(办公)mysql连接不上(java.sql.SQLException: null, message from server: "Host 'LAPTOP-O0GA2P8J' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server")(转)
- 转载自csdn文章:https://blog.csdn.net/Tangerine_bisto/article/details/80346151
1.对所有主机进行访问授权- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'myuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY'mypassword' WITH GRANT OPTION;
- 刷新
- .更改mysql库下的user表
- update user set host = '%' where user = 'root';
(办公)mysql连接不上(java.sql.SQLException: null, message from server: "Host 'LAPTOP-O0GA2P8J' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server")(转)的更多相关文章
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