原文: He is awful。

A:What's Ron Marston like , Pauline?

B:He is awful.He telephoned me four times yesterday,and three times the day before yesterday.

B:He telephoned the office yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon.My boss answered the telephone.

A:What did your boss say to him?

B:He said,'Pauline is typing typing letters.She can't speak to you now.'

B:Then I arrived home at six o'clock yesterday evening.He telephoned again.

B:But I didn't answer the phone.

A:Did he telephone again last night?

B:Yes ,he did. He telephoned at nine o'clock.

A:What did you see to him?

B:I said,'This is Panline's mother,please don't telephone my daughter again.

A:Did he telephone again?

B:No he didn't.




telephone: 电话,打电话。

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