---- Software-defined underwater acoustic networking platform and its applications
source: Ad Hoc Networks 2015

acoustic as the primary modality. challenge: highly limited bandwidth, severe fading, and long propagation delay. (many MAC protocols and PHY layer techniques proposed)
This paper: present a research platform that allows developers to easily implement and compare their protocols in an underwater network and configure them at runtime.
software defined Underwater Acoustic Networking plaTform (UANT)


背景:GNU Radio and USRP

TinyOS —— 传感网络操作系统,NesC 语言, —— TOSSIM

UANT系统架构: 物理层、MAC 层、应用层、频道分配协议

实现: 实现的设备;对比实验:退避间隔、最小退避时间、冲突率。

思考:水下网络,本质上也是一种无线传感网络,比陆地的无线传感网络条件更恶劣。因此,mac层协议设计、退避机制、冲突避免、时间同步、节能等,传统无线传感网络ad hoc考虑关注的点,在水下网络都是重点设计的部分。


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