The Dojo web site offers 3 primary documentation sections to get started, all created via extensive community contributions and efforts.
本组教程是以分主题的形式为开发人员免费提供的学习教程。这也是我们推荐的学习顺序。教程是主题分组的。这些教程都是又SitePen团队常见的。在我如何开始学习DOJO?问题上,你可以从Hello DOJO 教程开始。或者你有dojo的使用经验,但对1.10版本来说是知之甚少,那么你可以从现代DOJO教程开始。当然,这都是在你看完本教程之后。
参考指南是通过参考API组织起来的文档集合。你可通过improve the reference guide through GitHub获取参考指南。
这是一个包含了全部DOJO API的树。该文档100%是由代码注释和源代码生成而来,生成时使用了开源工具js-doc-parse。生不成的树可以有API viewer工具查看,该工具可以展开树,查看详细信息。你也可以把这两个工具用在你自己的代码上。
Some cross-referencing exists between these documentation sections, with further refinements planned for the future. For each of the documentation sections, they are versioned by release. The tutorials and reference guide cover 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, and 1.10, while the API viewer goes back to version 1.3. See the end of this document for a list of known documentation system issues, and for information on getting involved to improve our documentation efforts。
SitePen offers an excellent series of Dojo workshops, as well as Dojo and JavaScript support.
Looking at the major features and additions for each release of Dojo may help inform your decision. Be sure to check out the release notes for each major release to provide guidance when upgrading between versions. While we do our very best to make upgrades forwards-compatible, fixing of bugs and the introduction of new features may require some effort when you migrate your code base to a new version of Dojo:
- 1.10: release notes, announcement
- 1.9: release notes, announcement
- 1.8: release notes, announcement
- 1.7: release notes, announcement
- 1.6: release notes, announcement
- 1.5: release notes, announcement
- 1.4: release notes, announcement
即使Web服务在你开发的机器上运行,也要从web服务器上运行你的代码,而不是基于文件系统。浏览器从本地文件系统处理HTTP请求比从Web服务上处理要求更为严格,及时是运行在同一台机器上。基于这个原因,你必须在一个HTTP Web服务(Apache, nginx, Tomcat, IIS, Jetty, etc.)上运行你的Dojo代码。
CDN and protocol-less URLs
你可以从CDN上加载DOJO,这样你可以快速的使用dojo,这种方式就不需要你在请求自己的dojo了。你肯定在很多教程看到这段代码。<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/dojo/1.10/dojo/dojo.js" data-dojo-config="async:true"></script>
有人遇到同样错误的概率是很高的。SitePen团队基于他们的培训,做了一个很好的博客,上面展示了一些常见的错误,并如何解决这些错误。common Dojo bugs and error messages。
Known documentation issues
We have substantially improved our documentation efforts through significant community contributions. That said, we have a few known issues (as well as hundreds of content fixes to make at any given time). Known issues include:
- pre-AMD vs. AMD syntax. With Dojo 1.7, we moved to the AMD format for requiring and defining source code modules. Some documentation provided for 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, and 1.10 may still use the old syntax. While this syntax is still supported, the documentation is simply out of date in some areas, and we can use more help.
- 1.7 API viewer. The 1.7 version of the API viewer is missing significant sections of content. This has been resolved for 1.8, 1.9, and 1.10, which has a very similar set of APIs to 1.7. If the API viewer page in question is blank or missing details, please check the 1.8, 1.9, or 1.10 version of the same page.
- No tutorials and reference guide prior to 1.6, no API viewer prior to 1.3. This is simply because we started these efforts with those versions, so older versions do not exist.
- Tablet and mobile viewing of docs. Our API viewer and examples are primarily targeted towards desktop browser viewing. Please report issues to us, or get involved and help fix them.
- Internet Explorer demos in reference guide. We have resolved many issues with how Internet Explorer loads our demos within the reference guide. For any remaining issues you find, please report them, as explained below.
Report issues
- For documentation errors, please report issues at the link at the bottom of each page. We have fixed a few thousand documentation issues since adding this feature in early 2012. Sometimes the fix is quick, sometimes it takes us months, but we read them all and appreciate constructive feedback on where to improve our documentation.
- For documentation clarification or subsequent questions, please register for the dojo-interest mailing list and start asking questions there, or feel free to drop in to our IRC channel #dojo on freenode.
- For bugs or enhancement requests, please create a Dojo Foundation account and then file a bug report.
Dojo is driven completely by the generous efforts and contributions of our community. To get involved beyond basic feedback, we ask that you create a Dojo Foundation account and then sign our online contributor license agreement. Be sure to link your bug tracker account with your CLA to simplify our verification process. Once you have your CLA on file, here's how to help:
- API Viewer. Contribute via GitHub at the js-doc-parse and API viewer projects.
- Reference Guide. Contribute via GitHub at the Dojo docs project.
- Writing new tutorials. Express your interest via the dojo-interest mailing list, contact Dylan Schiemann directly, or drop us a line using our contact form.
- Updating tests from DOH to Intern. See Dojo Automated Testing Improvements: Updating to Intern for more information.
- Contributing patches and bug fixes: file a bug and include a patch. For some packages like dgrid, you should do this directly through the GitHub project for the specific package. Dojo 1.x is mirrored via GitHub, and will be our primary home for Dojo 2.0.
- Visit the Dojo Foundation site to learn more about getting involved with Dojo.
You should get started with the Hello Dojo tutorial, or if you're experienced with Dojo, but new to 1.10, you might start with the Modern Dojo tutorial.
- Hello Dojo!(翻译)
http://dojotoolkit.org/documentation/tutorials/1.10/hello_dojo/index.html 欢迎学习DOJO!在本教程中,你将学些到如何加载DO ...
- Events with Dojo(翻译)
In this tutorial, we will be exploring dojo/on and how Dojo makes it easy to connect to DOM events. ...
- Using dojo/query(翻译)
In this tutorial, we will learn about DOM querying and how the dojo/query module allows you to easil ...
- Dojo特效(翻译)
http://dojotoolkit.org/documentation/tutorials/1.10/effects/index.html In this tutorial, we will exp ...
- 现代DOJO(翻译)
http://dojotoolkit.org/documentation/tutorials/1.10/modern_dojo/index.html 你可能已经不用doio一段时间了,或者你一直想保持 ...
- 使用dojoConfig配置dojo(翻译)
http://dojotoolkit.org/documentation/tutorials/1.10/dojo_config/index.html dojoConfig对象(原来是djConfig对 ...
- DOJO官方API翻译或解读-dojo/_base/lang --hitch()
hitch() hitch() 是一个函数,会在给定的上下中执行给定一个执行函数.hitch允许你去控制一个函数如何执行,往往在异步操作中起作用. 我们常常会写出这样的代码:(博主:这个代码意图在&q ...
- DOJO官方API翻译或解读-dojo/store (自定制存储器)
dojo/store 是对已存数据的访问和存储的统一接口,dojo/store意图以一个简单.易于使用和扩展的API来,替代.集合和改善 dojo/data 和dojox/storage .基于HTM ...
- dogo 官方翻译 Ajax with dojo/request
require(["dojo/request"], function(request){ request("helloworld.txt").then( fun ...
- ZOJ 3911 线段树
题意:有N个数字,M个操作,然后回答每个Q开头的询问 操作形式: A val pos:在pos位置上+val Q l r:询问l~r之间有多少个质数 R val l r:把l~r之间的数字替换成val ...
- adb获取不了设备List of devices attached
方法/步骤: 首先找到手机的安装完之后的“设备的硬件id”,第一步右击我的电脑,然后找到设备管理器打开. 在设备管理器中,找到ADB driver然后点开. 然后在详细信息中,点开硬件ID,查看到我的 ...
- Pyhon环境搭建-window
1.安装python3.4.3版本 地址:(64位)https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.4.3/python-3.4.3.amd64.msi (32位)http:/ ...
- #import和@class的使用
#import #import 大部分功能和#include是一样的,但是他处理了重复引用的问题,不用再去自己进行重复引用处理. @class 用于声明一个类,告诉编 ...
- winform客户端利用webClient实现与Web服务端的数据传输
由于项目需要,最近研究了下WebClient的数据传输.关于WebClient介绍网上有很多详细介绍,大概就是利用WebClient可以实现对Internet资源的访问.无外乎客户端发送请求,服务端处 ...
- Ansible-Tower快速入门-6.查看tower的仪表板【翻译】
查看tower的仪表板 到这一步,我们已经可以在屏幕上看到tower的仪表板了,我们可以看到你目前"主机""资产清单"和"项目"的汇总信息, ...
- Scrollview嵌套Listview运行后最先显示出来的位置不在顶部而是中间问题
问题: Scrollview里面嵌套了一个Listview ,通过设置一个方法设置了Listview的高度,现在的情况就是进到这个界面的时候看到的不是最上面 而是中间 解决办法: 设置ListView ...
- nginx 基本操作
nginx 是什么 nginx 是轻量.高性能的网页服务器,相较 Apache 占有内存小. 下载 https://nginx.org/en/download.html 默认根目录 安装目录下的 ht ...
- mysqlbinlog 参数及用法说明
mysqlbinlog用法说明 服务器生成的二进制日志文件写成二进制格式.要想检查这些文本格式的文件,应使用mysqlbinlog实用工具.应这样调用mysqlbinlog:shell> mys ...
- python unicode 和 str 类型的关系
python (2.X)在进行 运行时候字符串运算的时候, 分为两种类型 str, unicode 前者是 二进制的形式进行对字符串的保存, 后者是 以unicode的方式进行保存, 一般的工作方式为 ...