1. Inherit from MonoBehaviour
继承自MonoBehaviourAll behaviour scripts must inherit from MonoBehaviour (directly or indirectly). This happens automatically in
Javascript, but must be explicitly explicitly inside C# or Boo scripts. If you create your script inside Unity through the Asset -> Create -> C Sharp/Boo Script menu, the created template will already contain the necessary definition.全部的行为脚本必须从MonoBehaviour继承(直接的或间接的).在JavaScript中这个是自己主动完毕的,可是在C#或Boo中,必须显示注明.假设你通过Asset -> Create -> C Sharp/Boo Script创建脚本,系统模版已经包括了必要的定义.
public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour {...} // C#
class NewBehaviourScript (MonoBehaviour): ... # Boo
2. Use the Awake or Start function to do initialisation.
使用Awake或Start函数初始化.What you would put outside any functions in Javascript, you put inside Awake or Start function in C# or Boo.
The difference between Awake and Start is that Awake is run when a scene is loaded and Start is called just before the first call to an Update or a FixedUpdate function. All Awake functions are called before any Start functions are called.
3. The class name must match the file name.
类名字必须匹配文件名称.In Javascript, the class name is implicitly set to the file name of the script (minus the file extension). This must be done manually in C# and Boo.
4. Coroutines have a different syntax in C#.
C#中协同程序有不同的句法规则Coroutines have to have a return type of IEnumerator and you yield using yield return ... ; instead of just yield ... ;.
Coroutines必须是IEnumerator返回类型,而且yield用yield return替代.
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour {
// C# coroutine // C# 协同程序
IEnumerator SomeCoroutine () {
// Wait for one frame // 等一帧
yield return 0;// Wait for two seconds // 等两秒
yield return new WaitForSeconds (2);
}5. Don't use namespaces.
不要使用命名空间Unity doesn't support placing your scripts inside of a namespace at the moment. This requirement will be removed in a future version.
6. Only member variables are serialized and are shown in the Inspector.
仅仅有序列化的成员变量才干显示在检视面板Private and protected member variables are shown only in Expert Mode. Properties are not serialized or shown in the inspector.
7. Avoid using the constructor.
避免使用构造函数Never initialize any values in the constructor. Instead use Awake or Start for this purpose. Unity automatically invokes the constructor even when in edit mode. This usually happens directly after compilation of a script, because the constructor needs to
be invoked in order to retrieve default values of a script. Not only will the constructor be called at unforeseen times, it might also be called for prefabs or inactive game objects.不要在构造函数中初始化不论什么变量.要用Awake或Start函数来实现.即便是在编辑模式,Unity仍会自己主动调用构造函数.这一般是在一个脚本编译之后,由于须要调用脚本的构造函数来取回脚本的默认值.我们无法估计何时调用构造函数,它也许会被预置体或未激活的游戏对象所调用.
In the case of eg. a singleton pattern using the constructor this can have severe consequences and lead to seemingly random null reference exceptions.
So if you want to implement eg. a singleton pattern do not use the the constructor, instead use Awake . Actually there is no reason why you should ever have any code in a constructor for a class that inherits from MonoBehaviour .
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