Delphi Firemonkey Button ImageList

按钮图标 在上面



然后Button右键Edit Style>选择Text>Align>Bottom;




Delphi Firemonkey Button ImageList的更多相关文章

  1. Firemonkey Button 颜色

    delphi FMX Firemonkey Button 按钮 颜色 TintColor 颜色 Button1.TintColor:=TAlphaColorRec.Green;

  2. delphi Firemonkey ListBoxItem自绘

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  3. delphi Firemonkey ListView 使用参考

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  4. Color gradient in Delphi FireMonkey

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  5. Z Order of Controls in Delphi FireMonkey(Tom Yu的博客)

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  6. Delphi FireMonkey使用UniDAC 连接MySQL

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  7. Delphi Firemonkey在主线程 异步调用函数(延迟调用)

    先看下面的FMX.Layouts.pas中一段代码 procedure TCustomScrollBox.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftSt ...

  8. Some cool FireMonkey multi-device components There are many available Delphi and C++Builder ...

  9. XE Button Color

    XE Button Color,FMX Button 颜色 也可以放个rectangle+Glyph控件. ...


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