const disallowedMethods = ["log", "info", "warn", "error", "dir"];

module.exports = {
meta: {
docs: {
description: "Disallow use of console",
category: "Best Practices",
recommended: true
create(context) {
return {
Identifier(node) { const isConsoleCall = looksLike(node, {
name: "console",
parent: {
type: "MemberExpression",
property: {
name: val => disallowedMethods.includes(val)
// find the identifier with name 'console'
if (!isConsoleCall) {
message: "Using {{identifier}} is not allowed",
data: {
identifier: // console
}; function looksLike(a, b) {
return (
a &&
b &&
Object.keys(b).every(bKey => {
const bVal = b[bKey];
const aVal = a[bKey];
if (typeof bVal === "function") {
return bVal(aVal);
return isPrimitive(bVal) ? bVal === aVal : looksLike(aVal, bVal);
} function isPrimitive(val) {
return val == null || /^[sbn]/.test(typeof val);

We can use placeholder for more detail information:

"Using {{identifier}} is not allowed"

The placeholder can be found in data prop:

          data: {
identifier: // console

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