在res/drawable文件夹新增一个文件,此文件设置了图片的触发状态,你可以设置 state_pressed,state_checked,state_pressed,state_selected,state_focused,state_enabled 等几个状态:


Boolean. "true" if this item should be used when the object is pressed (such as when a button is touched/clicked); "false" if this item should be used in the default, non-pressed state.



Boolean. "true" if this item should be used when the object is focused (such as when a button is highlighted using the trackball/d-pad); "false" if this item should be used in the default, non-focused state.



Boolean. "true" if this item should be used when the object is selected (such as when a tab is opened); "false" if this item should be used when the object is not selected.



Boolean. "true" if this item should be used when the object is checkable; "false" if this item should be used when the object is not checkable. (Only useful if the object can transition between a checkable and non-checkable widget.)



Boolean. "true" if this item should be used when the object is checked; "false" if it should be used when the object is un-checked.



Boolean. "true" if this item should be used when the object is enabled (capable of receiving touch/click events); "false" if it should be used when the object is disabled.



Boolean. "true" if this item should be used when the application window has focus (the application is in the foreground), "false" if this item should be used when the application window does not have focus (for example, if the notification shade is pulled down or a dialog appears).


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
    <item android:state_pressed="true"
          android:drawable="@drawable/button_pressed"/><!-- pressed -->
    <item android:state_focused="true"
          android:drawable="@drawable/button_focused"/><!-- focused -->
    <itemandroid:drawable="@drawable/button_normal"/><!-- default -->


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