Here is the defulat tab header template:

<ng-template #defaultTabHeader let-tabs="tabsX">
<ul class="tab-panel-buttons" *ngIf="tabs">
[ngClass]="{selected: tab.selected}"
*ngFor="let tab of tabs;">{{tab.title}}
</ng-template> <ng-content
*ngTemplateOutlet="defaultTabHeader; context: tabsContext"></ng-content> <ng-content></ng-content>

we have set up that we can switch the default template when we pass in another template.

Now, what we want is able to pass in a custom template to replace the default header.

  <ng-template #headerButtons>
<button>Sign up</button>

This is the new template, we want to replace the default header.

Now we pass this to the component:

  <ng-template #headerButtons>
<button>Sign up</button>
</ng-template> <au-tab-panel [headerTemplate]="headerButtons">

Create a 'headerTemplate' Input on the component, and pass in the template ref.

export class AuTabPanelComponent implements OnInit, AfterContentInit {

headerTemplate: TemplateRef<any>;

Now we need to check whether the custom template passed in or not, if passed in then we use custom template, otherwise the default template.

<ng-template #defaultTabHeader let-tabs="tabsX">
<ul class="tab-panel-buttons" *ngIf="tabs">
[ngClass]="{selected: tab.selected}"
*ngFor="let tab of tabs;">{{tab.title}}
</ng-template> <ng-content
*ngTemplateOutlet="headerTemplate ? headerTemplate :defaultTabHeader; context: tabsContext"></ng-content>

Now we need to export the 'au-tab-panel' component's method to the custom template, to do that we can use template ref:

  <ng-template #headerButtons>
<button (click)="tabPanel.selectTab(loginTab)">Login</button>
<button (click)="tabPanel.selectTab(signUpTab)">Sign up</button>
</ng-template> <au-tab-panel #tabPanel [headerTemplate]="headerButtons"> <au-tab title="login" #loginTab>
<div class="form-field">
<div class="form-field">
</au-tab> <au-tab title="Sign up" #signUpTab>
<div class="form-field">
<div class="form-field">
<div class="form-field">
<label>Confirm Password:</label><input>

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