using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace AutoCreateTaskApp
class Program
public static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);
public const int SW_SHOWMINIMIZED = ;
public const int SW_HIDE=;
static IntPtr winHandle = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle;
static void Main(string[] args)
ShowWindow(winHandle, SW_HIDE);
// Normally, the timer is declared at the class level,
// so that it stays in scope as long as it is needed.
// If the timer is declared in a long-running method,
// KeepAlive must be used to prevent the JIT compiler
// from allowing aggressive garbage collection to occur
// before the method ends. You can experiment with this
// by commenting out the class-level declaration and
// uncommenting the declaration below; then uncomment
// the GC.KeepAlive(aTimer) at the end of the method.
//timer = new System.Timers.Timer();
System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer();
timer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(timer_Elapsed);
//timer.Interval = 300000;
timer.Interval = ;
timer.Enabled = true;
// If the timer is declared in a long-running method, use
// KeepAlive to prevent garbage collection from occurring
// before the method ends.
static void timer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
Helper.AutoCreateTask(); }
} ---------------------


  1. Java基础--定时任务Timer

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  2. Java基础--定时任务Timer(转载)

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  3. JAVA定时任务Timer

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  4. Java定时任务Timer、TimerTask与ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor详解

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  5. 详解java定时任务---Timer篇

    一.简介      在java的jdk中提供了Timer.TimerTask两个类来做定时任务. Timer是一种定时器工具,用来在一个后台线程计划执行指定任务,而TimerTask一个抽象类,它的子 ...

  6. Java之旅--定时任务(Timer、Quartz、Spring、LinuxCron)

    在Java中,实现定时任务有多种方式,本文介绍4种,Timer和TimerTask.Spring.QuartZ.Linux Cron. 以上4种实现定时任务的方式,Timer是最简单的,不需要任何框架 ...

  7. 服务器启动完成执行定时任务Timer,TimerTask

    由于项目需求:每隔一段时间就要调外部接口去进行某些操作,于是在网上找了一些资料,用了半天时间弄好了,代码: import java.util.TimerTask; public class Accou ...

  8. java定时任务Timer与ScheduledExecutorService<转>

    在我们编程过程中如果需要执行一些简单的定时任务,无须做复杂的控制,我们可以考虑使用JDK中的Timer定时任务来实现.下面LZ就其原理.实例以及Timer缺陷三个方面来解析java Timer定时器. ...

  9. java web定时任务---Timer

    写在前面: 在最近的项目中需要每天定时对数据库表进行查询,并完成相关数据的更新操作.首先让我想到的是Timer类,记得在一开始维护那个老系统的时候,开了个接口,也涉及到了定时的操作.下面就记录下大概的 ...

  10. 定时任务-Timer

    Timer类的全限定名 java.util.Timer java.util.Timer类的构造函数 public Timer(); public Timer(boolean isDaemon); pu ...


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