* @file
* @synopsis An implementation of KMP matching, derived from
* a modification of the program.
* Again, the goal is to find an occurrence of a pattern P in a text T.
* The first index (i=0) of arrays are not used.
* @author Chee Yap
* @date Apr 25, 2001 (for Basic Algorithms class)
*/ public class KMP { // Members:
char[] T; // This is the text
char[] P; // This is pattern
int [] fail; // Failure function for pattern // Constructors: KMP(char[] p, char[] t) {
P = p; T = t;
} // // Methods: /******************************************************
Routine to compute the failure function
public void computeFail() {
// init:
fail = new int[P.length];
fail[1] = 0;
// loop:
for (int k=2; k< fail.length; k++) {
int kk = fail[k-1];
while (kk>0 && (P[kk] != P[k-1]))
kk = fail[kk];
fail[k] = 1 + kk;
} // computeFail(P) /******************************************************
public int find(int start) {
// init:
int j = start; // text index
int k = 1; // pattern index
// loop:
while (j < T.length) {
if (k >= P.length) return(j - k + 1);
if ((T[j] == P[k]) || (k==0)) {
j++; k++;
} else {
k = fail[k]; // k could become 0
} // while
// Not found:
} // find() /******************************************************
prints data
void output() {
System.out.print("> Pattern = \"");
for (int i=1; i< P.length; i++)
System.out.print("\"\n> Text = \"");
for (int i=1; i< T.length; i++)
} // output() /******************************************************
Main method
public static void main( String[] args) { // sample input with 6 keys
// (the first is a dummy key) // char[] p = {'0', 'o', 'u'};
char[] p = {'0', 'y', 'o', 'u'};
char[] t = {'0',
'a', 'r', 'e', ' ', 'y', 'o', 'u', ' ',
'a', ' ', 'y', 'o', 'u', 't', 'h', '?'}; // construct a KMP object
KMP m = new KMP(p, t);
m.output(); // print data // find all matches
int f = m.find(1);
if (f<1)
System.out.println(">> No match found");
else {
while (f>=1) {
System.out.println(">> Match found at position " + f);
f = m.find(f+1);
} // main }//class KMP

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