


_ptr = new T; //先分配空间
_ptr = ap._ptr; //再资源转移
ap._ptr = NULL; //将原来的指针置空



    ~auto_ptr() _NOEXCEPT
{ // destroy the object
delete _Myptr;


void reset(_Ty *_Ptr = 0)
{ // destroy designated object and store new pointer
if (_Ptr != _Myptr)
delete _Myptr;
_Myptr = _Ptr;







     explicit auto_ptr(_Ty *_Ptr = ) _THROW0()
: _Myptr(_Ptr)
{ // construct from object pointer
template<class _Other>
operator auto_ptr_ref<_Other>() _THROW0()
{ // convert to compatible auto_ptr_ref
_Other *_Cvtptr = _Myptr; // test implicit conversion
auto_ptr_ref<_Other> _Ans(_Cvtptr);
_Myptr = ; // pass ownership to auto_ptr_ref
return (_Ans);
} auto_ptr(auto_ptr_ref<_Ty> _Right) _THROW0()
{ // construct by assuming pointer from _Right auto_ptr_ref
_Ty *_Ptr = _Right._Ref;
_Right._Ref = ; // release old
_Myptr = _Ptr; // reset this
} ~auto_ptr() _NOEXCEPT
{ // destroy the object
delete _Myptr;

对于auto_ptr_ref是什么东西,下面是一段解释(我是没太懂为什么会调用operator auto_ptr_ref<_Other>())

Q: what is auto_ptr_ref, what it achieves and how it achieves it ?

A: It is rather confusing. Basically, auto_ptr_ref exists because the auto_ptr copy constructor isn’t really a copy constructor in the standard sense of the word.

Copy constructors typically have a signature that looks like this:

X(const X &b); 
The auto_ptr copy constructor has a signature that looks like this:

X(X &b) 
This is because auto_ptr needs to modify the object being copied from in order to set its pointer to 0 to facilitate the ownership semantics of auto_ptr.

Sometimes, temporaries cannot match a copy constructor that doesn’t declare its argument const. This is where auto_ptr_ref comes in. The compiler won’t be able to call the non-const version of the copy constructor, but it can call the conversion operator. The conversion operator creates an auto_ptr_ref object that’s just sort of a temporary holder for the pointer. The auto_ptr constructor or operator = is called with the auto_ptr_ref argument.

If you notice, the conversion operator in auto_ptr that automatically converts to an auto_ptr_ref does a release on the source auto_ptr, just like the copy constructor does.

It’s kind of a weird little dance that happens behind the scenes because auto_ptr modifies the thing being copied from.

简单地总结: auto_ptr_ref 主要解决用右值来构造 auto_ptr 的情况。 因为, auto_ptr(auto_ptr& r) 构造函数只能以左值引用做参数。当右值来构造 auto_ptr_ref 的时候,实际上实现过程如下(这其实是移动语义的早期实现版本): 



template<class T>
class scoped_ptr{
T *px;
scoped_ptr(scoped_ptr const &);
scoped_ptr & operator=(scoped_ptr const &);
explicit scoped_ptr(T *p = 0);
~scoped_ptr(); void reset(T *p = 0); T & operator*()const;
T * operator->()const;
T * get()const; operator unspecified-bool-type()const;
void swap(scoped_ptr & b);





string vacation("I wandered lonely as a cloud.");
shared_ptr<string> pvac(&vacation); // No



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