原 总结 C++11 chrono duration ratio 








Class template std::chrono::duration represents a time interval.

It consists of a count of ticks of type Rep and a tick period, where the tick period is a compile-time rational constant representing the number of seconds from one tick to the next.

The only data stored in a duration is a tick count of type Rep. If Rep is floating point, then the duration can represent fractions of ticks. Period is included as part of the duration's type, and is only used when converting between different durations.

Rep参数代表了可以传入的时间单位的类型,可以为float, int, int64等等,如果为float表示可以传入时间单位的一部分,比如传入1.2表示1.2倍个时间单位



  1. 上文中的tick可以理解为周期,或时间单位。
  2. the number of seconds 表示是周期值基于秒来计算的。



  1. template<class _Rep, class _Period> 

  2. class duration { 

  3. public: 

  4. typedef duration<_Rep, _Period> _Myt; 

  5. typedef _Rep rep; 

  6. typedef _Period period; 

  7. // constructor, save param to _MyRep, used by count() member function. 

  8. template<class _Rep2, 

  9. class = typename enable_if<is_convertible<_Rep2, _Rep>::value 

  10. && (treat_as_floating_point<_Rep>::value || !treat_as_floating_point<_Rep2>::value), 

  11. void>::type> 

  12. constexpr explicit duration(const _Rep2& _Val) 

  13. : _MyRep(static_cast<_Rep>(_Val)) 

  14. constexpr _Rep count() const { return (_MyRep); } 

  15. }; 

  16. // convert duration from one unit to another. 

  17. template<class _To, class _Rep, class _Period> inline 

  18. constexpr typename enable_if<_Is_duration<_To>::value, _To>::type 

  19. duration_cast(const duration<_Rep, _Period>& _Dur) 

  20. typedef ratio_divide<_Period, typename _To::period> _CF; 

  21. typedef typename _To::rep _ToRep; 

  22. typedef typename common_type<_ToRep, _Rep, intmax_t>::type _CR; 

  23. #pragma warning(push) 

  24. #pragma warning(disable: 6326) // Potential comparison of a constant with another constant. 

  25. return (_CF::num == 1 && _CF::den == 1 

  26. ? static_cast<_To>(static_cast<_ToRep>(_Dur.count())) 

  27. : _CF::num != 1 && _CF::den == 1 

  28. ? static_cast<_To>(static_cast<_ToRep>( 

  29. static_cast<_CR>( 

  30. _Dur.count()) * static_cast<_CR>(_CF::num))) 

  31. : _CF::num == 1 && _CF::den != 1 

  32. ? static_cast<_To>(static_cast<_ToRep>( 

  33. static_cast<_CR>(_Dur.count()) 

  34. / static_cast<_CR>(_CF::den))) 

  35. : static_cast<_To>(static_cast<_ToRep>( 

  36. static_cast<_CR>(_Dur.count()) * static_cast<_CR>(_CF::num) 

  37. / static_cast<_CR>(_CF::den)))); 

  38. #pragma warning(pop) 




  • 通过ratio_divide定义了从一个ratio转换到另外一个ratio的转换比例。

    比如1/102/5的转换比例是1/4 ((1/10/(2/5)) = 1/4),也就是说一个1/10相当于1/42/5

    对应到代码里就是_CF::num = 1, _CF::den = 4.

  • 根据转换比例把n个单位的原数据转换到目标数据(return语句)



    return _Dur.count() * (_CF::num / _CF::den);

通俗点讲:如果AB的转换比例是num/den,那么1A可以转换为num/denB, nA可以转换为 n * (num/den)B




  1. typedef duration<long long, nano> nanoseconds; // 纳秒 

  2. typedef duration<long long, micro> microseconds; // 微秒 

  3. typedef duration<long long, milli> milliseconds; // 毫秒 

  4. typedef duration<long long> seconds; // 秒 

  5. typedef duration<int, ratio<60> > minutes; // 分钟 

  6. typedef duration<int, ratio<3600> > hours; // 小时 

根据以上定义我们可以发现std::chrono::microseconds定义中的Rep的类型是long longPeriod类型是milli

注:因为std::chrono::microseconds定义中的Rep的类型是long long, 我们不能通过如下方法来休眠100.5毫秒std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(100.5));,类型不匹配,会报编译错误。如果想休眠100.5毫秒,我们可以这么写:

std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::duration<float, std::milli>(100.5f));



  1. #include <iostream> 

  2. #include <chrono> 

  3. int main() 

  4. std::chrono::milliseconds ms = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::minutes(3)); 

  5. std::cout << "3 minutes equals to " << ms.count() << " milliseconds\n"; 

  6. std::cin.get(); 

例2. 自定义单位转换

  1. #include <iostream> 

  2. #include <chrono> 

  3. typedef std::chrono::duration<float, std::ratio<3, 1> > three_seconds; 

  4. typedef std::chrono::duration<float, std::ratio<1, 10> > one_tenth_seconds; 

  5. int main() 

  6. three_seconds s = std::chrono::duration_cast<three_seconds>(one_tenth_seconds(3)); 

  7. std::cout << "3 [1/10 seconds] equal to " << s.count() << " [3 seconds]\n"; 

  8. std::cin.get(); 

例3. 休眠100毫秒

  1. #include <thread> 

  2. #include <chrono> 

  3. int main() 

  4. std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100)); 

  5. // or 

  6. std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::duration<long long, std::milli>(100)); 

  7. // or  

  8. // typedef ratio<1, 1000> milli; 

  9. std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::duration<long long, std::ratio<1, 1000> >(100)); 



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