1. meditate  v.沉思,冥想;考虑,谋划
  2. medtiation   n.沉思,冥想;深思熟虑
  3. medium
  4. elaborate   adj.精心制作的,详尽的,复杂的;v.精心制作;详述(计划,说明)
  5. elegant
  6. element   in your element:得心应手,如鱼得水
  7. elementary
  8. eliminate   vt.排除,消除;(比赛中)淘汰;消灭(敌人或对手)
  9. abolish
  10. absence   in the absence of / in one’s absence:(某人)不在时,在(某人)背地里
  11. absent
  12. abroad   at home and abroad:国内外;go abroad:出国;spread abroad:到处流传
  13. absolute
  14. absorb   be absorbed in :专心于;be absorbed into:吸收;把······并入;同化
  15. abstract
  16. ban   ban from:禁止······做
  17. bar   bar from:禁止,不准(某人)做(某事);at the bar:受审讯的;behind bars:在狱中,坐牢
  18. bare   bare of:没有······的,空的;lay bare:揭露,使公开
  19. barely
  20. bargain
  21. capable
  22. capacity
  23. capital
  24. captive
  25. capture
  26. career
  27. careful
  28. case
  29. cast
  30. casual
  31. casualty
  32. catch
  33. category
  34. cater
  35. cause
  36. caution
  37. cautious
  38. cease
  39. celebrate
  40. celebrity
  41. ceremony
  42. certain
  43. certainty
  44. certificate
  45. certify
  46. decline
  47. decrease
  48. deem
  49. dedicate
  50. deduce
  51. deduct
  52. fashion
  53. fashionable
  54. favo(u)r
  55. favo(u)rable
  56. favo(u)rite
  57. sit
  58. site
  59. situated
  60. situation
  61. skeleton
  62. skeptical
  63. sketch

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