Participate in Reproducible Research

General Image Processing

(C/C++ code, BSD lic) Image manipulation, matrix manipulation, transforms
(C/C++ code, BSD lic) Basic image processing, matrix manipulation and feature extraction algorithms: rotation, flip, photometric normalisations (Histogram Equalization, Multiscale Retinex, Self-Quotient Image or Gross-Brajovic), edge detection, 2D DCT, 2D FFT, 2D Gabor, PCA to do Eigen-Faces, LDA to do Fisher-Faces. Various metrics (Euclidean, Mahanalobis, ChiSquare, NormalizeCorrelation, TangentDistance, ...)
(C/C++ code, GPL lic) GradientShop: A Gradient-Domain Optimization Framework for Image and Video Filtering
(C/C++ code, MIT lic) A Free Experimental System for Image Processing (loading, transforms, filters, histogram, morphology, ...)
(C/C++ code, GPL and LGPL lic) CImg Library is an open source C++ toolkit for image processing
Generic Image Library (GIL) - boost integration
(C/C++ code, MIT lic) Adobe open source C++ Generic Image Library (GIL)
SimpleCV a kinder, gentler machine vision library
(python code, MIT lic) SimpleCV is a Python interface to several powerful open source computer vision libraries in a single convenient package
PCL, The Point Cloud Library
(C/C++ code, BSD lic) The Point Cloud Library (or PCL) is a large scale, open project for point cloud processing. The PCL framework contains numerous state-of-the art algorithms including filtering, feature estimation, surface reconstruction, registration, model fitting and segmentation.
Population, imaging library in C++ for processing, analysing, modelling and visualising
(C/C++ code, CeCill lic) Population is an open-source imaging library in C++ for processing, analysing, modelling and visualising including more than 200 algorithms designed by V. Tariel.
(C/C++ code, LGPL 3) A computer vision framework based on Qt and OpenCV that provides an easy to use interface to display, analyze and run computer vision algorithms. The library is provided with multiple application examples including stereo, SURF, Sobel and and Hough transform.
Machine Vision Toolbox
(MATLAB/C, LGPL lic) image processing, segmentation, blob/line/point features, multiview geometry, camera models, colorimetry.
(Java code, Apache lic) BoofCV is an open source Java library for real-time computer vision and robotics applications. BoofCV is organized into several packages: image processing, features, geometric vision, calibration, visualize, and IO.
(C++ code, MIT lic) Simd is free open source library in C++. It includes high performance image processing algorithms. The algorithms are optimized with using of SIMD CPU extensions such as SSE2, SSSE3, SSE4.2 and AVX2.
Free but not open source - ArrayFire (formely LibJacket) is a matrix library for CUDA
(CUDA/C++, free lic) ArrayFire offers hundreds of general matrix and image processing functions, all running on the GPU. The syntax is very Matlab-like, with the goal of offering easy porting of Matlab code to C++/ArrayFire.

Image Acquisition, Decoding & encoding

(C/C++ code, LGPL or GPL lic) Record, convert and stream audio and video (lot of codec)
(C/C++ code, BSD lic) PNG, JPEG,... images, avi video files, USB webcam,...
(C/C++ code, BSD lic) Video file decoding/encoding (ffmpeg integration), image capture from a frame grabber or from USB, Sony pan/tilt/zoom camera control using VISCA interface
lib VLC
(C/C++ code, GPL lic) Used by VLC player: record, convert and stream audio and video
(C/C++ code, LGPL lic) RTSP streams
(C/C++ code, GPL lic) Loading & saving DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, TIFF, and more
(C/C++ code, LGPL lic) Loading & saving various image format
(C/C++ code, GPL & FPL lic) PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF loading
(C/C++ code, LGPL lic) VideoMan is trying to make the image capturing process from cameras, video files or image sequences easier.


(C/C++ code, BSD lic) Pyramid image segmentation
(C/C++ code, Microsoft Research Lic) Branch-and-Mincut Algorithm for Image Segmentation
Efficiently solving multi-label MRFs (Readme)
(C/C++ code) Segmentation, object category labelling, stereo

Machine Learning

(C/C++ code, BSD lic) Gradient machines ( multi-layered perceptrons, radial basis functions, mixtures of experts, convolutional networks and even time-delay neural networks), Support vector machines, Ensemble models (bagging, adaboost), Non-parametric models (K-nearest-neighbors, Parzen regression and Parzen density estimator), distributions (Kmeans, Gaussian mixture models, hidden Markov models, input-output hidden Markov models, and Bayes classifier), speech recognition tools

Object Detection

(C/C++ code, BSD lic) Viola-jones face detection (Haar features)
(C/C++ code, BSD lic) MLP & cascade of Haar-like classifiers face detection
Hough Forests
(C/C++ code, Microsoft Research Lic) Class-Specific Hough Forests for Object Detection
Efficient Subwindow Object Detection
(C/C++ code, Apache Lic) Christoph Lampert "Efficient Subwindow" algorithms for Object Detection
INRIA Object Detection and Localization Toolkit
(C/C++ code, Custom Lic) Histograms of Oriented Gradients library for Object Detection

Object Category Labelling

Efficiently solving multi-label MRFs (Readme)
(C/C++ code) Segmentation, object category labelling, stereo
Multi-label optimization
(C/C++/MATLAB code) The gco-v3.0 library is for optimizing multi-label energies. It supports energies with any combination of unary, pairwise, and label cost terms.

Optical flow

(C/C++ code, BSD lic) Horn & Schunck algorithm, Lucas & Kanade algorithm, Lucas-Kanade optical flow in pyramids, block matching.
(C/C++/OpenGL/Cg code, LGPL) Gain-Adaptive KLT Tracking and TV-L1 optical flow on the GPU.
(C/C++/Matlab code, Custom Lic.) The RLOF library provides GPU / CPU implementation of Optical Flow and Feature Tracking method.

Features Extraction & Matching

SIFT by R. Hess
(C/C++ code, GPL lic) SIFT feature extraction & RANSAC matching
(C/C++ code) SURF feature extraction algorihtm (kind of fast SIFT)
(C/C++ code, Ecole Polytechnique and ENS Cachan for commercial Lic) Affine SIFT (ASIFT)
VLFeat (formely Sift++)
(C/C++ code) SIFT, MSER, k-means, hierarchical k-means, agglomerative information bottleneck, and quick shift
A GPU Implementation of Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)
(C/C++ code, GPL lic) An enhance version of RANSAC that considers the correlation between data points

Nearest Neighbors matching

(C/C++ code, BSD lic) Approximate Nearest Neighbors (Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbors with Automatic Algorithm Configuration)
(C/C++ code, LGPL lic) Approximate Nearest Neighbor Searching


(C/C++ code, BSD lic) Kalman, Condensation, CAMSHIFT, Mean shift, Snakes
KLT: An Implementation of the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi Feature Tracker
(C/C++ code, public domain) Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi Feature Tracker
(C/C++/OpenGL/Cg code, ) A GPU-based Implementation of the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi Feature Tracker
(C/C++/OpenGL/Cg code, LGPL) Gain-Adaptive KLT Tracking and TV-L1 optical flow on the GPU
On-line boosting trackers
(C/C++, LGPL) On-line boosting tracker, semi-supervised tracker, beyond semi-supervised tracker

Simultaneous localization and mapping

Real-Time SLAM - SceneLib
(C/C++ code, LGPL lic) Real-time vision-based SLAM with a single camera
(C/C++ code, Isis Innovation Limited lic) Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces
(C/C++ code, BSD lic) GTSAM is a library of C++ classes that implement smoothing and mapping (SAM) in robotics and vision, using factor graphs and Bayes networks as the underlying computing paradigm rather than sparse matrices

Camera Calibration & constraint

(C/C++ code, BSD lic) Chessboard calibration, calibration with rig or pattern
Geometric camera constraint - Minimal Problems in Computer Vision
Minimal problems in computer vision arise when computing geometrical models from image data. They often lead to solving systems of algebraic equations.
Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab
(Matlab toolbox) Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab by Jean-Yves Bouguet (C implementation in OpenCV)

Multi-View Reconstruction

Bundle Adjustment - SBA
(C/C++ code, GPL lic) A Generic Sparse Bundle Adjustment Package Based on the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm
Bundle Adjustment - SSBA
(C/C++ code, LGPL lic) Simple Sparse Bundle Adjustment (SSBA)


Efficiently solving multi-label MRFs (Readme)
(C/C++ code) Segmentation, object category labelling, stereo
LIBELAS: Library for Efficient LArge-scale Stereo Matching
(C/C++ code) Disparity maps, stereo

Structure from motion

(C/C++ code, GPL lic) A structure-from-motion system for unordered image collections
Patch-based Multi-view Stereo Software (Windows version)
(C/C++ code, GPL lic) A multi-view stereo software that takes a set of images and camera parameters, then reconstructs 3D structure of an object or a scene visible in the images
libmv - work in progress
(C/C++ code, MIT lic) A structure from motion library
Multicore Bundle Adjustment
(C/C++/GPU code, GPL3 lic) Design and implementation of new inexact Newton type Bundle Adjustment algorithms that exploit hardware parallelism for efficiently solving large scale 3D scene reconstruction problems.
(C/C++/GPU code, MPL2 lic) OpenMVG (Multiple View Geometry) "open Multiple View Geometry" is a library for computer-vision scientists and especially targeted to the Multiple View Geometry community. It is designed to provide an easy access to the classical problem solvers in Multiple View Geometry and solve them accurately..

Visual odometry

LIBVISO2: Library for VISual Odometry 2
(C/C++ code, Matlab, GPL lic) Libviso 2 is a very fast cross-platfrom (Linux, Windows) C++ library with MATLAB wrappers for computing the 6 DOF motion of a moving mono/stereo camera.

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