1003. Check If Word Is Valid After Substitutions
We are given that the string
is valid.From any valid string
, we may splitV
into two piecesX
such thatX + Y
concatenated withY
) is equal toV
. (X
may be empty.) Then,X + "abc" + Y
is also valid.If for example
S = "abc"
, then examples of valid strings are:"abc", "aabcbc", "abcabc", "abcabcababcc"
. Examples of invalid strings are:"abccba"
if and only if the given stringS
is valid.
Example 1:
Input: "aabcbc"
Output: true
We start with the valid string "abc".
Then we can insert another "abc" between "a" and "bc", resulting in "a" + "abc" + "bc" which is "aabcbc".Example 2:
Input: "abcabcababcc"
Output: true
"abcabcabc" is valid after consecutive insertings of "abc".
Then we can insert "abc" before the last letter, resulting in "abcabcab" + "abc" + "c" which is "abcabcababcc".Example 3:
Input: "abccba"
Output: falseExample 4:
Input: "cababc"
Output: false
1 <= S.length <= 20000
, or'c.
Approach #1: Stack. [Java]
class Solution {
public boolean isValid(String S) {
Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<>();
for (int i = 0; i < S.length(); ++i) {
if (S.charAt(i) == 'c') {
if (stack.empty() || stack.pop() != 'b') return false;
if (stack.empty() || stack.pop() != 'a') return false;
} else stack.push(S.charAt(i));
return stack.empty();
Keep a stack, whenever meet character of 'c', pop 'b' and 'a' at the end of the stack. Otherwise, return false;
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