我刚刚开始学习Python, Python中的参数传递总是让我很困惑。我写了4个简单的Demo,帮助我理解Python的参数传递,希望对大家都能有所帮助。


def change(x):
x = 1
a = 10
print('a is {0}'.format(a))
print('a is {0}'.format(a))

a is 10
a is 10


def change1(x):
x = [1, 2] a = [10, 20]
print('a is {0}'.format(a))
print('a is {0}'.format(a))

a is [10, 20]
a is [10, 20]

2: [NOTE]We should pay more attention to this demo.

def change2(x):
x[:] = [1, 2, 4] a = [10, 20]
print('a is {0}'.format(a))
print('a is {0}'.format(a))

a is [10, 20]
a is [1, 2, 4]


def change3(x):
x[0] = [1, 2, 4] a = [10, 20]
print('a is {0}'.format(a))
print('a is {0}'.format(a))

a is [10 20]
a is [[1, 2, 4], 20]]


1.#demo1 again:
2.def change1(x):
3. x = [1, 2]
5.a = [10, 20]
6.print('a is {0}'.format(a))
8.print('a is {0}'.format(a)) #We can think it in the following way:
a = [10, 20]
x = a
x = [1, 2]


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