
  1. procedure TkbmIndex.InternalFastQuickSort(const L,R:Integer);
  2. var
  3. I,J:integer;
  4. P:PkbmRecord;
  5. begin
  6. if ((R-L)>) then
  7. // if ((R-L)>0) then
  8. begin
  9. I:=(R+L) div ;
  10. if CompareRecords(FIndexFieldList,PkbmRecord(FReferences[L]),PkbmRecord(FReferences[I]),true,false)> then
  11. InternalSwap(L,I);
  12. if CompareRecords(FIndexFieldList,PkbmRecord(FReferences[L]),PkbmRecord(FReferences[R]),true,false)> then
  13. InternalSwap(L,R);
  14. if CompareRecords(FIndexFieldList,PkbmRecord(FReferences[I]),PkbmRecord(FReferences[R]),true,false)> then
  15. InternalSwap(I,R);
  17. J:=R-;
  18. InternalSwap(I,J);
  19. I:=L;
  20. P:=PkbmRecord(FReferences[J]);
  21. while true do
  22. begin
  23. Inc(I);
  24. Dec(J);
  25. while CompareRecords(FIndexFieldList,PkbmRecord(FReferences[I]),P,true,false) < do Inc(I);
  26. while CompareRecords(FIndexFieldList,PkbmRecord(FReferences[J]),P,true,false) > 0 do Dec(J);
  27. if (J<I) then break;
  28. InternalSwap(I,J);
  29. end;
  30. InternalSwap(I,R-);
  31. InternalFastQuickSort(L,J);
  32. InternalFastQuickSort(I+,R);
  33. end;
  34. end;

 反复跟代码,发现在  kbmMemTable.PAS中,当J减至0时,FReferences[J] 下标越界


  1. procedure TkbmIndex.InternalFastQuickSort(const L,R:Integer);
  2. var
  3. I,J:integer;
  4. P:PkbmRecord;
  5. begin
  6. if ((R-L)>) then
  7. // if ((R-L)>0) then
  8. begin
  9. I:=(R+L) div ;
  10. if CompareRecords(FIndexFieldList,PkbmRecord(FReferences[L]),PkbmRecord(FReferences[I]),true,false)> then
  11. InternalSwap(L,I);
  12. if CompareRecords(FIndexFieldList,PkbmRecord(FReferences[L]),PkbmRecord(FReferences[R]),true,false)> then
  13. InternalSwap(L,R);
  14. if CompareRecords(FIndexFieldList,PkbmRecord(FReferences[I]),PkbmRecord(FReferences[R]),true,false)> then
  15. InternalSwap(I,R);
  17. J:=R-;
  18. InternalSwap(I,J);
  19. I:=L;
  20. P:=PkbmRecord(FReferences[J]);
  21. while true do
  22. begin
  23. Inc(I);
  24. Dec(J);
  25. while CompareRecords(FIndexFieldList,PkbmRecord(FReferences[I]),P,true,false) < do Inc(I);
  26. while (FIndexFieldList.Count>J )and (CompareRecords(FIndexFieldList,PkbmRecord(FReferences[J]),P,true,false) > ) do Dec(J);
  27. if (J<I) then break;
  28. InternalSwap(I,J);
  29. end;
  30. InternalSwap(I,R-);
  31. InternalFastQuickSort(L,J);
  32. InternalFastQuickSort(I+,R);
  33. end;
  34. end;

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