

 /** This connector instance's current traversal schedule. */
private volatile TraversalSchedule traversalSchedule; /** Directory that contains snapshots. */
private final SnapshotStore snapshotStore; /** The root of the repository to monitor */
private final SnapshotRepository<? extends DocumentSnapshot> query; /** Reader for the current snapshot. */
private SnapshotReader snapshotReader; /** Callback to invoke when a change is detected. */
private final Callback callback; /** Current record from the snapshot. */
private DocumentSnapshot current; /** The snapshot we are currently writing */
private OrderedSnapshotWriter snapshotWriter; private final String name; private final DocumentSnapshotFactory documentSnapshotFactory; private final DocumentSink documentSink; /* Contains a checkpoint confirmation from CM. */
private MonitorCheckpoint guaranteeCheckpoint; /* The monitor should exit voluntarily if set to false */
private volatile boolean isRunning = true; /**
* Creates a DocumentSnapshotRepositoryMonitor that monitors the
* Repository rooted at {@code root}.
* @param name the name of this monitor (a hash of the start path)
* @param query query for files
* @param snapshotStore where snapshots are stored
* @param callback client callback
* @param documentSink destination for filtered out file info
* @param initialCp checkpoint when system initiated, could be {@code null}
* @param documentSnapshotFactory for un-serializing
* {@link DocumentSnapshot} objects.
public DocumentSnapshotRepositoryMonitor(String name,
SnapshotRepository<? extends DocumentSnapshot> query,
SnapshotStore snapshotStore, Callback callback,
DocumentSink documentSink, MonitorCheckpoint initialCp,
DocumentSnapshotFactory documentSnapshotFactory) {
this.name = name;
this.query = query;
this.snapshotStore = snapshotStore;
this.callback = callback;
this.documentSnapshotFactory = documentSnapshotFactory;
this.documentSink = documentSink;
guaranteeCheckpoint = initialCp;


public void run() {
// Call NDC.push() via reflection, if possible.
invoke(ndcPush, "Monitor " + name);
try {
while (true) {
// TODO: Remove items from this monitor that are in queues.
// Watch out for race conditions. The queues are potentially
// giving docs to CM as bad things happen in monitor.
// This TODO would be mitigated by a reconciliation with GSA.
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
LOG.info("Repository Monitor " + name + " received stop signal. " + this);
} finally {
// Call NDC.remove() via reflection, if possible.


private void tryToRunForever() throws InterruptedException {
try {
while (true) {
if (traversalSchedule == null || traversalSchedule.shouldRun()) {
// Start traversal
else {
LOG.finest("Currently out of traversal window. "
+ "Sleeping for 15 minutes.");
// TODO(nashi): Calculate when it should wake up while
// handling TraversalScheduleAware events properly.
} catch (SnapshotWriterException e) {
String msg = "Failed to write to snapshot file: " + snapshotWriter.getPath();
LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, msg, e);
} catch (SnapshotReaderException e) {
String msg = "Failed to read snapshot file: " + snapshotReader.getPath();
LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, msg, e);
} catch (SnapshotStoreException e) {
String msg = "Problem with snapshot store.";
LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, msg, e);
} catch (SnapshotRepositoryRuntimeException e) {
String msg = "Failed reading repository.";
LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, msg, e);

在doOnePass()方法实现从仓库对象SnapshotRepository中获取数据,并将数据快照持久化到快照文件,并实现相关的数据处理逻辑(判断是新增 删除或更新等,


* 在doOnePass()方法中生成独立的快照读写器
* Makes one pass through the repository, notifying {@code visitor} of any
* changes.
* @throws InterruptedException
private void doOnePass() throws SnapshotStoreException,
InterruptedException {
try {
// Open the most recent snapshot and read the first record.
this.snapshotReader = snapshotStore.openMostRecentSnapshot();
current = snapshotReader.read();
// Create an snapshot writer for this pass.
this.snapshotWriter =
new OrderedSnapshotWriter(snapshotStore.openNewSnapshotWriter());
for(DocumentSnapshot ss : query) {
if (false == isRunning) {
LOG.log(Level.INFO, "Exiting the monitor thread " + name
+ " " + this);
throw new InterruptedException();
} if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
throw new InterruptedException();
} //迭代完数据后,删除快照读取器后面多出来的部分(考虑数据源删除了后面的数据)
// Take care of any trailing paths in the snapshot.
processDeletes(null); } finally {
try {
snapshotStore.close(snapshotReader, snapshotWriter);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed closing snapshot reader and writer.", e);
// Try to proceed anyway. Weird they are not closing.
if (current != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Should not finish pass until entire read snapshot is consumed.");
if (!callback.hasEnqueuedAtLeastOneChangeThisPass()) {
// No monitor checkpoints from this pass went to queue because
// there were no changes, so we can delete the snapshot we just wrote.
new java.io.File(snapshotWriter.getPath()).delete();
// TODO: Check return value; log trouble.
snapshotWriter = null;
snapshotReader = null;


* Process snapshot entries as deletes until {@code current} catches up with
* {@code documentSnapshot}. Or, if {@code documentSnapshot} is {@code null},
* process all remaining snapshot entries as deletes.
* @param documentSnapshot where to stop
* @throws SnapshotReaderException
* @throws InterruptedException
private void processDeletes(DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot)
throws SnapshotReaderException, InterruptedException {
while (current != null
&& (documentSnapshot == null
|| COMPARATOR.compare(documentSnapshot, current) > 0)) {
new DeleteDocumentHandle(current.getDocumentId()), getCheckpoint());
current = snapshotReader.read();


private void safelyProcessDocumentSnapshot(DocumentSnapshot snapshot)
throws InterruptedException, SnapshotReaderException,
SnapshotWriterException {
try {
} catch (RepositoryException re) {
//TODO Log the exception or its message? in document sink perhaps.
documentSink.add(snapshot.getDocumentId(), FilterReason.IO_EXCEPTION);


* Processes a document found in the document repository.
* @param documentSnapshot
* @throws RepositoryException
* @throws InterruptedException
* @throws SnapshotReaderException
* @throws SnapshotWriterException
private void processDocument(DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot)
throws InterruptedException, RepositoryException, SnapshotReaderException,
SnapshotWriterException {
// At this point 'current' >= 'file', or possibly current == null if
// we've processed the previous snapshot entirely.
if (current != null
&& COMPARATOR.compare(documentSnapshot, current) == 0) {
} else {
// This file didn't exist during the previous scan.
DocumentHandle documentHandle = documentSnapshot.getUpdate(null);
snapshotWriter.write(documentSnapshot); // Null if filtered due to mime-type.
if (documentHandle != null) {
callback.newDocument(documentHandle, getCheckpoint(-1));


* Processes a document found in the document repository that also appeared
* in the previous scan. Determines whether the document has changed,
* propagates changes to the client and writes the snapshot record.
* @param documentSnapshot
* @throws RepositoryException
* @throws InterruptedException
* @throws SnapshotWriterException
* @throws SnapshotReaderException
private void processPossibleChange(DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot)
throws RepositoryException, InterruptedException, SnapshotWriterException,
SnapshotReaderException {
DocumentHandle documentHandle = documentSnapshot.getUpdate(current);
if (documentHandle == null) {
// No change.
} else {
// Normal change - send the gsa an update.
callback.changedDocument(documentHandle, getCheckpoint());
current = snapshotReader.read();




* 回调接口
* The client provides an implementation of this interface to receive
* notification of changes to the repository.
public static interface Callback {
public void passBegin() throws InterruptedException; public void newDocument(DocumentHandle documentHandle,
MonitorCheckpoint mcp) throws InterruptedException; public void deletedDocument(DocumentHandle documentHandle,
MonitorCheckpoint mcp) throws InterruptedException; public void changedDocument(DocumentHandle documentHandle,
MonitorCheckpoint mcp) throws InterruptedException; public void passComplete(MonitorCheckpoint mcp) throws InterruptedException; public boolean hasEnqueuedAtLeastOneChangeThisPass(); public void passPausing(int sleepms) throws InterruptedException;


* 回调接口实现:向阻塞队列pendingChanges加入Change元素
* Adds {@link Change Changes} to this queue.
private class Callback implements DocumentSnapshotRepositoryMonitor.Callback {
private int changeCount = 0; public void passBegin() {
changeCount = 0;
activityLogger.scanBeginAt(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
} /* @Override */
public void changedDocument(DocumentHandle dh, MonitorCheckpoint mcp)
throws InterruptedException {
pendingChanges.put(new Change(Change.FactoryType.CLIENT, dh, mcp));
} /* @Override */
public void deletedDocument(DocumentHandle dh, MonitorCheckpoint mcp)
throws InterruptedException {
pendingChanges.put(new Change(Change.FactoryType.INTERNAL, dh, mcp));
} /* @Override */
public void newDocument(DocumentHandle dh, MonitorCheckpoint mcp)
throws InterruptedException {
pendingChanges.put(new Change(Change.FactoryType.CLIENT, dh, mcp));
} /* @Override */
public void passComplete(MonitorCheckpoint mcp) throws InterruptedException {
activityLogger.scanEndAt(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
if (introduceDelayAfterEveryScan || changeCount == 0) {
} public boolean hasEnqueuedAtLeastOneChangeThisPass() {
return changeCount > 0;
} /* @Override */
public void passPausing(int sleepms) throws InterruptedException {



转载请注明出处 博客园 刺猬的温驯

本人邮箱: chenying998179@163#com (#改为.)

本文链接 http://www.cnblogs.com/chenying99/p/3789505.html


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