public interface DocumentList { public Document nextDocument() throws RepositoryException; public String checkpoint() throws RepositoryException;
上文中分析的DiffingConnectorDocumentList类即实现了DocumentList接口,从List<CheckpointAndChange> guaranteedChanges集合的迭代器中迭代获取CheckpointAndChange对象然后包装为Document类型对象
public interface Document { public Property findProperty(String name) throws RepositoryException; public Set<String> getPropertyNames() throws RepositoryException;
public interface Property { public Value nextValue() throws RepositoryException;
* A simple {@link Document} implementation created from a {@link JSONObject}.
public class JsonDocument implements Document { private final Map<String, List<Value>> properties; /**
* Constructor used by {@link DBHandle} when deserializing a
* {@code DocumentHandle} from the recovery file.
public JsonDocument(JSONObject jsonObject) {
this(buildJsonProperties(jsonObject), jsonObject);
} /**
* Constructor used by the {@link DocumentBuilder} for creating a
* {@link JsonDocument} object used by {@link RepositoryHandler}
* for building a collection over JsonDocument.
public JsonDocument(Map<String, List<Value>> properties,
JSONObject jsonObject) { = properties;
this.jsonObject = jsonObject;
objectId = getSingleValueString(SpiConstants.PROPNAME_DOCID);
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(objectId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unable to parse for docID from the properties:" + properties);
} @Override
public Set<String> getPropertyNames() {
return properties.keySet();
} @Override
public Property findProperty(String name) throws RepositoryException {
List<Value> property = properties.get(name);
if (name.equals(SpiConstants.PROPNAME_CONTENT) && filterMimeType()) {
property = null;
return (property == null) ? null : new SimpleProperty(property);
} }
JsonDocument类还有什么好说的呢,内部实际是对Map<String, List<Value>> properties的封装
* Simple implementation of the {@link Property} interface.
* Implementors may use this directly or for reference.
* @since 1.0
public class SimpleProperty implements Property { final Iterator<Value> iterator; /**
* Constructs a property with a single value.
* @param value the property's {@link Value}
* @since 2.4
public SimpleProperty(Value value) {
} /**
* Constructs a property with multiple values.
* @param values a {@code List} of the property's {@link Value Values}
public SimpleProperty(List<Value> values) {
this.iterator = values.iterator();
} @Override
public Value nextValue() {
return (iterator.hasNext()) ? : null;
成员属性final Iterator<Value> iterator保存值的迭代器,功能与HashMap的entry链表类似
转载请注明出处 博客园 刺猬的温驯
本人邮箱: chenying998179@163#com (#改为.)
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