



str.encode(encoding=”utf-8”, errors=”strict”)

Return an encoded version of the string as a bytes object. Default encoding is 'utf-8'. errors may be given to set a different error handling scheme. The default for errors is 'strict', meaning that encoding errors raise a UnicodeError. Other possible values are 'ignore', 'replace', 'xmlcharrefreplace', 'backslashreplace' and any other name registered via codecs.register_error(), see section Error Handlers. For a list of possible encodings, see section Standard Encodings.

Changed in version 3.1: Support for keyword arguments added.

bytes.decode(encoding=”utf-8”, errors=”strict”)
bytearray.decode(encoding=”utf-8”, errors=”strict”)

Return a string decoded from the given bytes. Default encoding is 'utf-8'. errors may be given to set a different error handling scheme. The default for errors is 'strict', meaning that encoding errors raise a UnicodeError. Other possible values are 'ignore', 'replace' and any other name registered via codecs.register_error(), see section Error Handlers. For a list of possible encodings, see section Standard Encodings.


Passing the encoding argument to str allows decoding any bytes-like object directly, without needing to make a temporary bytes or bytearray object.

Changed in version 3.1: Added support for keyword arguments.

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