simulate events
windows system maintains a msg queue, and any process that supports msg will create an thread that have a loop which checks its own msg queue;
we can set a callback for it through define an event.
// file Eventt.h
#include <map>
#include <functional>
using namespace std; template<class T1, class T2>
class Eventt
typedef void FunctionA(T1, T2);
Eventt() :eventID(0), softwareID(0){}
template<class T3> int addHandler(T3 t3)
m_handlers.emplace(eventID, t3);
return eventID++;
} void operator()(T1 t1, T2 t2)
for (auto i : m_handlers) i.second(t1, t2);
} private:
map<int, function<FunctionA> > m_handlers;
int eventID;
int softwareID;
#include "Eventt.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <thread>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std; // to simulate msg and event machinism used in Windows struct Messg
enum SoftType{ NUL, A, B };
int a, b, Type;
Messg(int aa, int bb, int cc) :a(aa), b(bb), Type(cc){}
}; struct
queue<pair<int, int>> m_softA, m_softB;
queue<Messg> m_system;
} Computr; void fuctionA(int a, int b)
cout << "software A : " << a*b << endl;
} void fuctionB(int a, int b)
cout << "software B : " << a * b <<"\t\t" << a+b << endl;
} void FunctionCC(void)
int a, b, c;
while (1)
a = rand() % 100;
b = rand() % 100;
c = rand() % 3;
Computr.m_system.push(Messg(a, b, c));
} void FunctionAA(void)
Eventt<int, int> ea;
// register callback
while (1)
while (!Computr.m_softA.empty())
pair<int, int> msg(Computr.m_softA.front());
ea(msg.first, msg.second);
} void FunctionBB(void)
Eventt<int, int> ea;
while (1)
while (!Computr.m_softB.empty())
pair<int, int> msg(Computr.m_softB.front());
ea(msg.first, msg.second);
} int main() // the function main is like a system
thread softA(FunctionAA), softB(FunctionBB), softC(FunctionCC);
while (1)
if (!Computr.m_system.empty())
Messg temp = Computr.m_system.front();
pair<int, int> tempmsg(temp.a, temp.b);
switch (temp.Type)
case Messg::NUL:Computr.m_softA.push(tempmsg);
case Messg::A:Computr.m_softA.push(tempmsg); // send mesg to softA
case Messg::B:Computr.m_softB.push(tempmsg); // send mesg to softB
default: ;
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