更新 : 2017-03-01


这个插件可以让 html 整理起来比较好看.

调东西 :

左上角 File -> Preferences -> Workspace Settings ( User Settings 也可以, 它是 for 所有的 project, Workspace 是针对目前这个 project )

1. hide .js, .map when use .ts

and node_mudules, debug.log

     "files.exclude": {
"**/.git": true,
"**/.svn": true,
"**/.hg": true,
"**/.DS_Store": true,
// add on
"**/node_modules/": true,
"**/npm-debug.log*/": true,
"**/*.js.map": true,
"**/*.js": {"when": "$(basename).ts"}

2.Zoom with mouse Wheel

 "editor.mouseWheelZoom": true   

2.1 scroll bar 旁边的小图

"editor.minimap.enabled": true



File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts. (Code > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts on Mac)

// Place your key bindings in this file to overwrite the defaults
"key": "ctrl+l",
"command": "editor.action.deleteLines",
"when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"
"key": "ctrl+k ctrl+f",
"command": "editor.action.format",
"when": "editorHasFormattingProvider && editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"
"key": "ctrl+w", //本来是 ctrl+d, 而本来的 ctrl+w 是close window (看左边参考)
"command": "editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch",
"when": "editorFocus"
] // Fold (Ctrl+Shift+[) folds the innermost uncollapsed region at the cursor
// Unfold (Ctrl+Shift+]) unfolds the collapsed region at the cursor
// Fold All (Ctrl+K Ctrl+0) folds all region in the editor
// Unfold All (Ctrl+K Ctrl+J) unfolds all regions in the editor

4. 常用 hotkeys (vscode and vs2015)

ctrl enter / ctrl shift enter 插入空行
ctrl w               select current full text 
ctrl k f                            整理代码
ctrl l             delete row 
ctrl .             c# auto quick namespace
ctrl space          智能提示
ctrl shift m          打开 error list
ctrl up donw        scrool
ctrl shift s         save all document
ctrl h            replace string
shift f12         找指针
vs code only
ctrl shift { = vs2015 里面的 ctrl + m + m 把{...}收起来
vs2015 only
ctrl k d = 整面整理代码
5.TypeScript version 
refer : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39668731/what-typescript-version-is-visual-studio-code-using-how-to-update-it
要知道当前使用的 version 可以打开一个 .ts file 看右下角
6. 开发 angular2 常用插件 : 

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