List1  [leetcode]243. Shortest Word Distance最短单词距离 Two Pointers
[leetcode]244. Shortest Word Distance II最短单词距离(允许连环call) HashMap,  Merge Sort
[leetcode]339. Nested List Weight Sum嵌套列表加权和 DFS, BFS
[leetcode]364. Nested List Weight Sum II嵌套列表加权和II DFS, BFS
[leetcode]256. Paint House粉刷房子(三色可选) DP
[leetcode]265. Paint House II粉刷房子(K色可选) DP 
[leetcode]170. Two Sum III - Data structure design两数之和III - 数据结构设计 HashMap
[leetcode]272. Closest Binary Search Tree Value II二叉搜索树中最近的值2 Deque
[leetcode]156.Binary Tree Upside Down颠倒二叉树 Tree,  Recurison, Iteration
[leetcode]149. Max Points on a Line多点共线  HashMap
[leetcode]380. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)常数时间插入删除取随机值 HashMap, ArrayList
[leetcode]254. Factor Combinations因式组合 Backtracking
[leetcode]65. Valid Number 有效数值 String
[leetcode]716. Max Stack 最大栈 Stack
[leetcode]68. Text Justification文字对齐 String
               List2 [leetcode]366. Find Leaves of Binary Tree捡树叶  
[leetcode]341. Flatten Nested List Iterator展开嵌套列表的迭代器   
[leetcode]50. Pow(x, n)求幂  
[leetcode]150. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation逆波兰表示法  
[leetcode]53. Maximum Subarray最大子数组和  
[leetcode]297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree 序列化与反序列化二叉树  
[leetcode]200. Number of Islands岛屿个数  
[leetcode]152. Maximum Product Subarray最大乘积子数组  
  [leetcode]72. Edit Distance 最少编辑步数   
  [leetcode]282. Expression Add Operators 表达式添加运算符  
  [leetcode]56. Merge Intervals归并区间   
  [leetcode]236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree二叉树最近公共祖先  

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