


转换一下题意就可以看成,将n表示成x * (m ^ y),求y的最大值。^表示次方而不是异或;

这就比较好想了,将m分解质因数,对于每个质因数,设n!含有a个,m含有b个,则ans = min(ans, a / b);

  • 自己比赛的时候写的

    C - Trailing Loves (or L'oeufs?) GNU C++11 Accepted 46 ms 0 KB
    #include "bits/stdc++.h"
    using namespace std;
    typedef long long LL;
    map<LL, LL> mp, num;
    vector<LL> vc;
    int main() {
    LL n, m;
    scanf("%lld%lld", &n, &m);
    for (LL i = ; i * i <= m; i++) {
    if (m % i == ) {
    while (m % i == ) {
    m /= i;
    if (m != ) {
    for (int i = ; i < vc.size(); i++) {
    LL j = ;
    while (j <= n / vc[i]) {
    j *= vc[i];
    num[vc[i]] += n / j;
    LL ans = 1LL << ;
    for (LL i = ; i < vc.size(); i++) {
    ans = min(ans, num[vc[i]] / mp[vc[i]]);
    printf("%lld\n", ans);
    return ;


  • 看了标程之后改的
    C - Trailing Loves (or L'oeufs?) GNU C++11 Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
    #include "bits/stdc++.h"
    using namespace std;
    typedef long long LL;
    const LL INF = 1LL << ;
    int main() {
    LL n, m, ans = INF;
    scanf("%lld%lld", &n, &m);
    for (LL i = ; i <= m; i++) {
    if (i * i > m) {
    i = m;
    if (m % i == ) {
    int cnt = ;
    while (m % i == ) {
    m /= i;
    LL tmp = , mul = ;
    for (LL mul = i; mul <= n; mul *= i)
    while (mul <= n / i) {
    mul *= i;
    tmp += n / mul;
    ans = min(ans, tmp / cnt);
    printf("%lld\n", ans);
    return ;

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