Vertical roller mill has many different forms, but it works basically the same. All of these forms of machine comes with roller (or

the equivalent of roller grinding parts), and roller along the track of the disc at the level of circular movement imposed by

external grinding roller in the vertical pressure on the disc on the material being the joint action of compression and shear, and

to crush.


Material grinding process motor through reducer rotating drive disc, the material falls from the mill under the central entrance

and exit, under the action of centrifugal force to the disc edge by the roller to move and the crushing, grinding out lap after the

material was speed up the flow to and vertical mill with one of the separator, after the meal by the separator back to the mill,

the re-grinding; powder while grinding out with air, dust collection equipment in the system to collect down, that is, products .

Established through the mill in the pneumatic conveying of materials, a larger air flow rate, which can use waste heat of gas, at

the same time dry grinding operations.

Vertical Roller Mill Principle

Used in cement grinding production grinding parts of its various forms, there is a cylinder, cone type, ball type, etc., and roller

surface is also flat, curved, convex round noodles. Applied to the grinding roller to roller grinding along the track bed in close

contact with the material strength of a spring pressure, hydraulic, etc..

How Vertical Roller Mill Works

It has two pairs of grinding rollers, each pair of roller composed of two narrow rollers, mounted on the same axis and can rotate

at different speeds. There are two circular disc slot, and roller to the tire shape, work pressure in the tank. Disc roller and the

relative sliding velocity between small and roller can swing, even if the roller sleeve and the disc after the liner wear can

guarantee a good abrasive, will not affect the grinding effect. Roller symmetrical structure, one side can be upside down after use

and wear. Material grinding process: hydraulic pneumatic roller device through the pressure applied to the material on the crushing

of materials, the materials have been moved to crush the edge of disc, from the disc around the nozzle from the exhaust air to

improve these materials to Separator.Meal to separate returns after a concentrated mill, fine powder was collected in the

precipitator unloading. In the gas flow is small, the meal can not be increased to enhance air flow, they would fall through the

nozzle discharged outside the mill, bucket elevator to be transported to the feeder of vertical roller mill, and was re-grinding

mill feed people. This cycle features of the way there:

ring by adjusting the air valve, can change the product fineness can Shide mill bed load material uniformity and stability,

improving the grinding efficiency;
coarse particles in the external circulation, helps reduce Fan power consumption and overall system power.

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