstance(val, unicode):
- val = val.encode('utf-8')
- control_configure_item[table_field[i]] = val
- control_configure_list.append(control_configure_item)
- return control_configure_list
- def parsing_config(self, config):
- # parsing the config to get the sql
- # may modify the logic of the code
- # pdb.set_trace()
- p_conf = dict()
- table_name = config['sync_table'] # Get the download table name
- p_conf['table_name'] = table_name
- table_field = config['sync_field'] # Get sync table field!
- p_conf['sync_type'] = config['sync_type']
- p_conf['sync_range'] = config['sync_range']
- p_conf['sync_range_value'] = config['sync_range_value']
- p_conf['sync_is_update_time'] = config['sync_is_update_time']
- # if table_field is null,we need sync all the field!
- if not table_field:
- table_field = self.get_table_filed(table_name, self.lock, self.db, self.dbname)
- if not table_field:
- self.logger.error(
- '-----Terminate this task,becase of getting the %s table fileds fialed!-----' % table_name)
- return
- p_conf['table_field'] = table_field
- # Get this operation's type
- try:
- sql_operations = eval(config['sync_operation_type'])
- except Exception, e:
- self.logger.error('-----get sync_operation_type error!-----')
- return
- upside_operate = sql_operations['upside'] # if have, this download operation need carry db info to the server!
- p_conf['upside_operate'] = upside_operate
- downside_operate = sql_operations['downside'] # how to handle the downloaded db info!
- p_conf['downside_operate'] = downside_operate
- update_state_operate = sql_operations['update_state']
- p_conf['update_state_operate'] = update_state_operate
- # Get the sync sql of the corresponding operation
- try:
- sqls = eval(config['sync_sql'])
- except Exception, e:
- self.logger.error('-----get sync_sql error!-----')
- raise
- upside_sqls = sqls['upside'] # a tuple or None
- p_conf['upside_sqls'] = upside_sqls
- downside_sqls = sqls['downside'] # a tuple or None
- p_conf['downside_sqls'] = downside_sqls
- update_state_sqls = sqls['update_state'] # a tuple or None
- p_conf['update_state_sqls'] = update_state_sqls
- # Get the sync patch field of the corresponding operation
- try:
- if config['sync_patch_field']:
- patch_fields = eval(config['sync_patch_field'])
- else:
- pass
- except Exception, e:
- self.logger.error('-----get sync_field error!-----')
- raise
- upside_fields = patch_fields['upside'] # a tuple or None
- p_conf['upside_fields'] = upside_fields
- downside_fields = patch_fields['downside'] # a tuple or None
- p_conf['downside_fields'] = downside_fields
- update_state_fields = patch_fields['update_state'] # a tuple or None
- p_conf['update_state_fields'] = update_state_fields
- # Get the sync_field_value of the corresponding operation
- try:
- if config['sync_patch_field_value']:
- patch_field_values = eval(config['sync_patch_field_value'])
- else:
- pass
- except Exception, e:
- self.logger.error('-----get sync_field_value error!-----')
- return
- upside_patch_field_values = patch_field_values['upside'] # a tuple or None
- p_conf['upside_patch_field_values'] = upside_patch_field_values
- downside_patch_field_values = patch_field_values['downside'] # a tuple or None
- p_conf['downside_patch_field_values'] = downside_patch_field_values
- update_state_patch_field_values = patch_field_values['update_state'] # a tuple or None
- p_conf['update_state_patch_field_values'] = update_state_patch_field_values
- is_carry_state = config['sync_is_carry_state']
- p_conf['is_carry_state'] = is_carry_state
- is_update_state = config['sync_is_update_state']
- p_conf['is_update_state'] = is_update_state
- is_use_state_carry_data = config['sync_is_use_state_carry_data']
- p_conf['is_use_state_carry_data'] = is_use_state_carry_data
- return p_conf
- def __proxy(self, FileNo):
- # 启动线程处理写事件
- newthread = threading.Thread(target=self.__handler_write_event, args=(FileNo,))
- # newthread.daemon = True
- newthread.start()
- def __delevnet(self, FileNo):
- '''
- 注销不再关注的事件以及删除相关的资源
- '''
- self.logger.info('Start to unregister and close %s socket... ' % FileNo)
- self.epoll.unregister(FileNo)
- self.connections[FileNo].close()
- del self.connections[FileNo]
- del self.requests[FileNo]
- del self.addresses[FileNo]
- del self.errorInfo[FileNo]
- self.logger.info('unregistered and closed the %s socket! ' % FileNo)
- # def __read_from_socket(self,FileNo):
- # '''
- # Read data from socket
- # '''
- # if self.requests[FileNo]:
- # return False
- # else:
- # try:
- # while True:
- # tmpdata = self.connections[FileNo].recv(4096)
- # if not tmpdata:
- # return True
- # self.requests[FileNo] += tmpdata
- # self.logger.debug(len(tmpdata))
- # #print tmpdata
- # except socket.error:
- # return True
- # except Exception,e:
- # raise e
- def __read_from_socket(self, FileNo):
- '''
- Read data from socket
- '''
- try:
- while True:
- tmpdata = self.connections[FileNo].recv(4096)
- # print 'tmpdata: %s' % tmpdata
- # 因为python没有EPOLLRDHUP,而客户端主动关闭或者没有发送数据前ctr+c
- # 服务器触发的是EPOLLIN事件,而从socket里面读取到的数据为空...没有找到其他解决方案!
- if not tmpdata:
- break
- self.requests[FileNo] += tmpdata
- # self.logger.debug(len(tmpdata))
- except socket.error:
- pass
- except Exception, e:
- raise e
- # error_flag = False,error_type = None,error_info = None
- def __deal_business(self, FileNo):
- # 根据接受到的数据处理客户端业务
- # pdb.set_trace()
- try:
- message = self.unpackaging_message(self.requests[FileNo])
- # we need reset the requests info
- self.requests[FileNo] = ''
- # self.logger.debug(message)
- except:
- # 需要设置错误标志并却设置错误信息
- self.logger.error('unpackaging_message Error!')
- self.errorInfo[FileNo] = (Error_Info_Flags.Receive_Data_Error, 'Server recieved data Error!')
- return
- else:
- if message:
- business = message['Business']
- client_id = message['userid']
- error_info = message['Error']
- info_states = message['Info_Status']
- verification_result = self.verification_sync_point_no(client_id)
- if verification_result:
- # Here we handle the business
- # 1、get config from the db
- # read_sync_contol_configure(self,table_name,sync_type,sync_point_no,sync_user):
- try:
- table_name = business['Table_Name']
- sync_type = business['Type']
- is_sync_flag = business['Is_Syncdb']
- except:
- self.errorInfo[FileNo] = (
- Error_Info_Flags.Receive_Data_Error, 'Business information is incomplete!')
- return
- if sync_type == Communication_Packet_Flags.DOLOAD_DB:
- s_type = 'download'
- else:
- s_type = 'upload'
- b_config = self.read_sync_contol_configure(table_name, s_type, client_id)
- # pdb.set_trace()
- if b_config:
- p_config = [self.parsing_config(conf) for conf in b_config]
- self.logger.debug(p_config)
- else:
- pass
- if b_config:
- self.real_business_processing_functions(FileNo, p_config, business, info_states, error_info)
- else:
- # set error info!
- self.errorInfo[FileNo] = (
- Error_Info_Flags.Server_config_Error, 'Server config is None, give up this task!')
- else:
- # 用户信息认证失败
- self.logger.error('-----User authentication failed! userid: %s-----' % client_id)
- self.errorInfo[FileNo] = (Error_Info_Flags.User_Certification_Error, 'User authentication failed!')
- else:
- # if no message,it means information authenticationfailed!
- self.logger.error('-----Clinet\'s Information authentication failed!-----')
- self.errorInfo[FileNo] = (
- Error_Info_Flags.Info_Certification_Error, 'Information authentication failed!')
- def calculate_time(self, time_type, time_value):
- # maybe is str,we need to convert it to int type
- time_value = int(time_value)
- # get current time as the end time
- cur_time = datetime.datetime.now()
- hours = 0
- if time_type == 'hour':
- hours = time_value * 24
- elif time_type == 'day':
- hours = time_value * 24
- elif time_type == 'week':
- hours = time_value * 24 * 7
- elif time_type == 'month':
- hours = time_value * 24 * 30
- else:
- self.logger.error('-----time_type Error!-----')
- return None
- # caculate the start time
- start_time = cur_time - datetime.timedelta(hours=hours)
- return (start_time, cur_time)
- # handle the bussiness from the client
- def real_business_processing_functions(self, FileNo, business_config, business, info_states, error_info):
- # pdb.set_trace()
- # according to the config we handle the business
- business_config = business_config[0]
- if info_states['Info_Type'] == Communication_Packet_Flags.REQEST:
- # get bussiness type
- request_bussiness_type = business['Type']
- if request_bussiness_type == Communication_Packet_Flags.UPLOAD_DB:
- request_bussiness_type = 'upload'
- elif request_bussiness_type == Communication_Packet_Flags.DOLOAD_DB:
- request_bussiness_type = 'download'
- else:
- self.errorInfo[FileNo] = (
- Error_Info_Flags.Client_Data_Pack_Error, 'Request business type error %s' % request_bussiness_type)
- return
- loc_config_sync_type = business_config['sync_type']
- if request_bussiness_type == loc_config_sync_type:
- is_carry_state = business_config['is_carry_state']
- is_use_state_carry_data = business_config['is_use_state_carry_data']
- is_update_state = business_config['is_update_state']
- # handle the download request
- if request_bussiness_type == 'download':
- # parsing the loacal config
- up_sql_list = []
- upside_operates = business_config['upside_operate'].split('|')
- upside_sqls = business_config['upside_sqls']
- upside_fields = business_config['upside_fields']
- upside_patch_field_values = business_config['upside_patch_field_values']
- sync_range = business_config['sync_range']
- sync_range_value = business_config['sync_range_value']
- lenth = len(upside_sqls)
- for i in range(lenth):
- sql_part = upside_sqls[i]
- # if sync_range is not None,we will ignore the other
- if sync_range:
- if sync_range == 'period':
- t_type, t_value = sync_range_value.split(':')
- s_time, e_time = self.calculate_time(t_type, t_value)
- qeury_sql = sql_part % (str(s_time), str(e_time))
- else:
- qeury_sql = sql_part
- # add it into the list
- up_sql_list.append(qeury_sql)
- else:
- # we need parsing other configurations
- if is_use_state_carry_data:
- try:
- # [((u'update_time', u'1970-01-01 00:00:00'),)] limk this
- qeury_sql = sql_part % business['Content'][0][0][1]
- except:
- self.errorInfo[FileNo] = (Error_Info_Flags.Client_Data_Pack_Error, 'Content Error!')
- else:
- qeury_sql = sql_part
- up_sql_list.append(qeury_sql)
- query_data = []
- for u_sql in up_sql_list:
- BD_ERROR = False
- with self.lock:
- res = self.db.fechdb(u_sql)
- BD_ERROR = self.db.Error
- if BD_ERROR:
- self.errorInfo[FileNo] = (
- Error_Info_Flags.Server_DB_Error, 'Server db Error,SQL: %s' % u_sql)
- break
- else:
- query_data.append(res)
- self.responseInfo[FileNo] = query_data
- # handle the upload request
- elif request_bussiness_type == 'upload':
- # pdb.set_trace()
- # parsing the loacal config
- content = business['Content']
- try:
- self.refresh_the_database(business_config, content)
- except Exception, e:
- print e
- self.errorInfo[FileNo] = (Error_Info_Flags.Server_config_Error, 'Server Config Error!')
- else:
- self.errorInfo[FileNo] = (Error_Info_Flags.Client_Data_Pack_Error, 'bussiness type Error!')
- else:
- self.errorInfo[FileNo] = (Error_Info_Flags.Client_Data_Pack_Error,
- 'server config type is different from client request business type! Error!')
- else:
- self.errorInfo[FileNo] = (Error_Info_Flags.Client_Data_Pack_Error, 'Communication_Packet_Flags Error!')
- # update the db
- def refresh_the_database(self, handle_config, db_content):
- '''
- refresh the database,maybe insert、update、delete...
- '''
- # parsing the handle config
- table_name = handle_config['table_name']
- table_field = handle_config['table_field']
- downside_operate = handle_config['downside_operate']
- update_state_operate = handle_config['update_state_operate']
- downside_sqls = handle_config['downside_sqls']
- update_state_sqls = handle_config['update_state_sqls']
- downside_fields = handle_config['downside_fields']
- update_state_fields = handle_config['update_state_fields']
- downside_patch_field_values = handle_config['downside_patch_field_values']
- update_state_patch_field_values = handle_config['update_state_patch_field_values']
- is_update_time = handle_config['sync_is_update_time']
- # pdb.set_trace()
- try:
- table_field = eval(table_field)
- if not table_field:
- table_field = self.get_table_filed(table_name, self.lock, self.db, self.dbname)
- first_field = table_field[0]
- except Exception, e:
- self.logger.error('-----eval table_field error,config is error!-----')
- raise e
- if first_field == 'id':
- is_id = True
- else:
- is_id = False
- download_oprations = downside_operate.split('|')
- if 'file' in download_oprations:
- filename = self.createNewBlackListPath()
- handle_flag = self.handle_file_func(db_content, filename)
- return handle_flag
- # table_field = eval(table_field)
- try:
- is_update_time = int(is_update_time)
- except:
- self.logger.error('-----is_update_time config value error!-----')
- raise
- for db_item in db_content:
- if is_update_time:
- time_index = table_field.index('update_time')
- update_time = (str(datetime.datetime.today()).split('.')[0],)
- db_item = db_item[:time_index] + update_time + db_item[time_index + 1:]
- if is_id:
- rowdata = db_item[1:]
- else:
- rowdata = db_item
- # self.logger.debug(rowdata)
- # print dict(zip(self.phishing_log_fields,rowdata))
- lenth = len(download_oprations)
- for oper in download_oprations:
- # here we get all the patched field value
- # '((fixed,true),(carry,None),(tansfer,None))',
- myindex = download_oprations.index(oper)
- fields_value = []
- # pdb.set_trace()
- for i in range(len(downside_patch_field_values[myindex])):
- val = downside_patch_field_values[myindex][i]
- if val[0] == 'fixed':
- pass
- elif val[0] == 'carry':
- pass
- elif val[0] == 'transfer':
- field_name = downside_fields[myindex][i]
- v_index = table_field.index(field_name)
- tf_value = db_item[v_index]
- fields_value.append(tf_value)
- pass
- else:
- self.logger.error('-----server downside_patch_field_values Error! valuse: %s------' % str(
- downside_patch_field_values))
- # pdb.set_trace()
- if fields_value:
- d_sql, f_val = self.pre_handle_None_value(downside_sqls[myindex],
- self.format_field_value(fields_value))
- db_sql = self.format_sql(d_sql, f_val)
- else:
- db_sql = downside_sqls[myindex]
- # pdb.set_trace()
- BD_ERROR = False
- with self.lock:
- if oper == 'insert':
- self.db.insertdb(db_sql)
- BD_ERROR = self.db.Error
- if oper == 'update':
- self.db.updatedb(db_sql)
- BD_ERROR = self.db.Error
- if oper == 'delete':
- self.db.deldb(db_sql)
- BD_ERROR = self.db.Error
- if not BD_ERROR:
- break
- else:
- continue
- else:
- return True
- def format_tuple(self, tup):
- '''
- It is None if field in DB is NULL when we get the data from db use mysqldb!
- Format the None to NuLL for inserting data to DB
- '''
- vluelist = ['NULL' if t is None else t for t in tup]
- padlist = ['%s' if t is None else '\'%s\'' for t in tup]
- padstr = ''
- for pl in padlist:
- padstr += pl
- padstr += ','
- else:
- padstr = padstr[:-1]
- return padstr % tuple(vluelist)
- def format_sql(self, patch_sql, patch_field_value):
- if isinstance(patch_sql, str) and isinstance(patch_field_value, tuple):
- try:
- res_sql = patch_sql % patch_field_value
- except:
- res_sql = None
- return res_sql
- else:
- self.logger.error('-----formate_sql args type error-----')
- raise exceptions.TypeError
- def format_field_value(self, field_value):
- # we neeed hanle the ' or " in the mysql statement
- res_list = list()
- for val in field_value:
- if isinstance(val, unicode):
- val = val.encode('utf-8')
- if isinstance(val, str):
- f_val = val.replace('\'', '\\\'').replace('\"', '\\\"')
- else:
- f_val = val
- res_list.append(f_val)
- return tuple(res_list)
- def get_all_sub_str_index(self, index_str, sub_str, none_indexs):
- # print index_str
- index_list = []
- start_index = 0
- cnt = 0
- while True:
- try:
- tmp_index = index_str.index(sub_str, start_index)
- except:
- break
- else:
- if cnt in none_indexs:
- index_list.append(tmp_index)
- start_index = tmp_index + len(sub_str)
- cnt += 1
- return tuple(index_list)
- def pre_handle_None_value(self, patch_sql, field_values):
- # get all the None value index
- None_indexs = []
- for i in range(len(field_values)):
- if field_values[i] is None:
- None_indexs.append(i)
- if None_indexs:
- # get '%s' indexs
- s_indexs = self.get_all_sub_str_index(patch_sql, "'%s'", None_indexs)
- str_list = list(patch_sql)
- # pdb.set_trace()
- subtraction_index = 0
- for ix in s_indexs:
- print subtraction_index
- str_list.pop(ix - subtraction_index)
- # print str_list[ix-subtraction_index]
- str_list.pop(ix - subtraction_index + 2)
- subtraction_index += 2
- replace_str = ''.join(str_list)
- # pdb.set_trace()
- # print replace_str
- # pdb.set_trace()
- res_field_values = ['NULL' if f_val is None else f_val for f_val in field_values]
- return replace_str, tuple(res_field_values)
- else:
- return patch_sql, field_values
- def __handler_read_event(self, FileNo):
- self.logger.info('Start handle the recieved data...')
- # 对接受到数据做业务处理
- try:
- self.__deal_business(FileNo)
- except Exception, e:
- self.logger.error('__deal_business Exception: %s' % e)
- # self.logger.debug(datetime.datetime.now())
- try:
- self.epoll.modify(FileNo, select.EPOLLOUT | select.EPOLLET | select.EPOLLONESHOT)
- except:
- pass
- self.logger.error('Deal_business ERRor')
- else:
- self.modify_revent_to_wevent(FileNo)
- self.logger.info('Handle the recieved data End!')
- # content = dict(sync_point=self.detect_piont_name,sync_point_no = self.detect_piont_serial_number)
- # message_info = (Communication_Packet_Flags.DOLOAD_DB,str(content),True,table_name,table_field)
- # error_info = (False,None,None)
- # message_status = (Communication_Packet_Flags.RESPONSE,None,str(datetime.datetime.now()),True)
- def __handler_write_event(self, FileNo):
- # if errorInfo is not null,we send Error to Client else handing write business
- Error_Info = None
- try:
- Error_Info = self.errorInfo[FileNo]
- # reset error info to None
- self.errorInfo[FileNo] = ''
- except:
- # 说明socket已从列表注销和直接退出程序
- self.logger.info('This socket is removed from error info list!')
- return
- error_info = (False, None, None)
- if Error_Info:
- print Error_Info # using debug
- error_info = (True, Error_Info[0], Error_Info[1])
- response = self.responseInfo[FileNo]
- # need reset the response info
- self.responseInfo[FileNo] = ''
- res_info = (None, response, None, None, False, None)
- info_states = (Communication_Packet_Flags.RESPONSE, None, None, True)
- message = self.packaging_message(res_info, error_info, info_states)
- self.logger.debug(message)
- self.send_message(FileNo, message, True) # send the message to client
- self.modify_wevent_to_revent(FileNo) # modify the event
- def modify_wevent_to_revent(self, FileNo):
- '''
- If we trigger the read envet,we use this function
- '''
- try:
- # We need modify event to read event!
- self.epoll.modify(FileNo, select.EPOLLET | select.EPOLLIN | select.EPOLLONESHOT)
- except:
- pass
- def modify_revent_to_wevent(self, FileNo):
- '''
- If we trigger the write envet,we use this function
- '''
- try:
- self.epoll.modify(FileNo, select.EPOLLET | select.EPOLLOUT | select.EPOLLONESHOT)
- except:
- pass
- def send_message(self, FileNo, message, blocking=True):
- # if message is big,use noblocking it will occur error!
- # so, we maybe set it to blocking
- if blocking:
- self.connections[FileNo].setblocking(True)
- if FileNo not in self.connections:
- self.logger.debug('This socket not in the connections list!')
- return
- try:
- self.connections[FileNo].sendall(message)
- except Exception, e:
- pass
- # last we need to set it to False! we use the noblocking module
- if blocking:
- self.connections[FileNo].setblocking(False)
- def start_server(self):
- try:
- self.__init_server() # 初始化服务器
- except:
- # 初始化服务器错误
- self.logger.critical('Init server Error...')
- raise
- while True:
- # join the thread
- self.__jionthreads()
- # Wait for at least one of the sockets to be ready for processing
- self.logger.info('waiting for the next event')
- events = self.epoll.poll()
- for fileno, event in events:
- # Handle inputs
- if fileno == self.server.fileno():
- try:
- while True:
- connection, address = self.server.accept()
- connection.setblocking(0) # 设置连接为非阻塞模式
- # Here we can not use select.EPOLLONESHOT flag.This flag
- self.epoll.register(connection.fileno(),
- select.EPOLLIN | select.EPOLLET) # 把新来的连接同样设置为边缘出发模式
- self.connections[connection.fileno()] = connection # 记录连接
- self.requests[connection.fileno()] = '' # 记录业务请求
- self.addresses[connection.fileno()] = address # 记录连接地址
- self.errorInfo[connection.fileno()] = ''
- self.responseInfo[connection.fileno()] = ''
- # 设置错误信息如果为空串则是无错误信息
- self.logger.info('========================================')
- self.logger.info('Client %s:%s connected server' % (address))
- except socket.error:
- pass
- # elif event & (select.EPOLLIN | select.EPOLLONESHOT):
- elif event & select.EPOLLIN:
- # Read data from socket untill data is recieved over!
- self.logger.debug('EVENT EPOLLIN: %s' % hex(event))
- # pdb.set_trace()
- try:
- r_flag = self.__read_from_socket(fileno)
- except socket.error:
- pass
- except Exception, e:
- # if we catch other Exception, it is to say that we recieved data from client Error!
- # We need send error data to client!
- self.logger.warning('Catch other exception when recieve data!')
- self.errorInfo[fileno] = (
- Error_Info_Flags.Receive_Data_Error, '-----Server recieved data Error!-----')
- self.modify_revent_to_wevent(fileno)
- else:
- # if it has no exception when eval the data, we think that client data is recieved over.
- # #then start a new thread to deal with the client data
- # if not r_flag:
- # print '#################################'
- # pass
- # else:
- if self.requests[fileno]:
- # Start a new thread to disposal the client requests
- # self.logger.debug(self.requests[fileno])
- if self.requests[fileno].endswith(self.EOF):
- newthread = threading.Thread(target=self.__handler_read_event, args=(fileno,))
- newthread.daemon = True
- newthread.start()
- print 'start %s' % newthread.name
- # print 'print start new thread'
- else:
- # 没有从客户端读取到数据,说明客户端已经关闭,主动挂断
- # self.logger.info("closing %s %s (HUP)" % self.addresses[fileno])
- self.__delevnet(fileno)
- # elif event & (select.EPOLLOUT | select.EPOLLONESHOT):
- elif event & select.EPOLLOUT:
- self.logger.debug('EVENT EPOLLOUT: %s' % bin(event))
- # Write event happened,we use proxy to deal
- # print 'Current file descripter: %d' % fileno
- self.__proxy(
- fileno) # We neet a proxy using a function,but not a threadiing! If threading it has bugs(multi trigger event--I think)
- elif event & select.EPOLLHUP:
- self.logger.debug('EVENT EPOLLHUP: %s' % bin(event))
- # Client hung up, del event!
- self.logger.info("closing %s %s (HUP)" % self.addresses[fileno])
- self.__delevnet(fileno)
- elif event & select.EPOLLERR:
- # self.logger.debug('EVENT: %s' % event)
- self.logger.info(" exception on %s" % connections[fileno].getpeername())
- self.__delevnet(fileno)
- else:
- # self.logger.debug('EVENT: %s' % bin(event))
- # Other event,do not handle
- pass
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- # pdb.set_trace()
- myserver = Server()
- myserver.start_server()
# /usr/bin/env python
# coding:utf-8 import socket
import sys, os
import threading
import time
import logging
import multiprocessing
import random import datetime import hashlib
# hashlib.md5(open(fileName,'rb').read()).hexdigest() import pdb sys.path.append('../')
import exceptions # 导入任务调度模块
from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler from sqldb import SQLdb
from mylog import MyLog as Log from communication_packet import Communication_Packet class Client(object):
# Handle message type
HANDLE_GENERAL = 1 # 处理普通的应答包
HANDLE_INSERT = 2 # 所有数据安装传递过来的进行数据库插入操作
HANDLE_UPDATE = 3 # 对传递过来的数据进行更新操作,需要传递更新条件
HANDLE_FILE = 5 def __init__(self, IP='', Port=11366, blackdir=None, db=None):
self.tasksched = BlockingScheduler() # 任务调度器
self.serverIP = IP # 设置服务器IP
self.serverPort = Port # 设置服务器端口
if db is not None:
self.db = db
self.db = SQLdb() # 初始化数据库用于数据库同步 self.lock = threading.Lock() # 使用默认模式:debug模式
self.log = Log()
self.log.openConsole() # 打开控制端输出
self.logger = self.log.getLog() self.EOF = '\n\r\n' # Set EOF flag if blackdir is None:
self.basepath = './blacklist/'
self.basepath = blackdir self.sysdbFirstFlag = False
self.key = None # using to calculate token
self.encryption = None
self.detect_piont_name = 'xxxx'
self.detect_piont_serial_number = 'xxxxxx' def set_DB(self, host=None, username=None, password=None, dbname=None):
self.db = SQLdb(host, username, password, dbname) def set_first_synclog_flag(self, flag):
self.synclog_flag = flag def setBlacklistDir(self, filedir=None):
# Set blacklist dir
if filedir is None:
self.basepath = './blacklist/'
self.basepath = filedir def createNewBlackListPath(self): # blacklistdir if not exists,create it
if os.path.exists(self.basepath):
nowtime = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y_%b_%d_%H_%M_%S')
filename = 'blacklist_' + nowtime + '.txt' # 根据文件扩展名
filepath = self.basepath + filename
return filepath def handle_file_func(self, content, filename):
content_data = eval(db_content)
except Exception, e:
self.logger.error('-----handle_file_func: eval business_content error!-----')
return False
# Open file for write data
w_file = file(filename, 'w')
for data_item in content_data:
except Exception, e:
self.logger.error('-----handle_file_func: write data to file Error!------')
return False
return True def reap(self):
# 回收可回收的进程,使用多进程的时候调用...可能不用
while True:
result = os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG)
if not result[0]: break
self.logger.info("reaped child process %d" % result[0]) def __connect_server(self, IP, Port):
# Creat a TCP/IP socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Connet the socket to the port where the server is listening
server_address = (IP, Port)
self.logger.info('connecting to %s port %s' % server_address)
self.logger.error('connecting to %s port %s error!' % server_address)
return sock def __get_tasks(self): # Get task from db,return an list def scheduler_tasks(self, task_list=None):
# start scheduler to sched the tasks
pass def calculateTime(self, starttime=None, intervalMinutes=None):
if not starttime:
nowtime = datetime.datetime.now()
nowtime = starttime
if intervalMinutes:
interval = datetime.timedelta(minutes=intervalMinutes)
return nowtime - interval
return nowtime def calc_md5(self, data):
return hashlib.md5(data)).hexdigest() def validating_message_token(self, receving_data):
pre_md5 = receving_data[:16]
suffix_md5 = receving_data[-16:]
message_md5 = pre_md5 + suffix_md5
message = receving_data.lstrip().rstrip(suffix_md5)
cur_md5 = self.calc_md5(message)
if message_md5 == cur_md5:
return True, message
return False, message
pass def read_sync_state(self):
qeury_sql = "select * from sync_state;"
DB_ERROR = False
with self.lock:
sync_status = self.db.fechdb(query_sql)
DB_ERROR = self.db.Error
if sync_status:
sync_status_dict = dict()
for sync_s in sync_status:
sync_status_dict[sync_s[0]] = sync_s
return sync_status_dict
return None def read_sync_contol_configure(self, read_flag=False):
# Read the control configuration from loacal db,if have not,we sync it from server,then read it again qeury_sql = "select * from sync_control;"
DB_ERROR = False # set table name
table_name = 'sync_control' # get `sync_control` table fields
table_field = self.get_table_filed(table_name, self.lock, self.db)
if not table_field:
self.logger.error('----------' % table_name)
return None with self.lock:
control_configure = self.db.fechdb(qeury_sql)
DB_ERROR = self.db.Error
self.logger.error('-----Get control configure Error!-----')
return None
if control_configure:
# Get the configure from db! and On the basis of classification of table name and sync type(uploat or download)
# format the configure to a list
control_configure = []
for iter_conf in control_configure:
control_configure_item = dict.fromkeys(table_field)
lenth = len(table_field)
# set value for everyone key
for i in range(lenth):
control_configure_item[table_field[i]] = iter_conf[i]
return control_configure
# we need get the configuration from the server! reload the configuration!
if read_flag: # if we read it again and no configure,return
return None # sysnc the sync_control table from the server!
self.logger.info('=====Start to init the sync control table from Server...=====')
socket = self.__connect_server(self.serverIP, self.serverPort) # 连接服务器
except Exception, e:
# raise Exception
raise e # we need carry the detect point number to server!
content = dict(sync_point=self.detect_piont_name, sync_point_no=self.detect_piont_serial_number) message_info = (Communication_Packet.DOLOAD_DB, str(content), True, table_name, table_field)
error_info = (False, None, None)
message_status = (Communication_Packet.REQEST, None, str(datetime.datetime.now()), True) send_message = self.packaging_message(message_info, error_info, message_status)
except, Exception, e:
# 发送出现错误则直接返回终止此次业务请求
self.logger.error('-----When send the gain_newconfig_from_server message request to server Error!-----')
self.download_db(socket, self.HANDLE_INSERT)
self.logger.info('=====End init the sync control table from Server!=====') # After get control table we need read it from the local table again!
self.read_sync_contol_configure(True) def start_tasks(self):
control_config = self.read_sync_contol_configure()
thread_list = []
if control_config:
for config in control_config:
newthread = threading.Thread(target=self.thread_task, args=(config))
newthread.setDaemon = True
for t in thread_list:
self.logger.error('-----init the sync control configuration error!-----')
raise def thread_task(self, task_config):
# init an instance of sheduler
my_scheduler = BlockingScheduler()
# self.tasksched.add_job(self.synchronous_DB, 'interval', minutes = 15,max_instances = 1)
year (int|str) – 4-digit year
month (int|str) – month (1-12)
day (int|str) – day of the (1-31)
week (int|str) – ISO week (1-53)
day_of_week (int|str) – number or name of weekday (0-6 or mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun)
hour (int|str) – hour (0-23)
minute (int|str) – minute (0-59)
second (int|str) – second (0-59)
start_date (datetime|str) – earliest possible date/time to trigger on (inclusive)
end_date (datetime|str) – latest possible date/time to trigger on (inclusive)
timezone (datetime.tzinfo|str) – time zone to use for the date/time calculations (defaults to scheduler timezone)
if task_config['sync_type'] == 'upload':
if task_config['sync_time_mode'] == 'period':
period_minutes = task_config['sync_time_value']
my_scheduler.add_job(self.syn_upload_db, 'interval', minutes=15, max_instances=1, args=task_config)
elif task_config['sync_time_mode'] == 'fixed_time':
hours, minutes, seconds = task_config['sync_time_value'].split(':')
self.logger.error('-----get sync_time_value Error!-----')
raise e
my_scheduler.add_job(self.syn_upload_db, 'cron', year='*', month='*', day='*', hour=hours,
minute=minutes, second=seconds, max_instances=1, args=task_config)
self.logger.error('----sysnc control config error-----')
elif task_config['sync_type'] == 'download':
if task_config['sync_time_mode'] == 'period':
period_minutes = task_config['sync_time_value']
my_scheduler.add_job(self.sync_download_db, 'interval', minutes=15, max_instances=1, args=task_config)
elif task_config['sync_time_mode'] == 'fixed_time':
hours, minutes, seconds = task_config['sync_time_value'].split(':')
self.logger.error('-----get sync_time_value Error!-----')
raise e
my_scheduler.add_job(self.sync_download_db, 'cron', year='*', month='*', day='*', hour=hours,
minute=minutes, second=seconds, max_instances=1, args=task_config)
self.logger.error('----sysnc control config error-----')
self.logger.error('----sync_type error-----')
raise def sync_download_db(self, config):
# parsing the config to get the sql
pass def syn_upload_db(self, config):
pass def validating_content_token(self, content):
receive_content = content['Business']['Content']
receive_md5 = content['Info_Status']['Security_Token']
receive_time = content['Info_Status']['Time']
cur_md5 = self.calc_md5(receive_content + receive_time + self.key)
if cur_md5 == receive_md5:
return True
return False
pass # encrypt decrypt
def packaging_message(self, Message=None, Error=None, Info_Status=None):
# ----Pack send message
# Init Communication_Packet
cm_packet = Communication_Packet() # def set_content_Business(self,b_type,b_content,table_name = None,table_field = None,b_is_syncdb = True):
cm_packet.set_content_Business(targv=Message) # def set_content_Error(self,error_flag = False,error_type = None,error_info = None):
cm_packet.set_content_Error(Error) now_time = str(datetime.datetime.now()) # get current time
# Business+time+key calculate token,calculate token
security_token = self.calc_md5(str(cm_packet.CMC_Business) + now_time + self.key)
# def set_content_Info_Status(self,info_type,security_token,time,is_end):
# Need to replace the security_token
Info_Status = list(Info_Status) # 转化元组到列表
Info_Status[1] = security_token
Info_Status = tuple(Info_Status) # 重新转化列表到元组作为参数 cm_packet.set_content_Info_Status(targv=Info_Status)
send_data = cm_packet.content
except Exception, e:
raise e
# we Encryption data
encryption_send_data = self.encryption.encrypt(send_data)
# caculate md5
encrypt_send_md5 = self.calc_md5(encryption_send_data)
complete_send_data = encrypt_send_md5[:16] + encryption_send_data + encrypt_send_md5[-16:] + self.EOF
return complete_send_data def unpackaging_message(self, unpacking_str):
if not instances(unpacking_str, str):
raise exceptions.ValueError
unpacking_str = unpacking_str.strip(self.EOF)
flag, message = self.validating_message_token(unpacking_str)
if flag:
decrypt_str = self.encryption.decrypt(message)
message_dict = eval(decrypt_str)
except, Exception, e:
self.logger.error('Eval decrypt_str Error!')
raise e
if validating_content_token(message_dict):
return message_dict
self.logger.error('Message is tampered!')
return None
self.logger.error('Message is tampered!')
return None
pass def recieve_packet(self, communication_socket):
# 接收数据从服务器
recieveData = None
partdata = None
while partdata is not None:
partdata = communication_socket.recv(4096)
except Exception, e:
recieveData += partdata
if partdata.endswith(self.EOF):
recieveData = recieveData.rstrip(self.EOF)
return recieveData
except Exception, e:
raise e
pass def insertdb_updatedb(self, handle_type, db_content, table_name, table_field, filter_condition=None):
db_data = eval(db_content)
except Exception, e:
self.logger.error('-----eval business_content error!-----')
raise e
first_field = eval(table_field)[0]
except Exception, e:
self.logger.error('-----eval table_field error!-----')
raise e
if first_field == 'id':
is_id = True
is_id = False
for db_item in db_data:
if is_id:
rowdata = db_item[1:]
rowdata = db_item
# print dict(zip(self.phishing_log_fields,rowdata))
if handle_type == self.HANDLE_INSERT or handle_type == self.HANDLE_INERT_UPDATE:
insert_sql = 'insert into %s %s values(%s);' % (
table_name, table_field.replace('\'', ''), self.format_tuple(rowdata)) # print insert_sql
DB_ERROR = False
with self.lock:
DB_ERROR = self.db.Error
if handle_type == self.HANDLE_INERT_UPDATE: pass
elif handle_type == self.HANDLE_INSERT:
elif handle_type == self.HANDLE_UPDATE:
# update the data
pass else:
return True
pass def set_filter(self, filter, table_field, filter_key, filter_relationship):
Func: set the filter for update the db when when handling the message if the handle_flag is set HANDLE_INERT_UPDATE!
Note: all the filter condithion are needed to be ordered!
table_field: filter condithion field
filter_key: = >= <= != if has like,like|>=... And so on
filter_relationship: and、or、None
if not filter:
filter = dict(filter=[])
if 'filter' not in filter.keys():
filter['filter'] = []
filter['filter'].append(table_field, filter_key, filter_relationship) return filter def set_update_field(self, filter, update_field):
Set the update fileds when update db!
update_field:update filed list!
filter['update_field'] = update_field def parsing_filter(self, filter, table_name, table_fields, table_values, filter_field_values=None):
Func: return the update sql
update_values = []
update_fields = filter['update_field']
for field in update_fields:
v_index = table_fields.index[field]
up_value = table_values[v_index]
update_values.append(up_value) update_sql_part_one = 'update %s set ' % table_name
lenth = len(update_values)
for i in range(lenth)
up_value = update_values[i]
up_field = update_fields[i]
update_sql_part_one += '%s=\'%s\',' % (up_field, up_value) # strip the last comma result like: update tablea set a = '1',b = '2'
update_sql_part_one = update_sql_partone.rstrip(',') update_sql_part_two = 'where '
for tmp_item in filter['filter']:
field = tmp_item[0]
filter_key = tmp_item[1].splite['|']
relationship = tmp_item[2] # get filter condithion value. For example: where left(ip_loc,2) = 'China'
if field in filter_field_values:
filter_condition_value = filter_field_values[field]
v_index = table_fields.index[field]
filter_condition_value = table_values[v_index]
if not relationship:
relationship = ''
if '(' in filter_key:
update_sql_part_two += "%s%s %s " % (filter_key, filter_condition_value, relationship)
update_sql_part_two += "%s%s%s %s" % (field, filter_key, filter_condition_value, relationship) # merge the sql statement
update_sql = update_sql_part_one + update_sql_part_two.strip()
return update_sql def handle_message__packet(self, socket, handle_type=None, filter=None, handle_callback=None, is_recieved=False,
socket: communication socket
handle_type: handle message type(HANDLE_GENERAL,HANDLE_INSERT,HANDLE_UPDATE)
filter: if handle_type is HANDLE_UPDATE,it is the update filter condithion
handle_callback: default is None!if not None,it will use the handle_callback to handle the message
is_recieved: default is False,if message is received.
message_dict: if is_recieved is True,it is the received message_dict
Note: if use some args,you need to use 'key = vale' to passing parameters
if not is_recieved:
# if not recieved message,we receive the message and unpack the message
message = self.recieve_packet(socket)
except Exception, e:
message_dict = self.unpackaging_message(message) if message_dict:
if handle_callback:
# if callback is not None,use the handle_callback to hanle the message
# Pasing packet and get information
# get bussiness type
business = response_dict['Business']
business_type = business['Type']
business_content = business['Content']
business_is_syncdb = business['Is_Syncdb']
business_table_name = business['Table_Name']
business_table_field = business['Table_Field'] # get error info
Error_info = response_dict['Error']
error_flag = Error_info['Is_Error']
error_type = Error_info['Error_Type']
error_info = Error_info['Error_Info'] # get packet info status
info_status = response_dict['Info_Status']
info_type = info_status['Info_Type']
is_end = info_status['Is_End']
token = info_status['Security_Token']
info_time = info_status['Time'] if handle_type == self.HANDLE_GENERAL:
# This packet is GENERAL communication! hanling upload_db response message to make sure that server handle the business
if communication_type == communication_packet.GENERAL_INFO and business_content == communication_packet.HANDLE_OK and info_type == communication_packet.RESPONSE
return True, is_end
elif error_flag:
'Message\'type is \'%s\' and message\'error_info is \'%s\'' % (error_type, error_info))
return False, is_end
self.logger.error('This message packet is not the general message!')
return False, is_end
elif handle_type == self.HANDLE_INSERT and info_type == communication_packet.RESPONSE:
handle_flag = self.insertdb_updatedb(self.HANDLE_INSERT, business_content, business_table_name,
return handle_flag, is_end
elif handle_type == self.HANDLE_UPDATE and info_type == communication_packet.RESPONSE:
return False, is_end
elif handle_type == self.HANDLE_INERT_UPDATE and info_type == communication_packet.RESPONSE:
handle_flag = self.insertdb_updatedb(self.HANDLE_INERT_UPDATE, business_content, business_table_name,
business_table_field, filter)
return handle_flag, is_end
elif handle_type == self.HANDLE_UPDATE and info_type == communication_packet.RESPONSE:
handle_flag = self.insertdb_updatedb(self.HANDLE_UPDATE, business_content, business_table_name,
return handle_flag, is_end
elif handle_type == self.HANDLE_FILE and info_type == communication_packet.RESPONSE:
handle_flag = self.handle_file_func(business_content)
return handle_flag, is_end
# 没有处理请求包,因为服务器不会主动发起请求
return False, is_end
pass else:
raise Exception('handle_response_packet\'message_dict is None!') pass def upload_db(self, communication_socket, table_name, query_sql=None, ALL=True, table_field=None, Error_info=None):
# Get the dbinfo which is sended
# if db_data is Relatively large,it will raise exceptions,so you need contol the data
DB_ERROR = False
if query_sql:
with self.lock:
db_data = self.db.fechdb(query_sql)
DB_ERROR = self.db.Error # If query db error return None
self.logger.error('Query DB Error! Crrent query_sql: %s' % query_sql)
return None if not db_data:
# 如果没数据则不需要向服务器传输数据,直接返回None
self.logger.info('No Data need to be upload! table_name: %s' % table_name)
return None # Set packet args
# def set_content_Business(self,b_type = Communication_Packet.GENERAL_INFO,b_content = Communication_Packet.HANDLE_OK,table_name = None,table_field = None,b_is_syncdb = False,targv = None):
message = (Communication_Packet.UPLOAD_DB, str(db_data), table_name, table_field, True)
# def set_content_Error(self,error_flag = False,error_type = None,error_info = None,targv = None):
error_info = (False, None, None)
# def set_content_Info_Status(self,info_type,security_token,time,is_end,targv = None):
info_status = (Communication_Packet.REQEST, None, ALL)
complete_send_data = self.packaging_message(message, error_info, info_status)
except, Exception, e:
self.logger.error('Send data error when upload_db!')
raise e
if ALL:
return True
# 对应答包进行处理进行处理
handle_flag, business_is_end = self.handle_general_response_packet(communication_socket)
except Exception, e:
raise e
if handle_flag and business_is_end:
return True
return False
raise Exception('query_sql statement is None') def download_db(self, communication_socket, handle_type=None, handle_message_callback=None, filter=None):
# We receive data from server
recieveData = self.recieve_packet(communication_socket)
except Exception, e:
self.logger.error('Download_db Error when receiving data!')
raise e
# unpacking message
Message_dict = self.unpackaging_message(recieveData) if not message:
raise Exception('download_db Message_dict Error!')
if handle_message_callback:
handle_flag = handle_message_callback(Message_dict)
is_handle_complete, is_handle_again = self.handle_message__packet(communication_socket, is_recieved=True,
message_dict=Message_dict, filter=filter) # parsing received data to dict
# 这里需要用递归处理数据
if is_handle_complete and not is_handle_again:
self.download_db(communication_socket, handle_message_callback, filter)
# 关闭socket连接,退出函数
pass def format_tuple(self, tup):
It is None if field in DB is NULL when we get the data from db use mysqldb!
Format the None to NuLL for inserting data to DB
valuelist = ['NULL' if t is None else t for t in tup]
padlist = ['%s' if t is None else '\'%s\'' for t in tup]
padstr = ''
for pl in padlist:
padstr += pl
padstr += ','
padstr = padstr[:-1]
return padstr % tuple(valuelist) def sync_log_db(self, Start_Time=None, End_Time=None, Sync_All=False, ID=None):
# pdb.set_trace()
sync log db to Server!
If error when sync log,it will return but not raise an exception!
If raise an exception,it will impact tha main program
self.logger.info('=====Start to sysnc log=====')
# connect to server,get and communication socket
sock = self.__connect_server(self.serverIP, self.serverPort)
last_update_id = None # updating update_id
# query log db to get some info
if Start_Time and End_Time:
if datetime.datetime.strptime(Start_Time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') > datetime.datetime.strptime(End_Time,
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'):
self.logger.error('-----sync_log_db argv\'Start_Time and End_Time is error!,End this task-----')
# raise Exception('Start_Time and End_Time Error!')
query_cnt_sql = "select count(id),min(id),max(id) from phishing_log where time between '%s' and '%s';" % (
Start_Time, End_Time)
# query_log_sql = "select * from phishing_log where time between '%s' and '%s';" %(Start_Time,End_Time)
elif Sync_All:
query_cnt_sql = "select count(1),min(id),max(id) from phishing_log;"
# query_log_sql = 'select * from phishing_log;'
elif ID:
query_cnt_sql = "select count(1),min(id),max(id) from phishing_log where id > %s;" % ID
# query_log_sql = "select * from phishing_log where id > %s;" % ID
query_update_id_sql = "select last_update_id,last_update_time from ph_log_sync_id;"
DB_ERROR = False
with self.lock:
ID_Tuple = self.db.fechdb(query_update_id_sql)
DB_ERROR = self.db.Error
DB_ERROR = False
self.logger.error('-----Get id from ph_log_sync_id Error. End this task----')
last_update_id = ID_Tuple[0][0]
query_cnt_sql = "select count(1),min(id),max(id) from phishing_log where id > %s;" % last_update_id
# query_log_sql = "select * from phishing_log where id > %s;" % last_update_id # get table fields!
log_fields = self.get_table_filed(table_name, self.lock, self.db)
if not table_field:
'-----Terminate this task(sync_log_db),becase of getting the %s table fileds fialed!-----' % table_name)
return with self.lock:
data_cnt = self.db.fechdb(query_cnt_sql)
DB_ERROR = self.db.Error
# Record Error into log and end task
DB_ERROR = False
self.logger.error('-----Get log data count Error when sys log db! End this task-----')
# 若果数据超过10000条则分批进行同步处理
cnt, min_id, max_id = data_cnt[0]
upload_cnt = 1
if cnt >= 10000:
upload_cnt = (max_id - min_id + 1) / 1000 + 1
# def upload_db(self,communication_socket,table_name,query_sql = None,ALL = True,table_field = None,Error_info = None):
ALL = False
log_table_name = 'phishing_log'
for i in range(upload_cnt):
start_id = min_id
end_id = min_id + 10000
if end_id >= max_id:
end_id = max_id
ALL = True
query_log_sql = "select * from phishing_log where id >%s and id <=end_id" % (start_id, end_id)
handle_ok = self.upload_db(sock, log_table_name, query_log_sql, ALL, log_fields, None)
except Exception, e:
self.logger.error('-----' + str(e) + 'when sysnc db!-----')
if handle_ok:
self.logger.error("-----upload_db Error! And query_log_sql is '%s'.End this task-----" % query_log_sql)
# update update_id
if last_update_id:
cur_time = datetime.datetime.now()
update_id_sql = "update ph_log_sync_id set last_update_id = '%s',last_update_time = '%s' where last_update_id = %s;" % (
max_id, cur_time, last_update_id)
BD_ERROR = False
with self.lock:
BD_ERROR = self.db.Error
inset_id_sql = "insert into ph_log_sync_id valuse(%s,%s)" % (max_id, cur_time)
with self.lock:
BD_ERROR = self.db.Error
'-----This sys log db error when update last_update_id! Old id is %s,new id is %s! End this task' % (
last_update_id, max_id) - ----)
pass self.logger.info('=====End to sysnc log=====') def gain_newconfig_from_server(self):
Get newest configure which is the fishing website regular expressions from server!
''' self.logger.info('=====Start to gain newcofig from Server...=====')
socket = self.__connect_server(self.serverIP, self.serverPort) # 连接服务器
except Exception, e:
# raise Exception
raise e # 查询数据库从数据库获取当前配置的版本信息
query_version_sql = "select max(version),update_time from detection_version;"
BD_ERROR = False
with self.lock:
version_tuple = self.db.fechdb(query_version_sql)
DB_ERROR = self.db.Error
self.logger.error('-----Get local configure version Error! End this task-----')
local_version = version_tuple[0][0]
local_update_time = version_tuple[0][1]
table_name = 'detection_version' # Get detection_version fields
# If get fields fialed,it will terminate this task!
table_field = self.get_table_filed(table_name, self.lock, self.db)
if not table_field:
'-----Terminate this task(gain_newconfig_from_server),becase of getting the %s table fileds fialed!-----' % table_name)
return message_info = (Communication_Packet.DOLOAD_DB, str(local_version), True, table_name, table_field)
error_info = (False, None, None)
message_status = (Communication_Packet.REQEST, None, str(datetime.datetime.now()), True) send_message = self.packaging_message(message_info, error_info, message_status)
except, Exception, e:
# 发送出现错误则直接返回终止此次业务请求
self.logger.error('-----When send the gain_newconfig_from_server message request to server Error!-----')
self.download_db(socket, self.HANDLE_INSERT)
self.logger.info('=====End to gain newcofig from Server!=====') def get_detection_point_num(self):
# Get detection_point_num from file or db and return it!
# Reading the config file to get he detection_point_num!
# wait to handle...
detection_point_num = None
is_detection_point = None return tdetection_point_num, is_detection_point def get_table_filed(self, table_name, db, lock):
# from the db get the table field!
query_detection_version_field_sql = "select COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.COLUMNS where table_name = '%s';" % table_name
with self.lock:
detection_version_fields = self.db.fechdb(query_detection_version_field_sql)
DB_ERROR = self.db.Error
# Record Error and end task
DB_ERROR = False
self.logger.error('----Get %s fileds Error! End this task-----' % table_name)
# query result is Unicode,so we need to encode to utf-8
table_field = [field.encode('utf-8') for field in detection_version_fields[0]]
return table_field def sync_info_db(self):
1、Get blacklist from server and write it to file for linkage equipment
2、Sync info table to client point
Use a way that depends on the config file
self.logger.info('=====Start to get blacklist from Server=====')
# Get communication socket
sock = self.__connect_server(self.serverIP, self.serverPort) # connect to server
except Exception, e:
is_detection_point, point_num = self.get_detection_point_num() # Need to handle again-----
table_name = 'phishing_info'
if is_detection_point:
table_field = ('phishing_site')
# get the table field from the db
table_field = self.get_table_filed(table_name, self.lock, self.db)
if not table_field:
'-----Terminate this task(gain_newconfig_from_server),becase of getting the %s table fileds fialed!-----' % table_name)
return # packing the request packet
message_info = (Communication_Packet.DOLOAD_DB, str(point_num), True, table_name, table_field)
error_info = (False, None, None)
message_status = (Communication_Packet.REQEST, None, str(datetime.datetime.now()), True) send_message = self.packaging_message(message_info, error_info, message_status)
except, Exception, e:
# if send data error,end this task!
self.logger.error('-----When send the gain_newconfig_from_server message request to server Error!-----')
return if is_detection_point:
# If detection piont we update the phishing_info
self.download_db(socket, self.HANDLE_INSERT)
# write the data to file!
self.download_db(socket, self.HANDLE_FILE)
self.logger.info('=====End to get phishing_info from Server!=====') def sync_white_list(self, sync_flag=0):
0、first upload the white list then download the white list from server
1、only upload the white list
2、only download the white list
# Get communication socket
sock = self.__connect_server(self.serverIP, self.serverPort) # connect to server
except Exception, e:
if sync_flag == 0 or sync_flag == 1:
if sync_flag == 0 or sync_flag == 2:
self.sync_server_white_list_to_client(sock) # close the network socket,end this task!
sock.close() def sync_server_white_list_to_client(self, communication_socket):
# pdb.set_trace()
Sync server white list to this detection point
communication_socket: Network socket
self.logger.info('=====Start sync_server_white_list_to_client!=====') # get the last update white list time of this client!
qurey_sql = "select max(update_time) from white_list where valid = true;"
BD_ERROR = False
with self.lock:
loacal_last_update_time = self.db.fechdb(qurey_sql)
BD_ERROR = self.db.Error
self.logger.error('-----Get white list last update time Error! End this task!-----')
if loacal_last_update_time:
last_update_time = loacal_last_update_time[0][0]
last_update_time = None table_name = 'white_list'
table_field = self.get_table_filed(table_name, self.lock, self.db)
if not table_field:
'-----Terminate this task(sync_server_white_list_to_client),becase of getting the %s table fileds fialed!-----' % table_name)
return # packing the request packet
message_info = (Communication_Packet.DOLOAD_DB, str(last_update_time), True, table_name, table_field)
error_info = (False, None, None)
message_status = (Communication_Packet.REQEST, None, str(datetime.datetime.now()), True)
send_message = self.packaging_message(message_info, error_info, message_status)
except, Exception, e:
# if send data error,end this task!
self.logger.error('-----When send the sync_server_white_list_to_client message request to server Error!-----')
return # After send the request,start to download white list db data
# update_sql = "update white_list set domain = '%s',valid = '%s',recorded = '%s',update_time = '%s',website_name = '%s',website_link = '%s',icp_code = '%s',organization = '%s'where domain = '%s';" % fielddata
myfilter = dict()
update_field = (
'domain', 'valid', 'recorded', 'update_time', 'website_name', 'website_link', 'icp_code', 'organization')
self.set_update_field(myfilter, update_field) # def set_filter(self,filter,table_field,filter_key,filter_relationship):
self.set_filter('domain', '=', None)
self.download_db(communication_socket, self.HANDLE_INSERT, filter=myfilter) def sync_client_white_list_to_server(self, communication_socket):
# pdb.set_trace()
upload the local white list to server!
communication_socket: network socket
self.logger.debug('=====Start sync_client_white_list_to_server!=====')
# qeury the the lacal white list data which is needed to upload
query_sql = "select * from white_list where update_time is NULL and valid = 1;"
query_modified_sql = "select * from white_list where update_time is not NULL and valid = 0;" # get white_list table fields
table_name = 'white_list'
table_field = self.get_table_filed(table_name, self.lock, self.db)
if not table_field:
'-----Terminate this task(sync_server_white_list_to_client),becase of getting the %s table fileds fialed!-----' % table_name)
return # upload the new local added white list
handle_ok = self.upload_db(sock, log_table_name, query_sql, False, log_fields, None)
if handle_ok:
# upload the loacl new modified white list
handle_ok = self.upload_db(sock, log_table_name, query_modified_sql, True, log_fields, None)
if handle_ok:
self.logger.info('upload the loacl new modified white list OK!')
self.logger.info('sync_client_white_list_to_server OK!')
self.logger.error('-----UPLOAD the loacl new modified white list Error!-----')
self.logger.error('' - ----UPLOAD
Error!-----'') def task_scheduled(self):
# muti process scheduling the task
) def start_client(self):
weeks (int) – number of weeks to wait
days (int) – number of days to wait
hours (int) – number of hours to wait
minutes (int) – number of minutes to wait
seconds (int) – number of seconds to wait
start_date (datetime|str) – starting point for the interval calculation
end_date (datetime|str) – latest possible date/time to trigger on
timezone (datetime.tzinfo|str) – time zone to use for the date/time calculations
year (int|str) – 4-digit year
month (int|str) – month (1-12)
day (int|str) – day of the (1-31)
week (int|str) – ISO week (1-53)
day_of_week (int|str) – number or name of weekday (0-6 or mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun)
hour (int|str) – hour (0-23)
minute (int|str) – minute (0-59)
second (int|str) – second (0-59)
start_date (datetime|str) – earliest possible date/time to trigger on (inclusive)
end_date (datetime|str) – latest possible date/time to trigger on (inclusive)
timezone (datetime.tzinfo|str) – time zone to use for the date/time calculations (defaults to scheduler timezone) add_job:
func – callable (or a textual reference to one) to run at the given time
trigger (str|apscheduler.triggers.base.BaseTrigger) – trigger that determines when func is called
args (list|tuple) – list of positional arguments to call func with
kwargs (dict) – dict of keyword arguments to call func with
id (str|unicode) – explicit identifier for the job (for modifying it later)
name (str|unicode) – textual description of the job
misfire_grace_time (int) – seconds after the designated run time that the job is still allowed to be run
coalesce (bool) – run once instead of many times if the scheduler determines that the job should be run more than once in succession
max_instances (int) – maximum number of concurrently running instances allowed for this job
next_run_time (datetime) – when to first run the job, regardless of the trigger (pass None to add the job as paused)
jobstore (str|unicode) – alias of the job store to store the job in
executor (str|unicode) – alias of the executor to run the job with
replace_existing (bool) – True to replace an existing job with the same id (but retain the number of runs from the existing one)
''' # 根据情况调度任务
# new_task_sched = BlockingScheduler()
# new_task_sched.add_job(self.synchronous_DB, 'interval', minutes = 5,max_instances = 1)
# new_task_sched.start()
# print '===================='
self.tasksched.add_job(self.synchronous_DB, 'interval', minutes = 5,max_instances = 1)
self.tasksched.add_job(self.get_newconfig, 'interval', days = 1,max_instances = 1)
self.tasksched.add_job(self.get__new_blacklist, 'interval', days = 1,max_instances = 1)
self.tasksched.add_job(self.upload_white_list, 'interval', days = 1,max_instances = 10)
self.tasksched.add_job(self.updatewhitelist, 'interval', days = 1,max_instances = 10)
self.tasksched.add_job(self.synchronous_DB, 'interval', minutes=15, max_instances=1)
self.tasksched.add_job(self.get_newconfig, 'interval', minutes=30, max_instances=1)
self.tasksched.add_job(self.get__new_blacklist, 'interval', minutes=30, max_instances=1)
self.tasksched.add_job(self.upload_white_list, 'interval', minutes=30, max_instances=1)
self.tasksched.add_job(self.updatewhitelist, 'interval', minutes=30, max_instances=1)
self.tasksched.start() def connecttest(self):
self.logger.info('Start connect server...')
sock = self.__connect_server(self.serverIP, self.serverPort) # 连接服务器
self.logger.info('connect server ok!')
time.sleep(10) self.logger.info('close sock')
sock.close() def test(self):
# pdb.set_trace()
# self.setsysdbflag(True)
# self.updatewhitelist()
# self.sysdbFirstFlag = True
# self.synchronous_DB()
# self.get__new_blacklist()
# self.get_newconfig()
# self.connecttest()
# self.updatewhitelist() def muilti_test(self):
jobs = []
get_black_list_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.get__new_blacklist)
get_black_list_thread.daemon = True get_config_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.get_newconfig)
get_config_thread.daemon = True upload_white_list_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.upload_white_list)
upload_white_list_thread.daemon = True update_white_list_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.updatewhitelist)
update_white_list_thread.daemon = True get_black_list_thread.start()
jobs.append(get_black_list_thread) get_config_thread.start()
jobs.append(get_config_thread) upload_white_list_thread.start()
jobs.append(upload_white_list_thread) update_white_list_thread.start()
jobs.append(update_white_list_thread) for t in jobs:
t.join() if __name__ == '__main__':
# mydb = SQLdb(dbname = 'tmp')
# myclient = Client(db = mydb)
myclient = Client()
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
flag = sys.argv[1]
flag = flag.title()
flag = eval(flag)
raise 'ARGV ERROR!'
if isinstance(flag, bool):
raise 'ARGV ERROR!'
# myclient.test()
# myclient.muilti_test()
myclient.start_client() '''
for i in range(50):
tmpclient = Client()
newprocess = threading.Thread(target = Client.test,args=(tmpclient,))
#newprocess = multiprocessing.Process(target = Client.test,args=(tmpclient,)) #使用进程就会出错,查了一些资料好像是说是bug
jobs.append(newprocess) for t in jobs:
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