What You Can Learn from Actifio Logs
The Actifio services generate many logs, some of which are useful for troubleshooting. This section describes how all of the logs work together. You do not need to use all logs for troubleshooting; to see the most useful logs for troubleshooting, skip to Troubleshooting with Actifio Logs.
Each Actifio service has its own log. This is how the different services relate to each other.
Component and Log Relationships
Downloadable Actifio Logs
Service |
Log File Name |
What the Logs Include |
adhd |
adhd.log adhd.log-<date> adhd.log-<date>.bz2 |
Local and remote deduplication, replication and communications with remote systems. |
appliance |
<HostID>.trc ethernet.<HostID>.trc node.trc and ntp.trc |
Primary trace logs for reviewing failovers and node reboots, ethernet status, etc. |
dds |
dds.log |
A set of counters for ongoing system processes. |
database |
postgresql-<Timestamp>.log |
The Actifio internal PostGRES database |
flasher |
flasher.log |
Creation of snapshots. |
install |
install.log |
Events during the installation process. |
omd |
omd.log |
Creation and deletion of VDisks before invoking the Flasher. |
patch |
autoupdatepatch-<Version>-update.log uds-patch.log uds-patch-<Timestamp>.log |
Events during the patch update process. |
psrv |
psrv.log.0 |
Communications with Tomcat, Actifio database, VMware, CLI, system health, scheduling GC. |
streamsnapd |
streamsnapd.log |
Disk to remote disk replication operations. |
systemlog |
command fusevdisk.error.log messages ssd-config.log |
/var/log/command – CLI command history Events relating the creation of VDisks. /var/log/messages – Can be used along with node.trc to correlate issues with the Linux kernel Events that occurred when configuring the SSD. |
tomcat |
catalina.log.<sequence> |
Communications with the Actifio Desktop and the Actifio Resource Center. The sequence number increases as you go back in time. |
udpmqd |
udpmqd.log |
Multiplexes udpengine access to snap storage. |
udppm |
udppm.log udppm.log-<Date> udppm.log-<Date>.bz2 |
Scheduling and operation of jobs. |
connector |
A variety of different logs depending upon the host, but always including UDSAgent.log. |
The Actifio Connector log includes information such as host OS version/patch revision, HBA make/model/type, firmware revision, CPU/Memory utilization, connector logs, RMAN, syslog, etc. |
openvpn |
openvpn.log openvpn.log-<date> openvpn.log-<date>.bz2 |
Actifio SecureConnect communications. |
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