Tree chain problem

Time Limit: 6000/3000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)

Total Submission(s): 262    Accepted Submission(s): 59

Problem Description
Coco has a tree, whose vertices are conveniently labeled by 1,2,…,n.

There are m chain on the tree, Each chain has a certain weight. Coco would like to pick out some chains any two of which do not share common vertices.

Find out the maximum sum of the weight Coco can pick
The input consists of several test cases. The first line of input gives the number of test cases T (T<=10).

For each tests: 

First line two positive integers n, m.(1<=n,m<=100000)

The following (n - 1) lines contain 2 integers ai bi denoting an edge between vertices ai and bi (1≤ai,bi≤n),

Next m lines each three numbers u, v and val(1≤u,v≤n,0<val<1000), represent the two end points and the weight of a tree chain.
For each tests:

A single integer, the maximum number of paths.
Sample Input
7 3
1 2
1 3
2 4
2 5
3 6
3 7
2 3 4
4 5 3
6 7 3
Sample Output
Stack expansion program: #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000")


要求权值最大,依照树形dp的思路去考虑,那么dp[i]为以第i个点位根节点的子树的最优解。dp[i]的状态转移公式,有两种可能,第一种:第i个节点上不出现链,那么dp[i] = ∑(dp[k] | k为i的子节点);另外一种:第i个节点上出现链。假设选择增加这条链,那么dp[i] = w(链的权值) + ∑(dp[k] | k为链上的节点的子节点) = w + ∑(sum[k]
| k为链上的节点 ) - ∑(dp[k] | k为链上的节点) 。sum[i]表示i节点的全部子节点的dp和,在 ∑(sum[k] | k为链上的节点 ) - ∑(dp[k] | k为链上的节点) 中减去的dp[k]会由它的父节点的sum补全。









#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std ;
#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000")
#define maxn 200050
struct E{
int v , next ;
}edge[maxn] ;
int head[maxn] , cnt ;
struct node{
int u , v , w ;
int lca ;
}p[maxn] ;
int dep[maxn] , rmq[maxn][20] ;
int l[100010] , r[maxn] , cid ;
vector <int> vec[maxn] ;
int dp[maxn] , sum[maxn] ;
int c1[maxn] , c2[maxn] ;
void add_E(int u,int v) {
edge[cnt].v = v ;
edge[cnt].next = head[u] ; head[u] = cnt++ ;
edge[cnt].v = u ;
edge[cnt].next = head[v] ; head[v] = cnt++ ;
void dfs(int fa,int u) {
l[u] = ++cid ;
int i , j , v ;
for(i = head[u] ; i != -1 ; i = edge[i].next) {
v = edge[i].v ;
if( v == fa ) continue ;
dep[v] = dep[u] + 1 ;
rmq[v][0] = u ;
for(j = 1 ; j < 20 ; j++)
rmq[v][j] = rmq[ rmq[v][j-1] ][j-1] ;
dfs(u,v) ;
r[u] = ++cid ;
int lca(int u,int v) {
if( dep[u] < dep[v] )
swap(u,v) ;
int i , j ;
for(i = 19 ; i >= 0 ; i--) {
if( dep[ rmq[u][i] ] >= dep[v] )
u = rmq[u][i] ;
if( u == v ) return u ;
for(i = 19 ; i >= 0 ; i--) {
if( rmq[u][i] != rmq[v][i] ){
u = rmq[u][i] ;
v = rmq[v][i] ;
return rmq[u][0] ;
int lowbit(int x) {
return x & -x ;
void add(int i,int k,int *c,int n) {
while( i <= n ) {
c[i] += k ;
i += lowbit(i) ;
int getsum(int i,int *c) {
int ans = 0 ;
while( i ) {
ans += c[i] ;
i -= lowbit(i) ;
return ans ;
void solve(int fa,int s,int n) {
dp[s] = sum[s] = 0 ;
int i , j , u , v , temp ;
for(i = head[s] ; i != -1 ;i = edge[i].next) {
v = edge[i].v ;
if( v == fa ) continue ;
solve(s,v,n) ;
sum[s] += dp[v] ;
dp[s] = sum[s] ;
for(i = 0 ; i < vec[s].size() ; i++) {
u = p[ vec[s][i] ].u ;
v = p[ vec[s][i] ].v ;
temp = getsum(l[u],c1) + getsum(l[v],c1) - getsum(l[u],c2) - getsum(l[v],c2) + sum[s] ;
dp[s] = max(dp[s],temp+p[vec[s][i]].w) ;
add(l[s],sum[s],c1,n*2) ;
add(r[s],-sum[s],c1,n*2) ;
add(l[s],dp[s],c2,n*2) ;
add(r[s],-dp[s],c2,n*2) ;
void init(int n) {
memset(head,-1,sizeof(head)) ;
memset(rmq,0,sizeof(rmq)) ;
memset(c1,0,sizeof(c1)) ;
memset(c2,0,sizeof(c2)) ;
cnt = cid = 0 ;
dep[1] = 1 ;
rmq[1][0] = 1 ;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++)
vec[i].clear() ;
return ;
int main() {
int t , n , m ;
int i , j , u , v , w ;
//freopen("","r",stdin) ;
//freopen("t.out","w",stdout) ;
scanf("%d", &t) ;
while( t-- ) {
scanf("%d %d", &n, &m) ;
init(n) ;
for(i = 1 ; i < n ; i++) {
scanf("%d %d", &u, &v) ;
add_E(u,v) ;
dfs(-1,1) ;
for(i = 0 ; i < m ; i++) {
scanf("%d %d %d", &p[i].u, &p[i].v, &p[i].w) ;
p[i].lca = lca(p[i].u,p[i].v) ;
vec[ p[i].lca ].push_back(i) ;
solve(-1,1,n) ;
printf("%d\n", dp[1]) ;
return 0 ;

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