Citect:How do I translate Citect error messages?
0x10000000 = 268435456 = The Citect
ERROR_USER_DEFINED_BASE. Error codes returned by the CTAPI that are less
than ERROR_USER_DEFINED_BASE are Microsoft Win32 error codes. Error
codes greater than ERROR_USER_DEFINED_BASE are CitectHMI/SCADA special
error codes (hence we subtract ERROR_USER_DEFINED_BASE from the original
error code to get the CTAPI special error code).
information on the CTAPI error codes and how to decode them. To locate
the article in the help select Index > Index tab and type "CTAPI:"
and select the "CTAPI Error Codes" topic under the CTAPI section.
user name or password" in the Citect KB file provides information on
error code 247 - "username or password is incorrect".
*268435730 = 0x10000112 = 274 - "username or password is incorrect".
*268435481 = 0x10000019 = 25 - "Data not yet valid"
*268435879 = 0x100001A7 = 423 - "Subscription not yet ready"
Update! 06MAR13RF - 289 (blank password) can be sent back when
the user or password in the Citect project is incorrect. If you get
this error and you have defined a password, and Citect v7 or above is
used, please check that you can log in to the Citect project with the
username and password that are being used in the OPC Server.
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