Using Confluent’s JDBC Connector without installing the entire platform
I was interested in trying out Confluent’s JDBC connector without installing their entire platform (I’d like to stick to vanilla Kafka as much as possible). Here are the steps I followed to get it working with SQL Server.
Download Kafka 0.9, untar the archive, and create a directory named connect_libs in the kafka root (kafka_2.10-
Download the Confluent platform and extract the following jars (you should also be able to pull these from Confluent’s Maven repo, though I was unsuccessful):
- common-config-2.0.1.jar
- common-metrics-2.0.1.jar
- common-utils-2.0.1.jar
- kafka-connect-jdbc-2.0.1.jar
*Place these jars along with the SQL Server driver in kafka_2.10-
. Update bootstrap.servers
in kafka_2.10-
with the broker list and create kafka_2.10-
with the settings to try out:
tasks.max=1 connection.url=jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=FeedDB;user=user;password=password
table.whitelist=tblFeedIP,tblFeedURL mode=timestamp+incrementing topic.prefix=stg-
Create the topics stg-tblFeedIP
and stg-tblFeedURL
on the cluster.
Add the connect_libs directory to the classpath:export CLASSPATH="connect_libs/*"
And finally, run the connector in standalone mode with (make sure you are in the root kafka directory): bin/ config/ config/
Then, tail your topics to verify that messages are being produced by the connector.
* If you don’t care about cluttering up the default libs directory (kafka_2.10-
), you can also just dump the jars there and not have to worry about setting the classpath.
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