如何使用C#创建Windows Webcam应用
如何创建Windows Webcam应用
1. 在package.appxmanifest中获取webcam权限:
2. 创建image element用于绘制webcam的预览界面:
3. 通过Image Element初始化FrameRenderer :
_frameRenderer = new FrameRenderer(PreviewImage);
4. 初始化MediaCapture对象:
// Create a new media capture object.
_mediaCapture = new MediaCapture();
var settings = new MediaCaptureInitializationSettings()
// Select the source we will be reading from.
SourceGroup = groupModel.SourceGroup,
// This media capture has exclusive control of the source.
SharingMode = MediaCaptureSharingMode.ExclusiveControl,
// Set to CPU to ensure frames always contain CPU SoftwareBitmap images,
// instead of preferring GPU D3DSurface images.
MemoryPreference = MediaCaptureMemoryPreference.Cpu,
// Capture only video. Audio device will not be initialized.
StreamingCaptureMode = StreamingCaptureMode.Video,
// Initialize MediaCapture with the specified group.
// This can raise an exception if the source no longer exists,
// or if the source could not be initialized.
await _mediaCapture.InitializeAsync(settings);
_logger.Log($"Successfully initialized MediaCapture for {groupModel.DisplayName}");
catch (Exception exception)
5. 使用DeviceWatcher 列出所有设备:
var deviceSelector = MediaFrameSourceGroup.GetDeviceSelector();
_watcher = DeviceInformation.CreateWatcher(deviceSelector);
_watcher.Added += Watcher_Added;
_watcher.Removed += Watcher_Removed;
_watcher.Updated += Watcher_Updated;
private async void Watcher_Added(DeviceWatcher sender, DeviceInformation args)
await AddDeviceAsync(args.Id);
private async Task AddDeviceAsync(string id)
var group = await MediaFrameSourceGroup.FromIdAsync(id);
if (group != null)
await _dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
_sourceCollection.Add(new FrameSourceGroupModel(group));
6. 针对用户的选择更新设备源:
_mediaCapture.FrameSources.TryGetValue(info.SourceInfo.Id, out _source);
7. 通过MediaFrameReader 注册回调函数:
if (_source != null)
_reader = await _mediaCapture.CreateFrameReaderAsync(_source);
_reader.FrameArrived += Reader_FrameArrived;
8. 启动webcam:
MediaFrameReaderStartStatus result = await _reader.StartAsync();
9. 读取并绘制每一帧数据:
private void Reader_FrameArrived(MediaFrameReader sender, MediaFrameArrivedEventArgs args)
// TryAcquireLatestFrame will return the latest frame that has not yet been acquired.
// This can return null if there is no such frame, or if the reader is not in the
// "Started" state. The latter can occur if a FrameArrived event was in flight
// when the reader was stopped.
using (var frame = sender.TryAcquireLatestFrame())
public void ProcessFrame(MediaFrameReference frame)
var softwareBitmap = FrameRenderer.ConvertToDisplayableImage(frame?.VideoMediaFrame);
if (softwareBitmap != null)
// Swap the processed frame to _backBuffer and trigger UI thread to render it
softwareBitmap = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _backBuffer, softwareBitmap);
// UI thread always reset _backBuffer before using it. Unused bitmap should be disposed.
// Changes to xaml ImageElement must happen in UI thread through Dispatcher
var task = _imageElement.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal,
async () =>
// Don't let two copies of this task run at the same time.
if (_taskRunning)
_taskRunning = true;
// Keep draining frames from the backbuffer until the backbuffer is empty.
SoftwareBitmap latestBitmap;
while ((latestBitmap = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _backBuffer, null)) != null)
var imageSource = (SoftwareBitmapSource)_imageElement.Source;
await imageSource.SetBitmapAsync(latestBitmap);
_taskRunning = false;
Basic photo, video, and audio capture with MediaCapture
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