python ID3决策树实现
环境:ubuntu 16.04 python 3.6
数据来源:UCI wine_data(比较经典的酒数据)
1、 如何确定分裂点(CART ID3 C4.5算法有着对应的分裂计算方式)
2、 如何处理不连续的数据,如果处理缺失的数据
3、 剪枝处理
- from math import log
- import operator
- import pickle
- import os
- import numpy as np
- def debug(value_name,value):
- print("debuging for %s" % value_name)
- print(value)
- # feature map and wind_label
- def loadDateset():
- with open('./') as f:
- wine = [eaxm.strip().split(',') for eaxm in f.readlines()]
- #for i in range(len(wine)):
- # wine[i] = list(map(float,wine[i]))
- wine = np.array(wine)
- wine_label = wine[...,:1]
- wine_data = wine[...,1:]
- # get the map of wine_feature
- featLabels = []
- for i in range(len(wine_data)):
- #print(i)
- featLabels.append(i)
- #
- wine_data = np.concatenate((wine_data,wine_label),axis=1)
- # 这里的label需要做一定的修改 需要的label是属性对应的字典
- return wine_data,featLabels
- # wine_data = dateset[:-1] wine_label = dateset[-1:]
- def informationEntropy(dataSet):
- m = len(dataSet)
- labelMap = {}
- for wine in dataSet:
- nowLabel = wine[-1]
- if nowLabel not in labelMap.keys():
- labelMap[nowLabel] = 0
- labelMap[nowLabel] += 1
- shannoEnt = 0.0
- for key in labelMap.keys():
- prop = float(labelMap[key]/m)
- shannoEnt -= prop*(log(prop,2))
- return shannoEnt
- # split the subDataSet Improve reusability
- def splitDataSet(dataSet,axis,feature):
- subDataSet = []
- # date type
- for featVec in dataSet:
- if(featVec[axis] == feature):
- reduceVec = featVec[:axis]
- if(isinstance(reduceVec,np.ndarray)):
- reduceVec = np.ndarray.tolist(reduceVec)
- reduceVec.extend(featVec[axis+1:])
- subDataSet.append(reduceVec)
- return subDataSet
- # choose the best Feature to split
- def chooseFeature(dataSet):
- numFeature = len(dataSet[0])-1
- baseEntorpy = informationEntropy(dataSet)
- bestInfoGain = 0.0
- bestFeature = -1
- for i in range(numFeature):
- #valueList = wine_data[:,i:i+1]
- valueList = [value[i] for value in dataSet]
- # debug
- # print("valueList is:")
- # print(len(valueList))
- uniqueVals = set(valueList)
- newEntropy = 0.0
- for value in uniqueVals:
- subDataSet = splitDataSet(dataSet,i,value)
- #debug
- #print("subDataSet is :")
- #print(subDataSet)
- #print(len(subDataSet[0]))
- # 数值部分要注意
- prop = len(subDataSet)/float(len(dataSet))
- newEntropy += prop*informationEntropy(subDataSet)
- infoGain = baseEntorpy - newEntropy
- if(infoGain > bestInfoGain):
- bestInfoGain = infoGain
- bestFeature = i
- return bestFeature
- def majorityCnt(classList):
- classMap = {}
- for vote in classList:
- if vote not in classMap.keys():
- classMap[vote] = 0
- classMap[vote] += 1
- #tempMap = sorted(classMap.items(),key = operator.itemgetter(1),reverse = True)
- tempMap = sorted(classMap.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
- return tempMap[0][0]
- # labels for map of Feature
- def createTree(dataSet,Featlabels):
- classList = [example[-1] for example in dataSet]
- # if all of the attribute of classList is same
- if(classList.count(classList[0])) == len(classList):
- #print("all is same")
- return classList[0]
- # print("debug after")
- # feature is empty
- if len(dataSet[0]) == 1:
- print("len is zero")
- return majorityCnt(classList)
- # print("debug pre")
- bestFeat = chooseFeature(dataSet)
- #debug
- #print("debug")
- #print(bestFeat)
- bestFeatLabel = Featlabels[bestFeat]
- # print(bestFeatLabel)
- # python tree use dict for index of feature to build the tree
- myTree = {bestFeatLabel:{}}
- # del redundant label
- del(Featlabels[bestFeat])
- valueList = [example[bestFeat] for example in dataSet]
- uniqueVals = set(valueList)
- # print(uniqueVals)
- # 取值都一样的话就没有必要继续划分
- if(len(uniqueVals) == 1):
- return majorityCnt(dataSet)
- for value in uniqueVals:
- #if(bestFeat == 6):
- # print(value)
- subFeatLabels = Featlabels[:]
- # print(sublabels)
- subdataSet = splitDataSet(dataSet,bestFeat,value)
- if(bestFeatLabel == 6 and value == '3.06'):
- #print("debuging ")
- myTree[bestFeatLabel][value] = createTree(subdataSet, subFeatLabels)
- #print(myTree[bestFeatLabel][value])
- #print("len of build")
- #print(len(uniqueVals))
- # print(value)
- else:
- myTree[bestFeatLabel][value] = createTree(subdataSet,subFeatLabels)
- return myTree
- # classity fuction featLabel and testVes is used to get featvalue of test
- def classify(inputTree,featLabels,testVec):
- # get the node
- nowNode = list(inputTree.keys())[0]
- # debug
- #debug(nowNode)
- # print(featLabels)
- featIndex = featLabels.index(nowNode)
- # print(featIndex)
- #find the value of testVec in feature
- keyValue = testVec[featIndex]
- #print("len of input")
- #print(len(inputTree[nowNode].keys()))
- keyValue = str(keyValue)
- subTree = inputTree[nowNode][keyValue]
- if(isinstance(subTree,dict)):
- classLabel = classify(subTree,featLabels,testVec)
- else:
- classLabel = subTree
- return classLabel
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- wine_data, featLabels = loadDateset()
- #print(featLabels)
- #print(wine_data)
- myTree = createTree(wine_data,featLabels.copy())
- #print(type(myTree))
- # the type of value
- test = [14.23,1.71,2.43,15.6,127,2.8,3.06,.28,2.29,5.64,1.04,3.92,1065]
- #print(featLabels)
- print(classify(myTree,featLabels,test))
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