阅读The Java® Language Specification需要知道的英文单词
Polymorphism https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/polymorphism.html
She mentioned how her uncle likewise had been questioned by the police.
They submit only the data model or a portion thereof.
predicate 断定
refers to 涉及到
thereof 由此
conceivable 可能的、想得到的、可相像的
counter-intutive 反直觉的
prerequisite 先决条件
in analogy to 类比于
orthogonal 直角的、正交的
eye-roll 翻眼
1、Every work has to be preceded by the stage of planning, and the work that involves writing – first ofall.
2、He is the very man in whose pocket I found my lost money.
(1)It was the brick house.In that house we had our meeting.
第二句的in that house 告诉我们,句子连起来正确的选择是 in which :
It was the brick house in which we had our meeting
in which 一般可以用 where 代替:It was the brick house where we had our meeting
(2)I saw the table.On that table sat a beautiful antique lamp.
使用on which :I saw the table on which sat a beautiful antique lamp.
(3)The boss asked all of us a question.Only Tom had the right answer to the question.
使用to which
The boss asked all of us a question,to which only Tom had the right answer.
(4)when the transfer of control takes place, all effects of the statements executed and expressions evaluated (before the point from which the exception is thrown) must appear to have taken place.
with respect to
(1)There is something of a chicken and egg problem with respect to(关于哪些方面) a reference architecture.
(2)The user experience -- with respect to(在哪些方面) deploying patterns and managing virtual systems -- isconsistent regardless of the target platform.
不管使用哪一种目标平台,用户体验 —— 在部署模式并管理虚拟系统方面 —— 总是一致的。
6、has as
The Receiver has as a behavior port that handles the calls
Receiver 拥有一个行为端口去处理访问。
Logical constant wiki定义:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_constant
existential quantifier / universal quantification wiki定义:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Existential_quantification
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