1 using System.Threading;
using UnityEngine;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections; public class TextureUtility
public class ThreadData
public int start;
public int end;
public ThreadData (int s, int e) {
start = s;
end = e;
} private static Color[] texColors;
private static Color[] newColors;
private static int w;
private static float ratioX;
private static float ratioY;
private static int w2;
private static int finishCount;
private static Mutex mutex; public static void ScalePoint (Texture2D tex, int newWidth, int newHeight)
ThreadedScale (tex, newWidth, newHeight, false);
} public static void ScaleBilinear (Texture2D tex, int newWidth, int newHeight)
ThreadedScale (tex, newWidth, newHeight, true);
} private static void ThreadedScale (Texture2D tex, int newWidth, int newHeight, bool useBilinear)
texColors = tex.GetPixels();
newColors = new Color[newWidth * newHeight];
if (useBilinear)
ratioX = 1.0f / ((float)newWidth / (tex.width-));
ratioY = 1.0f / ((float)newHeight / (tex.height-));
else {
ratioX = ((float)tex.width) / newWidth;
ratioY = ((float)tex.height) / newHeight;
w = tex.width;
w2 = newWidth;
var cores = Mathf.Min(SystemInfo.processorCount, newHeight);
var slice = newHeight/cores; finishCount = ;
if (mutex == null) {
mutex = new Mutex(false);
if (cores > )
int i = ;
ThreadData threadData;
for (i = ; i < cores-; i++) {
threadData = new ThreadData(slice * i, slice * (i + ));
ParameterizedThreadStart ts = useBilinear ? new ParameterizedThreadStart(BilinearScale) : new ParameterizedThreadStart(PointScale);
Thread thread = new Thread(ts);
threadData = new ThreadData(slice*i, newHeight);
if (useBilinear)
while (finishCount < cores)
ThreadData threadData = new ThreadData(, newHeight);
if (useBilinear)
} tex.Resize(newWidth, newHeight);
} public static void BilinearScale (System.Object obj)
ThreadData threadData = (ThreadData) obj;
for (var y = threadData.start; y < threadData.end; y++)
int yFloor = (int)Mathf.Floor(y * ratioY);
var y1 = yFloor * w;
var y2 = (yFloor+) * w;
var yw = y * w2; for (var x = ; x < w2; x++) {
int xFloor = (int)Mathf.Floor(x * ratioX);
var xLerp = x * ratioX-xFloor;
newColors[yw + x] = ColorLerpUnclamped(ColorLerpUnclamped(texColors[y1 + xFloor], texColors[y1 + xFloor+], xLerp),
ColorLerpUnclamped(texColors[y2 + xFloor], texColors[y2 + xFloor+], xLerp),
} mutex.WaitOne();
} public static void PointScale (System.Object obj)
ThreadData threadData = (ThreadData) obj;
for (var y = threadData.start; y < threadData.end; y++)
var thisY = (int)(ratioY * y) * w;
var yw = y * w2;
for (var x = ; x < w2; x++) {
newColors[yw + x] = texColors[(int)(thisY + ratioX*x)];
} mutex.WaitOne();
} private static Color ColorLerpUnclamped (Color c1, Color c2, float value)
return new Color (c1.r + (c2.r - c1.r)*value,
c1.g + (c2.g - c1.g)*value,
c1.b + (c2.b - c1.b)*value,
c1.a + (c2.a - c1.a)*value);
} public static Texture2D LoadTexture(string filePath) {
Texture2D tex = null;
byte[] fileData; if (File.Exists(filePath)) {
fileData = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
tex = new Texture2D(, ,TextureFormat.ARGB32,false);
return tex;
} // Save ScreenShot public static void SaveScreenShotAsync(string path, Vector2 size)
SWMain.sharedSWMain.StartCoroutine(TextureUtility.SaveScreenShot(path, size));
} public static void SaveScreenShotAsync(string path, Rect rect, Vector2 size)
SWMain.sharedSWMain.StartCoroutine(TextureUtility.SaveScreenShot(path, rect, size));
} public static IEnumerator SaveScreenShot(string path, Vector2 size)
Rect rect = new Rect (, , Screen.width, Screen.height);
yield return SWMain.sharedSWMain.StartCoroutine(TextureUtility.SaveScreenShot(path,rect, size));
} public static IEnumerator SaveScreenShot(string path, Rect rect, Vector2 size = default(Vector2))
// We should only read the screen bufferafter rendering is complete
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
// 要保存图片的大小
Texture2D tex = new Texture2D ((int)rect.width, (int)rect.height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
// 截取的区域
tex.ReadPixels(rect, , );
// 把图片数据转换为byte数组
if (size != default(Vector2))
ScaleBilinear(tex, (int)size.x, (int)size.y);
} byte[] buffer = tex.EncodeToJPG ();
// 然后保存为图片
File.WriteAllBytes(path, buffer);
} public static Texture2D Copy(Texture2D tex)
return new Texture2D(tex.width, tex.height, tex.format, false);
} /// <summary>
/// Applies sepia effect to the texture.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tex"> Texture to process.</param>
public static Texture2D SetSepia(Texture2D tex)
Texture2D t = Copy(tex);
Color[] colors = tex.GetPixels(); for (int i = ; i < colors.Length; i++)
float alpha = colors[i].a;
float grayScale = ((colors[i].r * .299f) + (colors[i].g * .587f) + (colors[i].b * .114f));
Color c = new Color(grayScale, grayScale, grayScale);
colors[i] = new Color(c.r * , c.g * 0.95f, c.b * 0.82f, alpha);
return t;
} /// <summary>
/// Applies grayscale effect to the texture and changes colors to grayscale.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tex"> Texture to process.</param>
public static Texture2D SetGrayscale(Texture2D tex)
Texture2D t = Copy(tex); Color[] colors = tex.GetPixels();
for (int i = ; i < colors.Length; i++)
float val = (colors [i].r + colors [i].g + colors [i].b) / ;
colors [i] = new Color(val, val, val);
return t;
} /// <summary>
/// Pixelates the texture.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tex"> Texture to process.</param>
/// <param name="size"> Size of the pixel.</param>
public static Texture2D SetPixelate(Texture2D tex, int size)
Texture2D t = Copy(tex);
Rect rectangle = new Rect(, , tex.width, tex.height);
for (int xx = (int)rectangle.x; xx < rectangle.x + rectangle.width && xx < tex.width; xx += size)
for (int yy = (int)rectangle.y; yy < rectangle.y + rectangle.height && yy < tex.height; yy += size)
int offsetX = size / ;
int offsetY = size / ;
while (xx + offsetX >= tex.width) offsetX--;
while (yy + offsetY >= tex.height) offsetY--;
Color pixel = tex.GetPixel(xx + offsetX, yy + offsetY);
for (int x = xx; x < xx + size && x < tex.width; x++)
for (int y = yy; y < yy + size && y < tex.height; y++)
t.SetPixel(x, y, pixel);
} t.Apply();
return t;
} /// <summary>
/// Inverts colors of the texture.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tex"> Texture to process.</param>
public static Texture2D SetNegative(Texture2D tex)
Texture2D t = Copy(tex);
Color[] colors = tex.GetPixels();
Color pixel; for (int i = ; i < colors.Length; i++)
pixel = colors[i];
colors[i] = new Color( - pixel.r, - pixel.g, - pixel.b);
return t;
} /// <summary>
/// Sets the foggy effect.雾化效果
/// </summary>
/// <returns>texture processed.</returns>
/// <param name="tex">texture to process.</param>
public static Texture2D SetFoggy(Texture2D tex)
Texture2D t = Copy(tex);
Color pixel; for (int x = ; x < tex.width - ; x++)
for (int y = ; y < tex.height - ; y++)
int k = UnityEngine.Random.Range(, );
int dx = x + k % ;
int dy = y + k % ;
if (dx >= tex.width)
dx = tex.width - ;
if (dy >= tex.height)
dy = tex.height - ;
pixel = tex.GetPixel(dx, dy);
t.SetPixel(x, y, pixel);
} t.Apply(); return t;
} /// <summary>
/// Sets the soft effect.柔化效果
/// </summary>
/// <returns>texture processed.</returns>
/// <param name="tex">texture to process.</param>
public static Texture2D SetSoft(Texture2D tex)
Texture2D t = Copy(tex);
int[] Gauss = { , , , , , , , , };
for (int x = ; x < tex.width - ; x++)
for (int y = ; y < tex.height - ; y++)
float r = , g = , b = ;
int Index = ;
for (int col = -; col <= ; col++)
for (int row = -; row <= ; row++)
Color pixel = tex.GetPixel(x + row, y + col);
r += pixel.r * Gauss[Index];
g += pixel.g * Gauss[Index];
b += pixel.b * Gauss[Index];
r /= ;
g /= ;
b /= ;
r = r > ? : r;
r = r < ? : r;
g = g > ? : g;
g = g < ? : g;
b = b > ? : b;
b = b < ? : b;
t.SetPixel(x - , y - , new Color(r, g, b));
} t.Apply(); return t;
} /// <summary>
/// Sets the sharp.锐化效果
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The sharp.</returns>
/// <param name="tex">Tex.</param>
public static Texture2D SetSharp(Texture2D tex)
Texture2D t = Copy(tex);
Color pixel;
int[] Laplacian ={ -, -, -, -, , -, -, -, - };
for (int x = ; x < tex.width - ; x++)
for (int y = ; y < tex.height - ; y++)
float r = , g = , b = ;
int index = ;
for (int col = -; col <= ; col++)
for (int row = -; row <= ; row++)
pixel = tex.GetPixel(x + row, y + col); r += pixel.r * Laplacian[index];
g += pixel.g * Laplacian[index];
b += pixel.b * Laplacian[index];
r = r > ? : r;
r = r < ? : r;
g = g > ? : g;
g = g < ? : g;
b = b > ? : b;
b = b < ? : b;
t.SetPixel(x - , y - , new Color(r, g, b));
} t.Apply();
return t;
} /// <summary>
/// Sets the relief.浮雕效果
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The relief.</returns>
/// <param name="tex">Tex.</param>
public static Texture2D SetRelief(Texture2D tex)
Texture2D t = Copy(tex); for (int x = ; x < tex.width - ; x++)
for (int y = ; y < tex.height - ; y++)
float r = , g = , b = ;
Color pixel1 = tex.GetPixel(x, y);
Color pixel2 = tex.GetPixel(x + , y + );
r = Mathf.Abs(pixel1.r - pixel2.r + 0.5f);
g = Mathf.Abs(pixel1.g - pixel2.g + 0.5f);
b = Mathf.Abs(pixel1.b - pixel2.b + 0.5f);
if (r > )
r = ;
if (r < )
r = ;
if (g > )
g = ;
if (g < )
g = ;
if (b > )
b = ;
if (b < )
b = ;
t.SetPixel(x, y, new Color(r, g, b));
} t.Apply();
return t;
} }
1. 压缩图片:
TextureUtility.ScalePoint(Texture2D tex, int newWidth, int newHeight),第一个参数是要传入的Texture2D, 第二个参数是新的图片的宽度,第三个参数则是新的图片的高度。也可以调用TextureUtility.ScaleBilinear(Texture2D tex, int newWidth, int newHeight)。
2. 截屏:
yield return StartCoroutine(TextureUtility.SaveScreenShot(string path, Vector2 size, Vector2 size = default(Vector2)))
或者调用异步方法TextureUtility.SaveScreenShotAsync(string path, Rect rect, Vector2 size)
3. 图片滤镜:
如灰阶滤镜:TextureUtility.SetGrayscale(Texture2D tex);
底片滤镜:TextureUtility.SetNegative(Texture2D tex)等。
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