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Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment ofThis Week in Spring! In the last week I went from Germany (for JAXON) to Linz, Austria (for DevOne) and Vienna, Austria (for a meetup) and now I'm in Melbourne, Australia (after a 10 hour stopover in Bangkok, Thailand), for the VOXXED Melbourne event. As usual, if you're aroundI'd love to hear from you!
Without further ado, we've got a lot to cover so let's get to it!
- Pivotal just turned 5!Happy birthday to us!
- Spring Cloud contributor Ryan Baxter has just announced Spring Cloud Finchley RC1. The new release ispackedwith all sorts of new stuff and represents one of hopefully thefinal releases before Spring Cloud Finchley before it's GA.
- Hi, Spring fans! In last week's installment of Spring Tips I looked at how to extricate process state - valuable for coordinating long-running or mutli-actor processes — from business logicwith Spring Statemachine.
- TheRabbitMQ 3.7.5-beta2 is now available.
- I really like this Chinese-language post on whether Spring Boot and Spring Cloudcan be used by small and medium-sized companies.
- The RabbitMQ blog has a nice post on using theMicrometer integration in the RabbitMQ Java client to integrate with Datadog.
- Jeroen Reijn gave a nicepresentation on test-driven Spring REST Docs-based documentation.
- The Ordina blog has a nice post on usingSpring Cloud Contract to support consumer-driven contracts.
- I love this post by Gaurav Guptaon synchronous request/reply with Apache Kafka and Spring.
- The Baeldung has another interesting post (related to Servlets) thatlooks at the
in Spring Boot: it detects all Servlet APIWebFilter
, andWebServlet
annotations on servlet components. - This is an oldie-but-a-goodie from the Baeldung blog:a Quick Intro to the
, which is the mechanism that let's Spring Boot applications run in a Servlet container setup, as opposed to a fat-.jar
. - Donotmiss this newguide on Spring Cloud Gateway.
- Bartosz Jedrzejewski put together a nice post on using Reactor (in a Spring WebFlux application)to obtain parallelism and backpressure.
- And yet another Baeldung post, this time with areview of the state of Java. The numbers in this year's survey are very interesting! The numbers are very promising: Java 8 is now, by far, the majority deployed version of Java. Java 9 and 10 are gaining ground, though! Also interesting: Spring Framework 4 and Spring Framework 5 are, by far, the majority deployed enterprise Java framework. The precise numbers aren't clear, but it looks to be almost 75% of the pie-chart. Java EE and "Other" technologies account for what I'd guess is 20% of the remaining deployments, followed by Spring Framework 3, which looks to be about 5% or so (Maybe less?) Of the deployments that are based on Spring, a majority are based on Spring Boot, with less than 20% or so based on Spring without Spring Boot. IntelliJ, Apache Tomcat, and Maven are the clear leaders, too. Also interesting: Groovy, Kotlin, and Scala (in that order) are the leaders in non-Java languages.
- The Heroku documentation has a great list of steps that are required to make a Spring Boot application cloud-ready. This blog was published on the Heroku blog but a lotof it applies to building cloud-native applications for any platform.
- This post demonstrateshow to test in a Spring applicationwithoutSpring. It sets up a scenario thatshouldbe very uncommon, field injection, and demonstrates how adversely this affects the goals of testing. Remember what I always say: "every time you do field injection, a unit test dies!" The post then looks at how to test components, and to even remove Spring from the testing process.
- Nicolas Frankel looks at changes inSpring Boot 2's Actuator.
- I love thischeat sheet on using Java 10.
- The Spring Cloud team is hiring!Join us!
- Michael Simons and Michael Plödput together a nice German-language slidedeck on Spring Boot 2.
- TheAll and Sundryblog has anice post on configuring a simple route with Spring Cloud Gateway
- Part two of my series on building reactiveSpring-based applications is now available in Java Magazine.
- TheJava Revisitedblog has a nice post onthe motivations for pursuing certification in Spring Cloud.
- The call-for-papers for the inauguralRabbitMQ Summit on November 12th, 2018 at CodeNode in London, UK is now open!
- Java 推荐读物与源代码阅读
Java 推荐读物与源代码阅读 江苏无锡 缪小东 1. Java语言基础 谈到Java ...
- Spring Cloud Netflix多语言/非java语言支持之Spring Cloud Sidecar
Spring Cloud Netflix多语言/非java语言支持之Spring Cloud Sidecar 前言 公司有一个调研要做,调研如何将Python语言提供的服务纳入到Spring Clou ...
- PMP认证考试的最新趋势及10大特征(针对改版后)
我们都知道,今年PMP认证考试的教材已经改版了,最新版的内容是有不少的改动的,我们在了解PMP考试的时候,也要了解PMP考试的最新趋势,以便拿出应对的方法. 一.情景题更接地气 虽然PMP考试中继续保 ...
- 传统Java Web(非Spring Boot)、非Java语言项目接入Spring Cloud方案
技术架构在向spring Cloud转型时,一定会有一些年代较久远的项目,代码已变成天书,这时就希望能在不大规模重构的前提下将这些传统应用接入到Spring Cloud架构体系中作为一个服务以供其它项 ...
- Java基础-SSM之Spring和Mybatis以及Spring MVC整合案例
Java基础-SSM之Spring和Mybatis以及Spring MVC整合案例 作者:尹正杰 版权声明:原创作品,谢绝转载!否则将追究法律责任. 能看到这篇文章的小伙伴,详细你已经有一定的Java ...
- Java基础-SSM之Spring MVC入门篇
Java基础-SSM之Spring MVC入门篇 作者:尹正杰 版权声明:原创作品,谢绝转载!否则将追究法律责任. 一.Spring MVC简介 1>.什么是Spring MVC 答:Sprin ...
- 最新整理的spring面试题从基础到高级,干货满满
最新整理的spring面试题从基础到高级,干货满满 前言: 收藏了一些关于Spring的面试题,一方面是为了准备找工作的时候看面试题,另一方面,通过面试题的方式加深一些自己的理论知识. spring ...
- 传统Java Web(非Spring Boot)、非Java语言项目接入Spring Cloud方案--temp
技术架构在向spring Cloud转型时,一定会有一些年代较久远的项目,代码已变成天书,这时就希望能在不大规模重构的前提下将这些传统应用接入到Spring Cloud架构体系中作为一个服务以供其它项 ...
- 「 优质资源20190409 」Java最新精选优质资源!
资源导读 经过小编精心整理,java最新优质资源出炉 不想看书,可以看视频,比较生动有趣,好的视频教程是一个好老师! 资源来自于网络,请勿用于商业用途 资源目录 1.Java Spring 技术栈构建 ...
- node.js和前端js有什么区别
进行前端开发工作需要掌握技能有html. css.js以及各种前端框架,把这些技术玩6就可以成为一名合格的前端开发工作者 而进行nodejs开发,需要掌握js.web服务器原理.关系数据使用, 如果玩 ...
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set key value get key 删除key (返回被移除key的数量.):del key 检查给定key是否存在(若key存在,返回1,否则返回0.):exists key > ex ...
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# coding = utf-8import urllibimport sysimport urllibimport jsonimport socketimport timesys.path.appe ...
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