鼠标悬浮tip 显示

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html> <head>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-3.2.0.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/tip.js"></script>
</head> <body>
<div class="test">
<span data-tip-msg="我是测试数据我是测试数据我是测试数据我是测试数据我是测试数据我是测试数据我是测试数据我是测试数据我是测试数据我是测试数据我是测试数据我是测试数据我是测试数据我是测试数据我是aadqwew测试数据">我是测试数据</span>
<style type="text/css">
* {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
} .test {
text-align: center;
margin: 200px auto;
} .test span {
display: inline-block;
border: 1px solid red;
} </style> <script>
$(function() {
$('.test span').tips();
</script> </html>
(function($) {
var defaults = {
dire: 9,
w: 250,
_x: 0,
_y: 0,
borderColor: 'yellow',
bgColor: 'blue',
color: 'red',
padding: [5, 10],
arrWidth: 10,
useHover: true,
zIndex: 100000
$.fn.tips = function(opt) {
var tip, opts = $.extend({}, defaults, opt);
if(this[0]) {
opts.tag = this;
if(opts.useHover) {
opts.tag.hover(function() {
tip = new Tip(opts);
}, function() {
} else {
tip = new Tip(opts);
return this;
}; function Tip(opts) {
this.dire = opts.dire;
this.width = opts.w;
this.zIndex = opts.zIndex;
this.borderColor = opts.borderColor;
this.bgColor = opts.bgColor;
this.color = opts.color;
this.padding = opts.padding;
this.arrWidth = opts.arrWidth;
this.offsetX = opts._x;
this.offsetY = opts._y;
this.tag = opts.tag; //this
this.msg = opts.msg;
this.wrap = $('<div class="tip-wrap"></div>');
this.innerArr = $('<div class="tip-arr-a"></div>');
this.outerArr = $('<div class="tip-arr-b"></div>');
Tip.prototype = {
init: function() {
var msg = this.tag.data('tipMsg'); //使用data防止内存泄漏
if(!this.msg) {
this.msg = msg;
createTemp: function() {
var t = this;
createWrap: function() {
var t = this;
var wrapCSS = {
position: "absolute",
display: "none",
width: t.width,
border: '1px solid ' + t.borderColor,
'border-radius': '5px',
background: t.bgColor,
color: t.color,
padding: t.getPadding()
}; var tiparra_or_b = {
position: "absolute",
width: "0px",
height: "0px",
lineHeight: "0px",
borderStyle: "dashed",
borderColor: "transparent",
t.outerArr.css(tiparra_or_b).css(t.getArrStyle(t.dire, t.arrWidth, t.borderColor));
t.innerArr.css(tiparra_or_b).css(t.getArrStyle(t.dire, t.arrWidth, t.bgColor));
setPosition: function() {
var t = this;
var posObj = t.getPos(t.dire, t.getPosition(t.tag), t.getPosition(t.wrap), t.arrWidth),
pos = posObj.pos,
innerPos = posObj.innerPos,
outerPos = posObj.outerPos;
t.wrap.css({ top: pos.y, left: pos.x });
t.innerArr.css({ top: innerPos.y, left: innerPos.x });
t.outerArr.css({ top: outerPos.y, left: outerPos.x });
getPadding: function() {
var t = this,
pad = '0px',
padArr = t.padding,
len = padArr.length;
switch(len) {
case 1:
pad = padArr[0] + 'px';
case 2:
pad = padArr[0] + 'px ' + padArr[1] + 'px';
case 3:
pad = padArr[0] + 'px ' + padArr[1] + 'px ' + padArr[2] + 'px';
case 4:
pad = padArr[0] + 'px ' + padArr[1] + 'px ' + padArr[2] + 'px ' + padArr[3] + 'px';
return pad;
getPosition: function(tag) {
return { t: tag.offset().top, l: tag.offset().left, h: tag.outerHeight(), w: tag.outerWidth() };
getArrStyle: function(dir, width, color) {
var style;
switch(dir) {
case 11:
case 12:
case 1:
style = {
'border-bottom-style': 'solid',
'border-width': '0px ' + width + 'px ' + width + 'px',
'border-bottom-color': color
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
style = {
'border-left-style': 'solid',
'border-width': width + 'px 0px ' + width + 'px ' + width + 'px',
'border-left-color': color
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
style = {
'border-top-style': 'solid',
'border-width': width + 'px ' + width + 'px 0px',
'border-top-color': color
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
style = {
'border-right-style': 'solid',
'border-width': width + 'px ' + width + 'px ' + width + 'px 0px',
'border-right-color': color
return style || {};
getPos: function(d, tagPos, pos, arrWidth) {
var _pos, _innerPos, _outerPos, l = tagPos.l,
t = tagPos.t,
w = tagPos.w,
h = tagPos.h,
ww = pos.w,
hh = pos.h;
switch(d) {
case 0:
case 1:
_pos = { x: l + w / 2 + arrWidth + 20 + 1 - ww, y: t + h + arrWidth };
_outerPos = { x: ww - 2 - 20 - arrWidth * 2, y: -arrWidth };
_innerPos = { x: ww - 2 - 20 - arrWidth * 2, y: -arrWidth + 1 };
case 2:
_pos = { x: l - ww - arrWidth, y: t + h / 2 - arrWidth - 20 - 1 };
_outerPos = { x: ww - 2, y: 20 };
_innerPos = { x: ww - 2 - 1, y: 20 };
case 3:
_pos = { x: l - ww - arrWidth, y: t + h / 2 - hh / 2 };
_outerPos = { x: ww - 2, y: (hh - 2) / 2 - arrWidth };
_innerPos = { x: ww - 2 - 1, y: (hh - 2) / 2 - arrWidth };
case 4:
_pos = { x: l - ww - arrWidth, y: t + h / 2 + arrWidth + 20 + 1 - hh };
_outerPos = { x: ww - 2, y: hh - 2 - 20 - arrWidth * 2 };
_innerPos = { x: ww - 2 - 1, y: hh - 2 - 20 - arrWidth * 2 };
case 5:
_pos = { x: l + w / 2 + arrWidth + 20 + 1 - ww, y: t - arrWidth - hh };
_outerPos = { x: ww - 2 - 20 - arrWidth * 2, y: hh - 2 };
_innerPos = { x: ww - 2 - 20 - arrWidth * 2, y: hh - 2 - 1 };
case 6:
_pos = { x: l + w / 2 - ww / 2, y: t - arrWidth - hh };
_outerPos = { x: (ww - 2) / 2 - arrWidth, y: hh - 2 };
_innerPos = { x: (ww - 2) / 2 - arrWidth, y: hh - 2 - 1 };
case 7:
_pos = { x: l + w / 2 - 20 - arrWidth, y: t - arrWidth - hh };
_outerPos = { x: 20, y: hh - 2 };
_innerPos = { x: 20, y: hh - 2 - 1 };
case 8:
_pos = { x: l + w + arrWidth, y: t + h / 2 + arrWidth + 20 + 1 - hh };
_outerPos = { x: -arrWidth, y: hh - 2 - 20 - arrWidth * 2 };
_innerPos = { x: -arrWidth + 1, y: hh - 2 - 20 - arrWidth * 2 };
case 9:
_pos = { x: l + w + arrWidth, y: t + h / 2 - hh / 2 };
_outerPos = { x: -arrWidth, y: (hh - 2) / 2 - arrWidth };
_innerPos = { x: -arrWidth + 1, y: (hh - 2) / 2 - arrWidth };
case 10:
_pos = { x: l + w + arrWidth, y: t + h / 2 - arrWidth - 20 - 1 };
_outerPos = { x: -arrWidth, y: 20 };
_innerPos = { x: -arrWidth + 1, y: 20 };
case 11:
_pos = { x: l + w / 2 - 20 - arrWidth, y: t + h + arrWidth };
_outerPos = { x: 20, y: -arrWidth };
_innerPos = { x: 20, y: -arrWidth + 1 };
case 12:
_pos = { x: l + w / 2 - ww / 2, y: t + h + arrWidth };
_outerPos = { x: (ww - 2) / 2 - arrWidth, y: -arrWidth };
_innerPos = { x: (ww - 2) / 2 - arrWidth, y: -arrWidth + 1 };
_pos = { x: 0, y: 0 };
return {
pos: _pos,
innerPos: _innerPos,
outerPos: _outerPos
show: function() {
close: function() {

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