参考 generate-parentheses

- void generate(int leftNum,int rightNum,string s,vector<string> &result)
- {
- if(leftNum==0&&rightNum==0)
- {
- result.push_back(s);
- }
- if(leftNum>0)
- {
- generate(leftNum-1,rightNum,s+'(',result);
- }
- if(rightNum>0&&leftNum<rightNum)
- {
- generate(leftNum,rightNum-1,s+')',result);
- }
- }
- void inoutstack(int in,int out,deque<int> &q,stack<int> &s,deque<int> seq,vector<deque<int>> &result)
- {
- if(!in&&!out)
- {
- result.push_back(q);
- return;
- }
- if(in>0)
- {
- s.push(seq.front());
- seq.pop_front();
- inoutstack(in-1,out,q,s,seq,result);
- seq.push_front(s.top());
- s.pop();
- }
- if(out>0&&in<out)
- {
- q.push_back(s.top());
- s.pop();
- inoutstack(in,out-1,q,s,seq,result);
- s.push(q.back());
- q.pop_back();
- }
- }
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