Codeforces Round #434 (Div. 2)

codeforces 858A. k-rounding【水】



using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
ll gcd(ll a, ll b) {return b?gcd(b,a%b):a;}
int main() {
ll n, k, s=;
scanf("%lld %lld", &n, &k);
while(k--) s *= ;
ll t = gcd(n, s);
printf("%lld\n", n / t * s);
return ;


codeforces 858B. Which floor? 【暴力】



using namespace std;
int main() {
int n, m, k, f;
int mi=, ma=;
scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
while(m--) {
scanf("%d%d", &k, &f);
if(f>) ma = min(ma, (k-)/(f-));
mi = max(mi, (k+f-)/f);
//printf("%d %d\n", mi, ma);
if((f=(n+mi-)/mi) != (n+ma-)/ma) puts("-1");
else printf("%d\n", f);
return ;


codeforces 858C. Did you mean...【水】


using namespace std;
const int N = ;
char s[N], t[N];
map<char, int> mp;
int main() {
mp['a'] = mp['e'] = mp['i'] = mp['o'] = mp['u'] = ;
int i, len;
len = strlen(s);
if(len < ) {puts(s); return ;}
int cnt = ;
t[cnt++] = s[]; t[cnt++] = s[];
for(i = ; i < len; ++i) {
if(!mp[s[i]] && !mp[s[i-]] && !mp[s[i-]] &&
(s[i]!=s[i-] || s[i-] != s[i-])) {
t[cnt++] = ' '; t[cnt++] = s[i];
s[i-] = s[i-] = 'a';
else t[cnt++] = s[i];
t[cnt++] = '\0';
return ;



codeforces 858D. Polycarp's phone book【字典树】



using namespace std;
const int N = ;
const int M = ;
const int len = ;
char a[N][M];
struct Trie {
int next[M];
int cnt;
void init() {
cnt = ;
memset(next, -, sizeof(next));
int le;
void inser(char *s) {
int i = , p = ;
while(s[i]) {
int id = s[i] - '';
if(T[p].next[id] == -) {
T[p].next[id] = le++;
p = T[p].next[id];
void add(char *s) {
int i = , p = ;
while(s[i]) {
int id = s[i] - '';
p = T[p].next[id];
void del(char *s) {
int i = , p = ;
while(s[i]) {
int id = s[i] - '';
p = T[p].next[id];
int query(char *s) {
int i = , p = ;
while(s[i]) {
int id = s[i] - '';
p = T[p].next[id];
if(T[p].cnt == ) return i;
return ;
int main() {
int n, m, i, j, mi, t, l, r;
scanf("%d", &n);
le = ;
for(i = ; i<= n; ++i) {
scanf("%s", a[i]);
for(j = ; j < len; ++j) inser(a[i]+j);
for(i = ; i<= n; ++i) {
mi = ;
for(j = ; j < len; ++j) del(a[i]+j);
for(j = ; j < len; ++j) {
t = query(a[i]+j);
if(t < mi) {mi = t; l = j; r = j+t;}
for(j = ; j < len; ++j) add(a[i]+j);
for(j = l; j <= r; ++j) printf("%c", a[i][j]);
return ;



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