
在Windows系统下,该文件在C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\CodeBlocks;




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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[User keyword]]>
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<colour r="185" g="49" b="0" />
<colour r="30" g="3" b="0" />
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<![CDATA[Matching brace highlight]]>
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<![CDATA[No matching brace highlight]]>
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<![CDATA[__cplusplus __GNUC__ __GNUG__]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[User keyword]]>
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<colour r="255" g="160" b="160" />
<colour r="255" g="255" b="255" />
<colour r="255" g="255" b="255" />
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<![CDATA[Active line]]>
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<![CDATA[Matching brace highlight]]>
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<colour r="141" g="176" b="211" />
<colour r="17" g="36" b="53" />
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment keyword (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment keyword error (documentation)]]>
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<colour r="141" g="176" b="211" />
<![CDATA[User keyword]]>
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<colour r="46" g="159" b="39" />
<colour r="255" g="255" b="255" />
<![CDATA[Active line]]>
<![CDATA[__cplusplus __GNUC__ __GNUG__]]>
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<colour r="170" g="170" b="170" />
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment line (normal)]]>
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<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<BOLD bool="0" />
<![CDATA[Comment (documentation)]]>
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<BOLD bool="0" />
<![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]>
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<BOLD bool="0" />
<![CDATA[Comment line (documentation)]]>
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<![CDATA[Number (inactive)]]>
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<![CDATA[User keyword]]>
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<![CDATA[User keyword (inactive)]]>
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<colour r="255" g="85" b="255" />
<colour r="255" g="85" b="255" />
<![CDATA[String (inactive)]]>
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<![CDATA[String (inactive)]]>
<colour r="255" g="85" b="255" />
<colour r="85" g="85" b="255" />
<colour r="85" g="85" b="255" />
<![CDATA[Preprocessor (inactive)]]>
<colour r="160" g="160" b="160" />
<colour r="170" g="170" b="170" />
<![CDATA[Operator (inactive)]]>
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<colour r="0" g="0" b="0" />
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<![CDATA[Matching brace highlight]]>
<![CDATA[__GNUC__ __GNUG__]]>

色彩主题里面有:default(默认白色) desert oblivion ulipad vim




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