







public class Twitter
Stack<Integer> tweets = new Stack<>();
Map<Integer,Integer> tweetsMap = new HashMap<Integer,Integer>();
List<Set<Integer>> users = new ArrayList<Set<Integer>>(); /** Initialize your data structure here. */
public Twitter()
for(int i = 0; i < 1000;i++)
Set<Integer> tempSet = new HashSet<Integer>(1000);
users.add(new HashSet<Integer>(tempSet));
} /** Compose a new tweet. */
public void postTweet(int userId, int tweetId)
{ tweets.push(tweetId);
} /** Retrieve the 10 most recent tweet ids in the user's news feed. Each item in the news feed must be posted by users who the user followed or by the user herself. Tweets must be ordered from most recent to least recent. */
public List<Integer> getNewsFeed(int userId)
List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<>();
Stack<Integer> tempStk = new Stack<Integer>(); while(res.size() < 10)
if(tweets.size()==0) break;
int temptweetID = tweets.pop();
if(users.get(userId).contains(tweetsMap.get(temptweetID))) res.add(temptweetID); } while(!tempStk.isEmpty())
return res;
} /** Follower follows a followee. If the operation is invalid, it should be a no-op. */
public void follow(int followerId, int followeeId)
{ users.get(followerId).add(followeeId); } /** Follower unfollows a followee. If the operation is invalid, it should be a no-op. */
public void unfollow(int followerId, int followeeId)
{ if(followerId != followeeId)
users.get(followerId).remove(followeeId); }



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