hihoCoder #1432 : JiLi Number(吉利数)


Description - 题目描述

Driver Ji likes the digit "1". He has an accumulator which shows the sum of input number. He lists all of positive number no more than N and starts counting from one, two, three...Every time he counts a number he will add the number of digit "1" in this number to accumulator at the same time. The amazing thing happens! At some times, when he finishes counting a number X, the number which on the accumulator is X exactly, he will regard X as "JiLi Number" which means lucky number. Now he wants to know the number of "JiLi Numbers" and the biggest "JiLi Number" no more than N.



Input - 输入

There are several test cases and the each test case is a line contains an positive integer N.(1<N≤10100)



Output - 输出

For each test case, output two integers which donates the number of "JiLi Numbers" and the biggest "JiLi Number".



Sample Input - 样例输入


Sample Output - 样例输出

1 1
83 1111111110



代码 C++

#include <algorithm>
#define ll long long
#define mx 84
ll opt[mx] = {
int main(){
char rd[];
int i;
ll tmp;
while (gets(rd)){
tmp = ;
for (i = ; i < && rd[i]; ++i) tmp = tmp * + rd[i] - '';
i = std::upper_bound(opt, opt + mx, tmp) - opt;
printf("%d %lld\n", i, opt[i - ]);
return ;

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