基于版本:Guava 22.0

Wiki:Immutable collections

0. ImmutableCollection简介


1. 类图


2. 设计思路




* Guaranteed to throw an exception and leave the collection unmodified.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException always
* @deprecated Unsupported operation.
public final boolean add(E e) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
} /**
* Guaranteed to throw an exception and leave the collection unmodified.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException always
* @deprecated Unsupported operation.
public final boolean remove(Object object) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


a. ImmutableCollection的子类都实现了of与copyOf方法,通过这两个方法可以直接获取ImmutableCollection的实例。

b. ImmutableCollection.Builder提供了更加方便的构造器,ImmutableCollection的子类通过实现ImmutableCollection.Builder的关键方法,可以创建ImmutableCollection的实例。

3. ImmutableList


  public static <E> ImmutableList<E> copyOf(Collection<? extends E> elements) {
if (elements instanceof ImmutableCollection) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // all supported methods are covariant
ImmutableList<E> list = ((ImmutableCollection<E>) elements).asList();
return list.isPartialView() ? ImmutableList.<E>asImmutableList(list.toArray()) : list;
return construct(elements.toArray());



* Returns an immutable list of the elements between the specified {@code
* fromIndex}, inclusive, and {@code toIndex}, exclusive. (If {@code
* fromIndex} and {@code toIndex} are equal, the empty immutable list is
* returned.)
public ImmutableList<E> subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
checkPositionIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size());
int length = toIndex - fromIndex;
if (length == size()) {//直接返回整个引用
return this;
} else if (length == 0) {
return of();//返回EMPTY
} else {
return subListUnchecked(fromIndex, toIndex);//创建subList
} /**
* Called by the default implementation of {@link #subList} when {@code
* toIndex - fromIndex > 1}, after index validation has already been
* performed.
ImmutableList<E> subListUnchecked(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
return new SubList(fromIndex, toIndex - fromIndex);//限定subList的范围
} class SubList extends ImmutableList<E> {
final transient int offset;
final transient int length; SubList(int offset, int length) {
this.offset = offset;
this.length = length;
} @Override
public int size() {
return length;
} @Override
public E get(int index) {//转换下标,从原list的对应位置取值
checkElementIndex(index, length);
return ImmutableList.this.get(index + offset);
} @Override
public ImmutableList<E> subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
checkPositionIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, length);
return ImmutableList.this.subList(fromIndex + offset, toIndex + offset);
} @Override
boolean isPartialView() {//标注这是一个不完整的集合
return true;



4. 与Collections.unmodifiableXXX的区别

  • unwieldy and verbose; unpleasant to use everywhere you want to make defensive copies

  • unsafe: the returned collections are only truly immutable if nobody holds a reference to the original collection

  • inefficient: the data structures still have all the overhead of mutable collections, including concurrent modification checks, extra space in hash tables, etc.


  • 笨重而且累赘:不能舒适地用在所有想做防御性拷贝的场景;

  • 不安全:要保证没人通过原集合的引用进行修改,返回的集合才是事实上不可变的;

  • 低效:包装过的集合仍然保有可变集合的开销,比如并发修改的检查、散列表的额外空间,等等。


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