Standard Software

WordCreator: Creates readable words, sentences or texts from syllables and letters weighted with probabilities. More...

Pipette: Pick up colors from your screen, change and work with them in many models and learn all about colors. More...

PrintMyFonts: With this tool, you can win the overview over all of your fonts on your computer back. More...

TextConverter: Replacing, deleting, inserting and formating of text or lines in many files at the same time. More...

FileRenamer: Rename multiple files and folders according to your rules and desires at once. More...

FilelistCreator: Create file lists and folder lists including all information you want as text, image or HTML document. More...

SlippyClerk: This tool guarantees fast, productively and precisely working. Enter a new dimension of precision writing today. More...

FasterFiles: Define system-wide keyboard shortcuts for arbitrary actions and action lists. More...

TextEncoder: With the TextEncoder you can change the encoding of multiple text files at once. More...

ImageConverter: Change lots of images at once (color, size, watermarks, blur, file format and more). More...

ImageResizer: Resize and change lots of images at the same time easily and quickly. More...

TextImages: Write text on images, for example for the headlines of your homepage. More...

ClipboardSaver: Change and save texts and images in your clipboard automatically. More...

Sudoku: Play Sudoku at your computer, print them, compare yourself with other players in the Highscore. More...

UnitConverter: Convert and calculate values from over 4500 units of 33 categories. More...

IndexAuthor: Creates keyword and file indexes as text or HTML from your documents automatically. More...

AnswerCoach: Study like a professional. Practise for your next examination with the AnswerCoach. More...

EasyMusicPlayer: A tool for music enthusiasts, tall collections and people really liking music. More...

PasswordGenerator: With this password generator you can create random passwords of any length. More...

An overview with more detailed descriptions of all software applications can be foundhere.

Individual Software

Beyond our freeware and pro software products you can see on the left, we are also offering individual software solutions according to your personal needs and your specific wishes and desires.

Such a solution can either be an adjustment of an existing application or a complete new software for you. Both desktop tools or software and browser based online applications for the Internet are possible. We can also help you to find the right solution for your specific problem.

Read more about this topic in our portal for individual solutions.

Thank you for your support

Without your help, it would not be possible to provide such a range of freeware software.

So, in this place we would like to thank particularly the ones, who have supported this page with their donation. These people have made it possible to provide such a big number of free software applications and to finance the care and costs of this page, the improvement of existing programs and the development of new software. Read more..

写作工具 --- Ommwriter


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