


主要原因是SetMealView 类的setMeal原来是一个SetMeal对象,后来改成了String就可以了。
* @Auther: lanhaifeng
* @Date: 2018/12/3 0003 09:10
* @Description:套餐信息显示类
public class SetMealView { private String setMeal;//套餐名称 private List<ProductDateilView> viewList=new ArrayList<ProductDateilView>();//套餐商品信息 public SetMealView() {
} public SetMealView(String setMeal, List<ProductDateilView> viewList) {
this.setMeal = setMeal;
this.viewList = viewList;
} public String getSetMeal() {
return setMeal;
} public void setSetMeal(String setMeal) {
this.setMeal = setMeal;
} public List<ProductDateilView> getViewList() {
return viewList;
} public void setViewList(List<ProductDateilView> viewList) {
this.viewList = viewList;
* @Auther: lanhaifeng
* @Date: 2018/12/3 0003 08:58
* @Description:商品信息显示类,不想搞那么多Map
* 所以封装一下
public class ProductDateilView {
private long skuId;//商品详细编号
private String skuName;//商品详细名称
private String skuPath;//连接地址
private int stock;//库存数量
private String specificationValues;////型号
private String brand;//品牌名称
private long productCategory_id;//商品类别编号
private String skuThumbnail;//商品图标
private BigDecimal price;//价格
private int quantity;//数量
private BigDecimal subtotal;//价格小计 public long getSkuId() {
return skuId;
} public void setSkuId(long skuId) {
this.skuId = skuId;
} public String getSkuName() {
return skuName;
} public void setSkuName(String skuName) {
this.skuName = skuName;
} public String getSkuPath() {
return skuPath;
} public void setSkuPath(String skuPath) {
this.skuPath = skuPath;
} public int getStock() {
return stock;
} public void setStock(int stock) {
this.stock = stock;
} public String getSpecificationValues() {
return specificationValues;
} public void setSpecificationValues(String specificationValues) {
this.specificationValues = specificationValues;
} public String getBrand() {
return brand;
} public void setBrand(String brand) {
this.brand = brand;
} public long getProductCategory_id() {
return productCategory_id;
} public void setProductCategory_id(long productCategory_id) {
this.productCategory_id = productCategory_id;
} public String getSkuThumbnail() {
return skuThumbnail;
} public void setSkuThumbnail(String skuThumbnail) {
this.skuThumbnail = skuThumbnail;
} public BigDecimal getPrice() {
return price;
} public void setPrice(BigDecimal price) {
this.price = price;
} public int getQuantity() {
return quantity;
} public void setQuantity(int quantity) {
this.quantity = quantity;
} public BigDecimal getSubtotal() {
return subtotal;
} public void setSubtotal(BigDecimal subtotal) {
this.subtotal = subtotal;
} 那么请求数据的时候在原来获取购物车的基础上进行了改造。
* 查询详细的购物清单
* @param currentCart
* @return
public Map<String, Object> getSkuDetail( @CurrentCart Cart currentCart){
Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
Setting setting = SystemUtils.getSetting();
if (currentCart != null && !currentCart.isEmpty()) {
data.put("quantity", currentCart.getQuantity(false));
data.put("rewardPoint", currentCart.getRewardPoint());
data.put("effectivePrice", currentCart.getEffectivePrice());
data.put("discount", currentCart.getDiscount());
//List<Map<String, Object>> cartItems = new ArrayList<>();//存套餐外的商品
List<ProductDateilView> cartItems = new ArrayList<>();//存套餐外的商品
List<SetMealView> setmealist = new ArrayList<>();//setmealist保存套餐内的商品
for (CartItem cartItem : currentCart) {
ProductDateilView productDateilView=new ProductDateilView();
//Map<String, Object> item = new HashMap<>();
Sku sku = cartItem.getSku();
Product product=sku.getProduct();
//item.put("skuId", sku.getId());
//item.put("skuName", sku.getName());
//item.put("skuPath", sku.getPath());
String brand=(product.getBrand().getName()!=null ||product.getBrand().getName().equals(""))?product.getBrand().getName():"自营";
}else {
//item.put("skuThumbnail", sku.getThumbnail() != null ? sku.getThumbnail() : setting.getDefaultThumbnailProductImage());
productDateilView.setSkuThumbnail(sku.getThumbnail() != null ? sku.getThumbnail() : setting.getDefaultThumbnailProductImage());
//item.put("price", cartItem.getPrice());
//item.put("quantity", cartItem.getQuantity());
//item.put("subtotal", cartItem.getSubtotal());
if(cartItem.getSetmeal_id()>0){ //判断如果是套餐
SetMeal setMeal=setMealService.find(cartItem.getSetmeal_id());
//item.put("setMeal", setMeal);
boolean isExits=false;
for (SetMealView se: setmealist) {
List<ProductDateilView> list=new ArrayList<>();
setmealist.add(new SetMealView(setMeal.getsName(),list));
}else {
data.put("cartItems", cartItems);
data.put("setmealist", setmealist);
return data;


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