Website's Game source code
A Darkroom by doublespeakgames
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- <!--
- A Dark Room (v1.4)
- ==================
- A minimalist text adventure by Michael Townsend and all his friends.
- Inspired by Candy Box (
- Contribute on GitHub! (
- -->
- <title>A Dark Room</title>
- <meta itemprop="description" name="description" property="og:description" content="A minimalist text adventure">
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Source Code
- !DOCTYPE html>
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- <style>
- .eggIcon {
- display: inline-block;
- color: #444444;
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- height: 1em;
- fill: currentColor;
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- .eggIconLocked {
- display: inline-block;
- color: #444444;
- width: 1em;
- height: 1em;
- fill: currentColor;
- }
- </style>
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- console.log('Using GoogleAdManager: ' + useAdManager);
- console.log(useAdManager);
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- var osAppId = 'dae68bc6-167c-4012-8644-90fe9db39950';
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- if (location.hostname.startsWith('localshelldev')) {
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- } else if (location.hostname.startsWith('dev')) {
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- OneSignal.push(function() {
- OneSignal.init({
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- });
- });
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- <script src="./js/vue/vue.min.2.6.10.js"></script>
- <title>Shell Shockers | by Blue Wizard Digital</title>
- <meta name="Description" content="Welcome to Shell Shockers, the world's most advanced egg-based multiplayer shooter! It's like your favorite battlefield game but... with eggs.">
- <meta name="Keywords" content="Play, Free, Online, Multiplayer, Games, IO, ShellShockers, Shooter, Bullets, Top Down">
- <meta name="author" content="Blue Wizard Digital">
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- <meta name="image" property="og:image" content="" />
- <meta property="og:title" content="Shell Shockers | by Blue Wizard Digital" />
- <meta property="og:description" content="Welcome to Shell Shockers, the world's most advanced egg-based multiplayer shooter! It's like your favorite battlefield game but... with eggs." />
- <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
- <meta name="twitter:site" content="@eggcombat">
- <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@eggcombat">
- <meta name="twitter:title" content="Shell Shockers | by Blue Wizard Digital">
- <meta name="twitter:description" content="Welcome to Shell Shockers, the world's most advanced egg-based multiplayer shooter! It's like your favorite battlefield game but... with eggs.">
- <meta name="twitter:image" content="">
- <!-- Shell Shockers -->
- <script>
- var version = '0.23.3a';
- String.prototype.format = String.prototype.f = function() {
- var s = this,
- i = arguments.length;
- while (i--) {
- s = s.replace(new RegExp('\\{' + i + '\\}', 'gm'), arguments[i]);
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- function getKeyByValue (obj, value) {
- for (var prop in obj) {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
- if (obj[prop] === value) {
- return prop;
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- function objToStr (obj) {
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- }
- function logCallStack() {
- var stack = new Error().stack;
- console.log(stack);
- }
- function getRequest (url, callback) {
- var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
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-"GET", url, true);
- req.send(null);
- return req;
- }
- function hasValue (a) {
- return (a !== undefined && a !== null && a !== 0);
- }
- Array.prototype.shallowClone = function() {
- return this.slice(0);
- }
- function deepClone (o) {
- return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o));
- }
- function isString (value) {
- return typeof value === 'string' || value instanceof String;
- } var servers = [
- { name: 'US East', subdom: 'useast2.', locKey: 'server_useast', id: 'us-e1' },
- { name: 'US West', subdom: 'uswest2.', locKey: 'server_uswest', id: 'us-w1' },
- { name: 'US Central', subdom: 'uscentral2.', locKey: 'server_uscentral', id: 'us-c1' },
- { name: 'Brazil', subdom: 'brazil2.', locKey: 'server_brazil', id: 'br-1' },
- { name: 'Germany', subdom: 'frankfurt2.', locKey: 'server_germany', id: 'de-1' },
- { name: 'Singapore', subdom: 'singapore2.', locKey: 'server_singapore', id: 'si-1' },
- { name: 'Sydney', subdom: 'sydney.', locKey: 'server_sydney', id: 'au-1' },
- ];
- var debug = false;
- var servicesServer = 'wss://' + window.location.hostname + '/services/:443';
- if (location.hostname.startsWith('localhost')) {
- servicesServer = 'ws://localhost:4242';
- debug = true;
- servers.push({ name: 'local', subdom: '', locKey: '_server_local', id: 'local' });
- servers.push({ name: 'Dev (US West)', subdom: 'gamedev.', locKey: 'server_gamedev', id: 'gamedev' });
- }
- if (location.hostname.startsWith('')) {
- debug = true;
- servers = [{ name: 'Staging', subdom: 'staging.', locKey: 'server_staging', id: 'staging' }];
- servicesServer = 'ws://';
- }
- if (location.hostname.startsWith('')) {
- servers = [{ name: 'Dev (US West)', subdom: 'gamedev.', locKey: 'server_dev', id: 'dev' }];
- servicesServer = 'ws://' + window.location.hostname + '/services/:443';
- }
- if (location.hostname.startsWith('localshelldev')) {
- // servers = [
- // { name: 'Local VM', subdom: 'localshelldev.', root: '', locKey: 'server_localshelldev', id: 'lucyskydiamonds' },
- // ];
- servers.push({ name: 'Local VM', subdom: 'localshelldev.', root: '', locKey: 'server_localshelldev', id: 'lucyskydiamonds' });
- servicesServer = 'ws://';
- }
- function getGameServerUrl (server) {
- // Dump the www from the hostname if it exists
- var hostname = window.location.hostname;
- var fields = hostname.split('.');
- if (fields.length > 2) {
- hostname = fields[1] + '.' + fields[2];
- }
- // If we're running on localhost, and the game server is
- // on a remote subdomain, default to domain
- var rootName = server.root || hostname;
- if (server.subdom && rootName == 'localhost') {
- rootName = '';
- }
- var subdom = server.subdom || '';
- return 'wss://' + subdom + rootName;
- }
- function getServerIndex (server) {
- return =>;
- }
- var _0x5c2b=["\x73\x63\x72\x69\x70\x74\x73","\x6F\x75\x74\x65\x72\x48\x54\x4D\x4C","\x6C\x65\x6E\x67\x74\x68"];var uuid=0;(function(){var _0xce0cx2=false;for(var _0xce0cx3 in document[_0x5c2b[0]]){var _0xce0cx4=document[_0x5c2b[0]][_0xce0cx3];if(_0xce0cx4[_0x5c2b[1]]&& _0xce0cx4[_0x5c2b[1]][_0x5c2b[2]]> 3000000){uuid= 255;break}}})()
- function getStoredNumber (name, def) {
- var num = localStorage.getItem(name);
- if (!num) {
- return def;
- }
- return Number(num);
- }
- function getStoredBool (name, def) {
- var str = localStorage.getItem(name);
- if (!str) {
- return def;
- }
- return str == 'true' ? true : false;
- }
- function getStoredString (name, def) {
- var str = localStorage.getItem(name);
- if (!str) {
- return def;
- }
- return str;
- }
- function getStoredObject (name, def) {
- var str = localStorage.getItem(name);
- if (!str) {
- return def;
- }
- return JSON.parse(str);
- }
- var shellColors = [
- '#ffffff',
- '#c4e3e8',
- '#e2bc8b',
- '#d48e52',
- '#cb6d4b',
- '#8d3213',
- '#5e260f',
- '#e70a0a',
- '#aa24ce',
- '#f17ff9',
- '#FFD700',
- '#33a4ea',
- '#3e7753',
- '#59db27',
- //'#99953a'
- ];
- var freeColors = shellColors.slice(0, 7);
- var paidColors = shellColors.slice(7, shellColors.length);
- var Slot = {
- Primary: 0,
- Secondary: 1
- };
- // Type matches contents of the item_type table (could be generated from a db query but ... meh)
- var ItemType = {
- Hat: 1,
- Stamp: 2,
- Primary: 3,
- Secondary: 4
- }
- var CharClass = {
- Soldier: 0,
- Scrambler: 1,
- Ranger: 2,
- Eggsploder: 3,
- Whipper: 4,
- Crackshot: 5
- };
- </script>
- <script src="src/shellshock.min.js?1566137860"></script>
- </head>
- <body>
- <!-- Ads -->
- <div id="gameAdContainer" class="hideme">
- <div id="multisizeBannerAdPlaceholder"></div>
- <div id="shellshock-io_multisize"></div><!-- AdInPlay tag ID -->
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- <div id="videoAdContainer" class="centered">
- <div id="preroll"></div>
- </div>
- <div id="ss_background"></div>
- <!-- Instantiate the Vue instance -->
- <div id="app" :class="currentLanguageCode"> <!-- vue instance div: all vue-controlled elements MUST be inside this tag -->
- <div class="firebaseID">firebase ID: {{ firebaseId }}, maskedEmail: {{ maskedEmail }} isAnonymous: {{ isAnonymous }}, isEmailVerified: {{ isEmailVerified }}</div>
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- <spinner-overlay id="spinnerOverlay" ref="spinnerOverlay" :loc="loc"></spinner-overlay>
- <!-- GDPR -->
- <gdpr id="gdpr" ref="gdpr" :loc="loc"></gdpr>
- <!-- Screens -->
- <home-screen id="home_screen" ref="homeScreen" v-show="(ui.showScreen === ui.screens.home)"></home-screen>
- <equip-screen id="equip_screen" ref="equipScreen" v-show="(ui.showScreen === ui.screens.equip)"></equip-screen>
- <game-screen id="game_screen" ref="gameScreen" v-show="(ui.showScreen ==="></game-screen>
- <!-- Popup: Settings -->
- <large-popup id="settingsPopup" ref="settingsPopup" @popup-closed="onSharedPopupClosed" @popup-opened="onSettingsPopupOpened" @popup-x="onSettingsX">
- <template slot="content">
- <settings id="settings" ref="settings" :loc="loc" :settings-ui="settingsUi" :languages="languages" :current-language-code="currentLanguageCode" :show-privacy-options="showPrivacyOptions" @privacy-options-opened="onPrivacyOptionsOpened"></settings>
- </template>
- </large-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Privacy Options -->
- <small-popup id="privacyPopup" ref="privacyPopup" hide-cancel="true" @popup-closed="onSharedPopupClosed">
- <template slot="header">{{ loc.p_settings_privacy }}</template>
- <template slot="content">
- <label class="ss_checkbox label"> {{ loc.p_settings_of_age }}
- <input id="ofAgeCheck" type="checkbox" v-model="isOfAge" @change="ofAgeChanged($event)">
- <span class="checkmark"></span>
- </label>
- <label class="ss_checkbox label"> {{ loc.p_settings_target_ads }}
- <input id="targetedAdsCheck" type="checkbox" v-model="showTargetedAds" @change="targetedAdsChanged($event)">
- <span class="checkmark"></span>
- </label>
- <!--
- <input id="ofAgeCheck" type="checkbox" v-model="isOfAge" @change="ofAgeChanged($event)"> {{ loc.p_settings_of_age }}<br>
- <input id="targetedAdsCheck" type="checkbox" v-model="showTargetedAds" @change="targetedAdsChanged($event)"> <span id="targetedAdsText">{{ loc.p_settings_target_ads }}</span>
- -->
- </template>
- <template slot="confirm">{{ loc.ok }}</template>
- </small-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Help & Feedback -->
- <large-popup id="helpPopup" ref="helpPopup" stop-key-capture="true" @popup-closed="onSharedPopupClosed">
- <template slot="content">
- <help id="help" ref="help" :loc="loc"></help>
- </template>
- </large-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Egg Store -->
- <large-popup id="eggStorePopup" ref="eggStorePopup" stop-key-capture="true" @popup-closed="onSharedPopupClosed" :overlay-close="false">
- <template slot="content">
- <egg-store id="help" ref="help" :loc="loc"></egg-store>
- </template>
- </large-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Missing Features -->
- <large-popup id="missingFeaturesPopup" ref="missingFeaturesPopup" hide-close="true">
- <template slot="content">
- <h2>{{ loc['oh_no'] }}</h2>
- <span>{{ loc['missing_features'] }}</span>
- <ul>
- <li v-for="f in missingFeatures" v-html="f"></li>
- </ul>
- <span>{{ loc['missing_help'] }}</span>
- </template>
- </large-popup>
- <!-- Popup: No Anon -->
- <small-popup id="noAnonPopup" ref="noAnonPopup" @popup-confirm="onNoAnonPopupConfirm" @popup-closed="onSharedPopupClosed">
- <template slot="header">{{ loc.no_anon_title }}</template>
- <template slot="content">
- <div>{{ loc.no_anon_msg1 }}</div>
- <div>{{ loc.no_anon_msg2 }}</div>
- </template>
- <template slot="cancel">{{ loc.cancel }}</template>
- <template slot="confirm">{{ loc.no_anon_signup }}</template>
- </small-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Give Stuff -->
- <large-popup id="giveStuffPopup" ref="giveStuffPopup" :popup-model="giveStuffPopup" @popup-closed="onSharedPopupClosed">
- <template slot="content">
- <h3 id="popup_title nospace" class="roundme_sm">
- {{ loc[giveStuffPopup.titleLoc] }}
- </h3>
- <div v-show="(giveStuffPopup.eggs && giveStuffPopup.eggs > 0)">
- <img src="img/ico_goldenEgg.png" />
- <h2>{{ giveStuffPopup.eggs }}</h2>
- </div>
- <div v-show="(giveStuffPopup.items && giveStuffPopup.items.length > 0)">
- <item v-for="i in giveStuffPopup.items" :item="i" :key="" :isSelected="false" :show-item-only="true"></item>
- </div>
- <div>
- <button class="ss_button btn_green bevel_green width_xs" @click="onGiveStuffComplete">{{ loc.ok }}</button>
- </div>
- </template>
- <template slot="confirm">{{ loc.confirm }}</template>
- </large-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Open URL -->
- <small-popup id="openUrlPopup" ref="openUrlPopup" @popup-confirm="onOpenUrlPopupConfirm" @popup-closed="onSharedPopupClosed">
- <template slot="header">{{ loc[openUrlPopup.titleLocKey] }}</template>
- <template slot="content">
- <!-- content not loc'd (yet) -->
- {{ openUrlPopup.content }}
- </template>
- <template slot="cancel">{{ loc[openUrlPopup.cancelLocKey] }}</template>
- <template slot="confirm">{{ loc[openUrlPopup.confirmLocKey] }}</template>
- </small-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Changelog -->
- <large-popup id="changelogPopup" ref="changelogPopup" @popup-closed="onSharedPopupClosed">
- <template slot="content">
- <h1 id="popup_title nospace" class="roundme_sm">
- {{ loc.changelog_title }}
- </h1>
- <div class="changelog_content">
- <strong>0.23.3a</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>Check out our fresh new look!
- <li>New 'Memphis' weapon skins available in the shop!
- <li>Celebrate ShellShockers' 2nd birthday with some new hats and decals!
- <li>New 1v1 / Competitive Maps!
- <li>Fix for some weapon reloading/ammo pickup problems
- <li>Fix for some issues caused by spam-jumping
- <li>Fix for volume settings not being honored
- <li>Fix for a number of chat issues
- <li>Sanity checks for mouse movement to help mitigate spikes on some systems
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.21.4</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>Games no longer crash when a booted player attempts to rejoin
- <li>An attempted fix for some jumping and shooting inconsistencies
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.21.3</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>At long last, SPECTATOR MODE, available from the in-game menu. Make sure to check out the Settings menu for exclusive spec mode control options.
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.21.2</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>Fixed some bugs pertaining to jumping, which just created some new ones. Yay!
- <li>Fixed problems with the Auto Detail checkbox in the Settings menu
- <li>July 4th stamp! And uhhh... yeah, that's it
- <li>A bunch of server-side stuff that's nice for me, but you won't care about
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.21.1</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>Dramatically-improved movement synchronization. MUCH ACCURACY. VERY SMOOTHNESS.
- <li>Projectile latency compensation (up to 500ms). It's almost like a real FPS. Almost.
- <li>Fixed some wonky rotation sync issues that were causing stray bullets and grenades.
- <li>Tracer rounds. EggK-47: Every other bullet is visible. SMEGG: Every third.
- <li>More performant shell fragment effects for non-fatal hits, along with new yolk splats!
- <li>You noticed this already, but you can now see the whole changelog... yeah.
- <li>Fixed that dumb RPEGG animation again.
- <li>Fixed that dumb flickering weapon-swapping animation, too.
- <li>Some substantial server performance enhancements.
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.20.2a</strong>
- <ul>
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.20.2</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>CSG1 clip and ammo storage capacity increased. Bloom decreased just a smidge
- <li>Fixed a clipping issue with gold SMEGG skin
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.20.1</strong>
- <h3>NEW WEAPONS:</h3>
- <ul>
- <li>M2DZ bolt-action rifle.
- <li>SMEGG submachine gun.
- </ul>
- <ul>
- <li>EggK-47: 600RPM[+] / 30DMG[-] / Bloom decreased
- <li>Dozen Gauge: 170DMG[-] / Stability, accuracy, and range increased
- <li>RPEGG: 140DMG[-] / Blast radius 2.75[-]
- <li>CSG1: 120RPM[+] / 102DMG[-] / Accuracy <i>very slightly</i> decreased
- <li>Cluck 9mm: 450RPM[-] / 26DMG[+] / Bloom decreased
- <li>Bullet velocity increased a bit across the board
- </ul>
- <h3>ALSO</h3>
- <ul>
- <li>Fix for Castle jump exploit
- <li>Hitting very edge of shell now does at least 10% weapon damage instead of zero</li>
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.20.0</strong>
- <h3>NEW WEAPONS:</h3>
- <ul>
- <li>M2DZ bolt-action rifle.
- <li>SMEGG submachine gun.
- </ul>
- <ul>
- <li>EggK-47: 600RPM[+] / 30DMG[-] / Bloom decreased
- <li>Dozen Gauge: 170DMG[-] / Stability, accuracy, and range increased
- <li>RPEGG: 140DMG[-] / Blast radius 2.75[-]
- <li>CSG1: 120RPM[+] / 102DMG[-] / Accuracy <i>very slightly</i> decreased
- <li>Cluck 9mm: 450RPM[-] / 26DMG[+] / Bloom decreased
- <li>Bullet velocity increased a bit across the board
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.18.2</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>The spatula can no longer boldy go where no egg has gone before (or will)
- <li>Major improvements in sound reliability for all you poor souls with Chromebooks and other puny laptops that get sad when asked to do stuff like... I dunno... PLAY SOUNDS?
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.18.1</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>New CAPTULA THE SPATULA game mode is now available! GET SOME.
- <li>Boot player function wasn't working quite right. Now it is.
- <li>Multi-domain support, in case you get blocked.
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.17.1</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>Valentine's Day items are now available! Love, Shell Shockers.
- <li>RPEGG firing delay removed. Rockets now have a minimum arming range, indicated by the red/green brackets.
- <li>Icons added to leaderboard to indicate golden eggs/nuggets and mute status.
- <li>Oh, and a cool new map. Whatever.
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.17.0</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>Massive ordinance collision detection overhaul
- <li>A lot more work on grenade dynamics
- <li>Changes to grenade and rocket blast radius and damage
- <li>Updates to some particle effects
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.16.0</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>Groundhog Day items! Get them before they see their shadows!
- <li>Private game creators can now boot naughty players.
- <li>You can now mute other players. Their chat will no longer show, and their name will be changed to a random one.
- <li>Black egg shell color had to go. It is now bright green, so you can see those cracks!
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.15.9</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>Grenade physics got a major, much-needed overhaul.
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.15.8</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>Old, cruddy, stale public games are now locked after 2 hours to keep map rotation fresh.
- <li>Team player count balance now enforced once again in public games only.
- <li>Fixes to the Auto Detail option in the Settings menu.
- <li>Did a bunch of boring server stuff to help mitigate lag spikes... at least, the ones that <i>aren't</i> caused by your lousy WiFi.
- <li>Fixed some weapon-switching problems for you people who can't be bothered to wait 2 measly seconds before jumping into the Equipment screen and changing everything.
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.15.7</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>New settings menu that won't show up blank, offers an option to reset to defaults, and allows you to assign mouse wheel up/down actions.
- <li>New health bar. Much compact and fancy!
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.15.6</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>Christmas is so yesterday; Happy New Yolk! New skins are available.
- <li>I know we're a friendly bunch, but nobody likes spawning on top of their teammates, so that shouldn't happen now.
- <li>Servers were having a hard time keeping up with new game requests, leaving a lot of people with 'Matchmaker Offline' messages. I thought that was dumb, so server-side game creation speed has been improved DRAMATICALLY.
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.15.5</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>Golden Nugget! It's like a Golden Chicken, but kinda not!
- <li>Better, more diverse spawn points
- <li>Improved inter-server communication
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.15.4d</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>Golden Chicken Pass! More shell colors! No ads! Buy now!
- <li>New, improved egg death animation. GADZOOKS; THERE'S YOLK EVERYWHERE!
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.15.3</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>RPEGG now requires players to stop and get settled before firing. No more rushing people and blowing yourselves up, losers!
- <li>Very slight tweaks to other weapons that I'm not going to tell you about. I'm already regretting just typing this.
- <li>Live Twitch streamer list. WE WILL BE WATCHING.
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.15.2</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>GOBBLE, GOBBLE, TURKEY... something. Turkey Day skins are here!
- <li>Worked on some server stability nonsense... BOOOORING.
- <li>Before you ask, yes, the RPEGG will be getting some tweaks. Next time!
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.15.1</strong>
- <ul>
- <li>Brand new EGGSPLODER class, weilding the mighty RPEGG! Yeah, it's a new gun; don't have a heart-attack. Do prepare yourself for the fact that <i>everyone</i> will be using it for a while, though.
- <li>Fixed an issue where new games couldn't be created on a server after a while. If you see a message complaining about the match-maker, just give it a moment and try again.
- <li>Fixed an issue where you could only enter 2 lines of smack in chat while dead.
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.14.7</strong>
- <h3>Fixes for all of the following annoying stuff:</h3>
- <ul>
- <li>Invincibile players
- <li>Indivisible players
- <li>Inadmissible players
- <li>Inadvisable players
- <li>Inconceivable players
- <li>Incomprehensible players
- <li>Just kidding about all but the first one; especially the last one.
- <li>Probably fixed some other things in the process. It was that bad.
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'><strong>0.14.6</strong>
- <h3>What's New</h3>
- <ul>
- <li>New scare-your-pants-off Halloween items!
- </ul>
- <h3>Bug Fixes</h3>
- <ul>
- <li>Some server stability issues
- </ul>
- <hr class='blue'> </div>
- <div id="btn_horizontal">
- <button @click="hideChangelogPopup" class="ss_button btn_red bevel_red">{{ loc.close }}</button>
- </div>
- </template>
- </large-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Golden Chicken -->
- <large-popup id="goldChickenPopup" ref="goldChickenPopup" :overlay-close="false">
- <template slot="content">
- <gold-chicken-popup id="gold_chicken" ref="gold_chicken" :loc="loc"></gold-chicken-popup>
- </template>
- </large-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Chicken Nugget -->
- <large-popup id="nuggetPopup" ref="nuggetPopup">
- <template slot="content">
- <chicken-nugget-popup id="chickenNugget" ref="chickenNugget" :loc="loc"></chicken-nugget-popup>
- </template>
- </large-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Generic Message -->
- <small-popup id="genericPopup" ref="genericPopup" :popup-model="genericMessagePopup" :hide-cancel="true" @popup-closed="onSharedPopupClosed">
- <template slot="header">{{ loc[genericMessagePopup.titleLocKey] }}</template>
- <template slot="content">{{ loc[genericMessagePopup.contentLocKey] }}</template>
- <template slot="confirm">{{ loc[genericMessagePopup.confirmLocKey] }}</template>
- </small-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Anon warning message -->
- <small-popup v-if="isAnonymous" id="anonWarningPopup" ref="anonWarningPopup" :hide-cancel="true" :hide-close="true" :overlay-close="false" @popup-confirm="anonWarningPopupConfrim">
- <template slot="header">{{ loc.account_anon_warn_popup_title }}!</template>
- <template slot="content">
- <p v-html="loc.account_anon_warn_paragraph_block"></p>
- <p v-html="loc.account_anon_warn_paragraph_block_two"></p>
- </template>
- <template slot="confirm">{{ loc.account_anon_warn_confirm }}</template>
- </small-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Need More eggs popup -->
- <small-popup id="needMoreEggsPopup" ref="needMoreEggsPopup" @popup-confirm="showEggStorePopup">
- <template slot="header">{{ loc.p_buy_isf_title }}!</template>
- <template slot="content">
- <p>{{ loc.p_buy_isf_content }}.</p>
- </template>
- <template slot="cancel">{{ loc.p_buy_item_cancel }}</template>
- <template slot="confirm">{{ loc.account_title_eggshop }}</template>
- </small-popup>
- </div> <!-- End of vue instance div -->
- <script>
- // Pass varibles up stream create some interesting challenges and lot of work.
- // To fight the work will create a second instance of vue, aka a Vue Event Bus, that will take our $emit event data
- // See
- const vueShellEventBus = new Vue();
- var vueApp;
- var vueData = {
- ready: false,
- missingFeatures: [],
- changelogVersion: version,
- firebaseId: null,
- photoUrl: null,
- maskedEmail: null,
- isEmailVerified: false,
- isAnonymous: true,
- showPrivacyOptions: isFromEU,
- isOfAge: false,
- showTargetedAds: false,
- classIdx: 0,
- playerName: '',
- eggs: 0,
- kills: 0,
- deaths: 0,
- kdr: 0,
- streak: 0,
- isUpgraded: false,
- serverList: [], // Populated by pingServers()
- currentServerId: null,
- currentServerLocKey: null,
- currentGameType: 0,
- volume: 0,
- currentLanguageCode: 'en',
- ui: {
- showScreen: 0,
- screens: {
- home: 0,
- equip: 1,
- game: 2
- },
- overlayType: {
- none: 0,
- dark: 1,
- light: 2,
- },
- overlayClass: {
- inGame: 'overlay_game'
- },
- team: {
- blue: 1,
- red: 2
- },
- houseAds: {
- small: null,
- big: null
- },
- showCornerButtons: true,
- },
- languages: [
- { name: 'English', code: 'en' },
- { name: 'French', code: 'fr' },
- { name: 'German', code: 'de' },
- { name: 'Russian', code: 'ru' },
- { name: 'Spanish', code: 'es' },
- { name: 'Portuguese', code: 'pt' },
- { name: 'Korean', code: 'ko' },
- { name: 'Chinese', code: 'zh' },
- { name: 'Dutch', code: 'nl' }
- ],
- playTypes: {
- joinPublic: 0,
- createPrivate: 1,
- joinPrivate: 2
- },
- gameTypes: [
- { locKey: 'gametype_ffa', value: 0 },
- { locKey: 'gametype_teams', value: 1 },
- { locKey: 'gametype_ctf', value : 2 }
- ],
- twitchStreams: [],
- youtubeStreams: [],
- newsfeedItems: [
- { message: "Test 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.", image: "img/ico_news.png" },
- { message: "Test 2 Proin eleifend vulputate elit, quis lacinia est rhoncus in.", image: "img/ico_news.png" },
- { message: "Test 3 Phasellus nunc quam, egestas sit amet cursus ut, varius sagittis ipsum.", image: "img/ico_news.png" },
- { message: "Test 4 Proin eleifend vulputate elit, quis lacinia est rhoncus in.", image: "img/ico_news.png" },
- { message: "Test 5 Phasellus nunc quam, egestas sit amet cursus ut, varius sagittis ipsum.", image: "img/ico_news.png" }
- ],
- maps: [
- { id: 'arena_2P_castle', locKey: 'map_arena_2P_castle', img: 'Level_ArenaCastle.jpg' },
- { id: 'arena_2P_dust', locKey: 'map_arena_2P_dust', img: 'Level_Arena2Dust.jpg' },
- { id: 'arena_2P_field', locKey: 'map_arena_2P_field', img: 'Level_Arena2Field.jpg' },
- { id: 'arena_2P_moon', locKey: 'map_arena_2P_moon', img: 'Level_Arena2Moon.jpg' },
- { id: 'arena_4P_dust', locKey: 'map_arena_4P_dust', img: 'Level_Arena4Dust.jpg' },
- { id: 'arena_4P_town', locKey: 'map_arena_4P_town', img: 'Level_Arena4Town.jpg' },
- { id: 'blue', locKey: 'map_blue', img: 'Level_Blue.jpg' },
- { id: 'castle', locKey: 'map_castle', img: 'Level_Castle.jpg' },
- { id: 'dirt', locKey: 'map_dirt', img: 'Level_Dirt.jpg' },
- { id: 'feedlot', locKey: 'map_feedlot', img: 'Level_Feedlot.jpg' },
- { id: 'fortFlip', locKey: 'map_fortflip', img: 'Level_FortFlip.jpg' },
- { id: 'moonbase', locKey: 'map_moonbase', img: 'Level_Moonbase.jpg' },
- { id: 'ruins', locKey: 'map_ruins', img: 'Level_Ruins.jpg' },
- { id: 'shipyard', locKey: 'map_shipyard', img: 'Level_Shipyard.jpg' },
- { id: 'town', locKey: 'map_town', img: 'Level_Town.jpg' },
- { id: 'twoTowers', locKey: 'map_twotowers', img: 'Level_TwoTowers.jpg' },
- ],
- settingsUi: {
- adjusters: [
- { id: 'volume', locKey: 'p_settings_mastervol', min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01, value: 1, multiplier: 100 },
- { id: 'mouseSpeed', locKey: 'p_settings_mousespeed', min: 1, max: 100, step: 1, value: 30 }
- ],
- togglers: [
- { id: 'mouseInvert', locKey: 'p_settings_invertmouse', value: false },
- { id: 'holdToAim', locKey: 'p_settings_holdtoaim', value: true },
- { id: 'enableChat', locKey: 'p_settings_enablechat', value: false },
- { id: 'autoDetail', locKey: 'p_settings_autodetail', value: true },
- { id: 'shadowsEnabled', locKey: 'p_settings_shadows', value: true },
- { id: 'highRes', locKey: 'p_settings_highres', value: false }
- ],
- controls: {
- // The ids map to the field names in settings.controls[category]
- game: [
- { id: 'up', locKey: 'keybindings_forward', value: 'W' },
- { id: 'down', locKey: 'keybindings_backward', value: 'S' },
- { id: 'left', locKey: 'keybindings_left', value: 'A' },
- { id: 'right', locKey: 'keybindings_right', value: 'D' },
- { id: 'jump', locKey: 'keybindings_jump', value: 'SPACE' },
- { id: 'fire', locKey: 'keybindings_fire', value: 'MOUSE 0' },
- { id: 'scope', locKey: 'keybindings_aim', value: 'SHIFT' },
- { id: 'reload', locKey: 'keybindings_reload', value: 'R' },
- { id: 'swap_weapon', locKey: 'keybindings_swapweapon', value: 'E' },
- { id: 'grenade', locKey: 'keybindings_grenade', value: 'Q' }
- ],
- spectate: [
- { id: 'ascend', locKey: 'keybindings_spectate_ascend', value: 'E' },
- { id: 'descend', locKey: 'keybindings_spectate_descend', value: 'C' }
- ]
- }
- },
- home: {
- joinPrivateGamePopup: {
- code: '',
- showInvalidCodeMsg: false,
- validate: function () {
- if (this.code.length == 0) {
- console.log('failed validation');
- this.showInvalidCodeMsg = true;
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_reset.mp3');
- return false;
- }
- console.log('passed validation');
- return true;
- },
- reset: function () {
- this.code = '';
- this.showInvalidCodeMsg = false;
- }
- }
- },
- equip: {
- mode: 0,
- equipModes: {
- inventory: 0,
- shop: 1
- },
- equippedPrimary: null,
- equippedSecondary: null,
- equippedHat: null,
- equippedStamp: null,
- posingHat: null,
- posingStamp: null,
- posingWeapon: null,
- showingWeaponType: ItemType.Primary,
- selectedItemType: ItemType.Primary,
- selectedItem: null,
- showingItems: [],
- buyingItem: null,
- colorIdx: 0,
- extraColorsLocked: true,
- categoryLocKey: null,
- showSpecialItems: false,
- specialItemsTag: null,
- redeemCodePopup: {
- code: '',
- showInvalidCodeMsg: false,
- validate: function () {
- if (this.code.length == 0) {
- console.log('failed validation');
- this.showInvalidCodeMsg = true;
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_reset.mp3');
- return false;
- }
- console.log('passed validation');
- return true;
- },
- reset: function () {
- this.code = '';
- this.showInvalidCodeMsg = false;
- }
- },
- physicalUnlockPopup: {
- item: null
- }
- },
- game: {
- shareLinkPopup: {
- url: ''
- },
- gameType: 0,
- team: 1,
- respawnTime: 0,
- tipIdx: 0,
- isGameOwner: false,
- pauseScreen: {
- id: 'pausePopup',
- adContainerId: 'pauseAdPlacement',
- }
- },
- playerActionsPopup: {
- playerId: 0,
- uniqueId: 0,
- isGameOwner: false,
- playerName: '',
- muted: false,
- muteFunc: null,
- bootFunc: null
- },
- giveStuffPopup: {
- titleLoc: '',
- eggs: 0,
- items: []
- },
- openUrlPopup: {
- url: '',
- titleLocKey: '',
- contentLocKey: '',
- confirmLocKey: 'ok',
- cancelLocKey: 'no_thanks'
- },
- genericMessagePopup: {
- titleLocKey: 'keybindings_right',
- contentLocKey: 'p_popup_chicken_nuggetbutton',
- confirmLocKey: 'ok'
- },
- windowDimensions: {
- width: 0,
- height: 0,
- },
- bannerAds: {
- bannerElId: '',
- }
- }</script>
- <!-- Shared tags must come before the screen tags -->
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- template: `<transition name="fade">
- <div id="lightOverlay" v-show="show" :class="overlayClass" class="overlay overlay_light"></div>
- </transition>`,
- data: function () {
- return {
- show: false,
- overlayClass: '',
- };
- },
- };
- </script><script>
- var comp_dark_overlay = {
- template: `<transition name="fade">
- <div id="darkOverlay" v-show="show" :class="overlayClass" class="overlay overlay_dark"></div>
- </transition>`,
- data: function () {
- return {
- show: false,
- overlayClass: '',
- };
- },
- };
- </script><script id="spinner-overlay-template" type="text/x-template">
- <transition name="fadeout">
- <div v-show="isShowing" class="load_screen">
- <h3 class="load_message">{{ header }}</h3>
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- props: ['loc'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- isShowing: false,
- header: '',
- footer: ''
- }
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- show: function (headerLocKey, footerLocKey) {
- this.header = this.loc[headerLocKey];
- this.footer = this.loc[footerLocKey];
- this.isShowing = true;
- },
- showSpinnerLoadProgress: function (percent) {
- var msg = this.loc.loading_msgs[Math.randomInt(0, this.loc.loading_msgs.length)];
- this.header = this.loc['building_map'];
- this.footer = '{0}... {1}%'.format(msg, percent);
- this.isShowing = true;
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- hide: function () {
- this.isShowing = false;
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- <script>
- // Register popup components globally
- Vue.component('small-popup', createPopupComponent('#small-popup-template'));
- Vue.component('large-popup', createPopupComponent('#large-popup-template'));
- function createPopupComponent(templateId) {
- return {
- template: templateId,
- props: ['hideHeader', 'hideContent', 'hideClose', 'hideCancel', 'hideConfirm', 'overlayType', 'overlayClass', 'popupModel', 'uiModel', 'stopKeyCapture', 'overlayClose'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- isShowing: false,
- overlays: vueData.ui.overlayType,
- popupId: '',
- removeOverlayClick: '',
- }
- },
- created() {
- this.popupId = this.$attrs && this.$;
- },
- destroyed: function() {
- document.removeEventListener('keyup', this.escapeKeyClose);
- },
- methods: {
- setVisible: function (visible) {
- this.isShowing = visible;
- if (this.stopKeyCapture && extern.inGame) {
- if (this.isShowing) {
- extern.releaseKeys();
- } else {
- extern.captureKeys();
- }
- }
- if (this.isShowing && this.popupModel && this.popupModel.reset) {
- this.popupModel.reset();
- }
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- vueApp.setDarkOverlay(false);
- vueApp.setLightOverlay(false);
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- vueApp.setDarkOverlay(this.overlayType === undefined || this.overlayType === this.overlays.dark, this.overlayClass);
- vueApp.setLightOverlay(this.overlayType === this.overlays.light, this.overlayClass);
- }
- if (!this.isShowing) {
- console.log('Closed: ' + this.popupId);
- this.$emit('popup-closed');
- this.cancelEventOverLayClickEscapeClose();
- } else {
- console.log('Opened: ' + this.popupId);
- this.$emit('popup-opened');
- this.outsideClickClose();
- }
- },
- toggle: function () {
- this.isShowing = !this.isShowing;
- this.setVisible(this.isShowing);
- },
- show: function () {
- this.setVisible(true);
- },
- hide: function () {
- this.setVisible(false);
- },
- close: function () {
- this.setVisible(false);
- console.log('Closing');
- },
- onCloseClick: function () {
- this.close();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupclose.mp3');
- },
- onXClick: function () {
- this.$emit('popup-x');
- this.close();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupclose.mp3');
- },
- cancelClick: function () {
- this.close();
- this.$emit('popup-cancel');
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupclose.mp3');
- },
- confirmClick: function () {
- if (this.popupModel && this.popupModel.validate && !this.popupModel.validate()) {
- return;
- }
- this.close();
- this.$emit('popup-confirm');
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_playconfirm.mp3');
- },
- outsideClickClose: function() {
- if (this.overlayClose === false) {
- return;
- }
- this.removeOverlayClick = this.handleOutsideClick;
- document.addEventListener('click', this.removeOverlayClick);
- document.addEventListener('keyup', this.escapeKeyClose);
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- escapeKeyClose: function(e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- if (e.keyCode === 27 && this.isShowing && this.overlayClose !== false) {
- this.onCloseClick();
- }
- },
- handleOutsideClick: function(e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- if ('Overlay') ) {
- this.onCloseClick();
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- cancelEventOverLayClickEscapeClose: function() {
- if (this.overlayClose === false) {
- return;
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- },
- }
- }
- </script>
- <script id="language-selector-template" type="text/x-template">
- <select id="pickLanguage" v-model="languageCode" @click="playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3')" @change="onChangeLanguage" class="ss_select ss_marginright_sm">
- <option v-for="(language, code) in loc.languages" v-bind:value="code">
- {{ language }}
- </option>
- </select>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_language_selector = {
- template: '#language-selector-template',
- props: ['languages', 'selectedLanguageCode', 'loc'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- languageCode: this.selectedLanguageCode,
- }
- },
- methods: {
- playSound (sound) {
- vueApp.playSound(sound);
- },
- onChangeLanguage: function () {
- vueApp.changeLanguage(this.languageCode);
- // Update localStorage for selected language.
- localStorage.setItem('selectedLanguage', this.languageCode);
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_onchange.mp3');
- }
- },
- watch: {
- selectedLanguageCode: function (code) {
- this.languageCode = code;
- }
- }
- };
- </script><script id="gdpr-template" type="text/x-template">
- <transition name="fade">
- <div v-show="isShowing">
- <div id="consent" v-show="showingNotification" class="gdpr_banner f_row">
- <div>{{ loc.gdpr_notification }} <a href="" target="_window">{{ loc.gdpr_link }}</a>
- </div>
- <div class="f_row">
- <button @click="onDisagreeClicked()" class="ss_button btn_red bevel_red ss_marginright ss_marginleft">{{ loc.gdpr_disagree }}</button>
- <button @click="onAgreeClicked()" class="ss_button btn_green bevel_green">{{ loc.gdpr_agree }}</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="doConsent" v-show="showingConsent" class="gdpr_banner f_row">
- <div>{{ loc.gdpr_consent }}</div>
- <div>
- <button @click="close()" class="ss_button btn_green bevel_green btn_md">{{ loc.ok }}</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="noConsent"v-show="showingNoConsent" class="gdpr_banner f_row">
- <div>{{ loc.gdpr_noConsent }}</div>
- <div>
- <button @click="close()" class="ss_button btn_green bevel_green btn_md">{{ loc.ok }}</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </transition>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_gdpr = {
- template: '#gdpr-template',
- props: ['loc'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- isShowing: false,
- showingNotification: false,
- showingConsent: false,
- showingNoConsent: false
- }
- },
- methods: {
- show: function () {
- this.isShowing = true;
- this.showingNotification = true;
- this.showingConsent = false;
- this.showingNoConsent = false;
- },
- close: function () {
- this.isShowing = false;
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_playconfirm.mp3');
- },
- onAgreeClicked: function () {
- this.showingConsent = true;
- this.showingNotification = false;
- extern.doConsent();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_onchange.mp3');
- },
- onDisagreeClicked: function () {
- this.showingNoConsent = true;
- this.showingNotification = false;
- extern.doNotConsent();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_onchange.mp3');
- }
- }
- };
- </script>
- <script id="settings-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div>
- <h1 class="roundme_sm">{{ loc.p_settings_title }}</h1>
- <div id="popupInnards" class="roundme_sm fullwidth f_row f_spaced">
- <div id="account_left">
- <h3 class="nospace">{{ loc.p_settings_keybindings }}</h3>
- <div v-for="c in" class="nowrap">
- <settings-control-binder :loc="loc" :control-id="" :control-value="c.value" @control-captured="onGameControlCaptured"></settings-control-binder>
- <div class="label">{{ loc[c.locKey] }}</div>
- </div>
- <div v-for="c in settingsUi.controls.spectate" class="nowrap">
- <settings-control-binder :loc="loc" :control-id="" :control-value="c.value" @control-captured="onSpectateControlCaptured"></settings-control-binder>
- <div class="label">{{ loc[c.locKey] }}</div>
- </div>
- <h3 class="nospace ss_margintop">{{ loc.p_settings_language }}</h3>
- <language-selector :languages="languages" :loc="loc" :selectedLanguageCode="currentLanguageCode" class="ss_select"></language-selector>
- </div>
- <div id="settings_right">
- <div v-for="t in settingsUi.adjusters" class="nowrap">
- <settings-adjuster :loc="loc" :loc-key="t.locKey" :control-id="" :control-value="t.value" :min="t.min" :max="t.max" :step="t.step" :multiplier="t.multiplier" @setting-adjusted="onSettingAdjusted"></settings-adjuster>
- </div>
- <div v-for="t in settingsUi.togglers" class="nowrap">
- <settings-toggler v-if="( === 'shadowsEnabled' || === 'highRes') ? showDetailSettings : true" :loc="loc" :loc-key="t.locKey" :control-id="" :control-value="t.value" @setting-toggled="onSettingToggled"></settings-toggler>
- </div>
- <button v-show="showPrivacyOptions" @click="onPrivacyOptionsClicked" class="ss_button btn_blue bevel_blue btn_md ss_margintop_xl">{{ loc.p_settings_privacy }}</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="btn_horizontal" class="f_center">
- <button @click="onCloseClick()" class="ss_button btn_red bevel_red btn_sm">{{ loc.cancel }}</button>
- <button @click="onResetClick" class="ss_button btn_yolk bevel_yolk btn_sm">{{ loc.p_settings_reset }}</button>
- <button @click="onSaveClick()" class="ss_button btn_green bevel_green btn_sm">{{ loc.confirm }}</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script id="settings-control-binder-template" type="text/x-template">
- <input ref="controlInput" @change="playSound('./sound/ui/ui_onchange.mp3')" type="text" v-model="currentValue" :placeholder="loc.press_key" class="ss_keybind clickme" :class="(currentValue === 'undefined' ? 'ss_keybind_undefined' : '')"
- v-on:mousedown="onMouseDown($event)"
- v-on:keydown="onKeyDown($event)"
- v-on:keyup="onKeyUp($event)"
- v-on:wheel="onWheel($event)"
- v-on:focusout="onFocusOut($event)">
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_settings_control_binder = {
- template: '#settings-control-binder-template',
- props: ['loc', 'controlId', 'controlValue'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- currentValue: this.controlValue,
- isCapturing: false
- }
- },
- methods: {
- playSound (sound) {
- vueApp.playSound(sound);
- },
- reset: function () {
- this.currentValue = this.controlValue;
- this.isCapturing = false;
- this.$refs.controlInput.blur();
- },
- capture: function (value) {
- this.isCapturing = false;
- this.$refs.controlInput.blur();
- this.$emit('control-captured', this.controlId, value);
- },
- onMouseDown: function (event) {
- if (!this.isCapturing) {
- this.currentValue = '';
- this.isCapturing = true;
- } else {
- this.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_onchange.mp3')
- this.capture('MOUSE ' + event.button);
- }
- },
- onKeyDown: function (event) {
- this.currentValue = '';
- event.stopPropagation();
- },
- onKeyUp: function (event) {
- event.stopPropagation();
- var key = event.key;
- if (key == 'Escape' || key == 'Tab' || key == 'Enter') {
- return;
- }
- if (key == ' ') {
- key = 'space';
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- this.capture(key);
- },
- onWheel: function (event) {
- if (this.isCapturing) {
- this.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_onchange.mp3')
- if (event.deltaY > 0) {
- this.capture('WHEEL DOWN');
- } else if (event.deltaY < 0) {
- this.capture('WHEEL UP');
- }
- }
- },
- onFocusOut: function (event) {
- this.reset();
- }
- },
- watch: {
- // The value prop gets updated by the parent control; watch for changes and update the backing field of the textbox
- controlValue: function (newValue) {
- this.currentValue = (newValue === null) ? 'undefined' : newValue;
- }
- }
- };
- </script><script id="settings-adjuster-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div>
- <h3 class="center_cont nospace">{{ loc[locKey] }}</h3>
- <div class="f_row ss_margintop">
- <input class="ss_slider" type="range" :min="min" :max="max" :step="step" v-model="currentValue" @change="onChange">
- <label class="ss_slider label">{{ Math.floor(currentValue * (multiplier || 1)) }}</label>
- </div>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_settings_adjuster = {
- template: '#settings-adjuster-template',
- props: ['loc', 'locKey', 'controlId', 'controlValue', 'min', 'max', 'step', 'multiplier'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- currentValue: this.controlValue
- }
- },
- methods: {
- onChange: function (event) {
- this.$emit('setting-adjusted', this.controlId, this.currentValue);
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_onchange.mp3');
- }
- },
- watch: {
- // controlValue prop could change when player X's out or clicks Cancel
- controlValue: function (newValue) {
- if (this.currentValue !== newValue) {
- this.currentValue = newValue;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- </script><script id="settings-toggler-template" type="text/x-template">
- <label class="ss_checkbox label"> {{ loc[locKey] }}
- <input type="checkbox" v-model="currentValue" @change="onChange($event)">
- <span class="checkmark"></span>
- </label>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_settings_toggler = {
- template: '#settings-toggler-template',
- props: ['loc', 'locKey', 'controlId', 'controlValue'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- currentValue: this.controlValue
- }
- },
- methods: {
- onChange: function (event) {
- this.$emit('setting-toggled', this.controlId, this.currentValue);
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_onchange.mp3');
- }
- },
- watch: {
- // controlValue prop could change when player X's out or clicks Cancel
- controlValue: function (newValue) {
- if (this.currentValue !== newValue) {
- this.currentValue = newValue;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_settings = {
- template: '#settings-template',
- components: {
- 'settings-control-binder': comp_settings_control_binder,
- 'language-selector': comp_language_selector,
- 'settings-adjuster': comp_settings_adjuster,
- 'settings-toggler': comp_settings_toggler
- },
- props: ['loc', 'settingsUi', 'languages', 'currentLanguageCode', 'showPrivacyOptions'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- originalSettings: {},
- showDetailSettings: false,
- originalLanguage: '',
- }
- },
- methods: {
- captureOriginalSettings: function () {
- this.originalSettings = deepClone(vueData.settingsUi);
- this.originalLanguage = this.currentLanguageCode;
- },
- applyOriginalSettings: function () {
- vueData.settingsUi = this.originalSettings;
- this.showDetailSettings = !vueData.settingsUi.togglers.find( a => { return === 'autoDetail'; }).value;
- console.log('applying original settings: ' + JSON.stringify(vueData.settingsUi));
- },
- onGameControlCaptured: function (id, value) {
- this.onControlCaptured(, id, value)
- },
- onSpectateControlCaptured: function (id, value) {
- this.onControlCaptured(this.settingsUi.controls.spectate, id, value)
- },
- onControlCaptured: function (controls, id, value) {
- value = value.toLocaleUpperCase();
- controls
- .forEach( (c) => {
- if ( === id) {
- c.value = value;
- } else {
- if (c.value === value) {
- c.value = null;
- }
- }
- });
- },
- onSettingToggled: function (id, value) {
- console.log('value: ' + value);
- var toggler = this.settingsUi.togglers.find( (t) => { return === id; });
- toggler.value = value;
- if (id === 'autoDetail') {
- this.showDetailSettings = !value;
- }
- },
- onSettingAdjusted: function (id, value) {
- this.settingsUi.adjusters.find( (a) => { return === id; }).value = value;
- if (id === 'volume') {
- extern.setVolume(value);
- }
- if (id === 'mouseSpeed') {
- extern.setMouseSpeed(value);
- }
- },
- onVolumeChange: function () {
- extern.setVolume(this.settingsUi.volume);
- },
- onPrivacyOptionsClicked: function () {
- this.$emit('privacy-options-opened');
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupopen.mp3');
- },
- onCancelClick: function () {
- this.applyOriginalSettings();
- this.cancelLanguageSelect();
- this.$parent.close();
- },
- onCloseClick: function () {
- this.applyOriginalSettings();
- this.cancelLanguageSelect();
- this.$parent.close();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupclose.mp3');
- },
- onSaveClick: function () {
- extern.applyUiSettings(this.settingsUi, this.originalSettings);
- this.resetOriginalLanguage();
- this.$parent.toggle();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_playconfirm.mp3');
- },
- onResetClick: function () {
- extern.resetSettings();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_reset.mp3');
- },
- cancelLanguageSelect: function() {
- this.originalLanguage === vueApp.$data.currentLanguageCode ?
- vueApp.changeLanguage(vueApp.$data.currentLanguageCode) : vueApp.changeLanguage(this.originalLanguage);
- // Revert localStorage for language
- localStorage.setItem('selectedLanguage', this.originalLanguage);
- this.resetOriginalLanguage();
- },
- resetOriginalLanguage: function() {
- this.originalLanguage = '';
- },
- setSettings: function (settings) {
- var getSettingById = (list, id) => {
- return list.filter( o => {
- return == id;
- })[0];
- };
- getSettingById(, 'up').value =;
- getSettingById(, 'down').value =;
- getSettingById(, 'left').value =;
- getSettingById(, 'right').value =;
- getSettingById(, 'jump').value =;
- getSettingById(, 'fire').value =;
- getSettingById(, 'scope').value =;
- getSettingById(, 'reload').value =;
- getSettingById(, 'swap_weapon').value =;
- getSettingById(, 'grenade').value =;
- getSettingById(this.settingsUi.controls.spectate, 'ascend').value = settings.controls.spectate.ascend;
- getSettingById(this.settingsUi.controls.spectate, 'descend').value = settings.controls.spectate.descend;
- getSettingById(this.settingsUi.adjusters, 'volume').value = settings.volume;
- getSettingById(this.settingsUi.adjusters, 'mouseSpeed').value = settings.mouseSpeed;
- getSettingById(this.settingsUi.togglers, 'mouseInvert').value = (settings.mouseInvert !== 1);
- getSettingById(this.settingsUi.togglers, 'holdToAim').value = settings.holdToAim;
- getSettingById(this.settingsUi.togglers, 'enableChat').value = settings.enableChat;
- getSettingById(this.settingsUi.togglers, 'autoDetail').value = settings.autoDetail;
- getSettingById(this.settingsUi.togglers, 'shadowsEnabled').value = settings.shadowsEnabled;
- getSettingById(this.settingsUi.togglers, 'highRes').value = settings.highRes;
- console.log('auto detail: ' + settings.autoDetail);
- this.showDetailSettings = !settings.autoDetail;
- },
- },
- };
- </script><script id="help-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div>
- <div id="horizontalTabs">
- <button id="faq_button" @click="toggleTabs" class="ss_bigtab bevel_blue ss_marginright" :class="(showTab1 ? 'selected' : '')">{{ loc.faq }}</button>
- <button id="fb_button" @click="toggleTabs" class="ss_bigtab bevel_blue" :class="(!showTab1 ? 'selected' : '')">{{ }}</button>
- </div>
- <div v-show="showTab1">
- <div id="feedback_panel">
- <h1>{{ loc.faq_title }}</h1>
- <div v-for="qa in loc.faqItems">
- <a :name="qa.anchor"></a>
- <h3>{{ qa.q }}</h3>
- <span v-html="qa.a"></span>
- </div>
- <hr>
- <div id="btn_horizontal" class="f_center">
- <button @click="onBackClick" class="ss_button btn_md btn_red bevel_red ss_marginright">{{ loc.cancel }}</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div v-show="!showTab1">
- <div id="feedback_panel">
- <h1>{{ loc.fb_feedback_title }}</h1>
- <p>{{ loc.fb_feedback_intro }}</p>
- <div id="btn_horizontal" class="f_center">
- <select v-model="selectedType" class="ss_field ss_marginright" @click="playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3')" @change="playSound('./sound/ui/ui_onchange.mp3')">
- <option v-for="type in feedbackType" :value="">{{ loc[type.locKey] }}</option>
- </select>
- <input id="feedbackEmail" v-model="email" :placeholder="loc.fb_email_ph" class="ss_field" v-on:keyup="validateEmail">
- </div>
- <div>
- <textarea id="feedbackText" class="ss_field" v-model="feedback" :placeholder="loc.fb_feedback_ph" v-on:keyup="validateMessage"></textarea>
- </div>
- <div class="f_center f_col">
- <span v-show="emailInvalid" class="ss_marginright error_text">{{ loc.fb_bad_email }}</span>
- <span v-show="messageInvalid" class="ss_marginright error_text">{{ loc.fb_no_comment }}</span>
- </div>
- <div id="btn_horizontal" class="f_center">
- <button @click="onBackClick" class="ss_button btn_md btn_red bevel_red ss_marginright">{{ loc.cancel }}</button>
- <button @click="onSendClick" class="ss_button btn_md btn_green bevel_green">{{ loc.fb_send }}</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_help = {
- template: '#help-template',
- props: ['loc'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- showTab1: true,
- feedbackType: [
- { id: 0, locKey: 'fb_type_commquest' },
- { id: 1, locKey: 'fb_type_request' },
- { id: 2, locKey: 'fb_type_bug' },
- { id: 3, locKey: 'fb_type_purchase' },
- { id: 4, locKey: 'fb_type_account' },
- { id: 5, locKey: 'fb_type_abuse' },
- { id: 6, locKey: 'fb_type_other' }
- ],
- selectedType: 0,
- email: '',
- feedback: '',
- doValidation: false,
- emailInvalid: false,
- messageInvalid: false,
- }
- },
- feedbackValidateTimeout: 0,
- methods: {
- playSound (sound) {
- vueApp.playSound(sound);
- },
- validateEmail: function () {
- if (!this.doValidation) {
- return;
- }
- // Insane e-mail-validating regex
- var re = /(?:[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*|"(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7f]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])*")@(?:(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?|\[(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?|[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]:(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21-\x5a\x53-\x7f]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])+)\])/;
- this.emailInvalid = ( === '' || !re.test(;
- return !this.emailInvalid;
- },
- validateMessage: function () {
- if (!this.doValidation) {
- return;
- }
- this.messageInvalid = === '';
- return !this.messageInvalid;
- },
- toggleTabs: function () {
- this.showTab1 = !this.showTab1;
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_toggletab.mp3');
- },
- onBackClick: function () {
- vueApp.$refs.helpPopup.toggle();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupclose.mp3');
- },
- onSendClick: function () {
- this.doValidation = true;
- if (!this.validateEmail() || !this.validateMessage()) {
- return;
- }
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_playconfirm.mp3');
- // Send that shit out
- extern.api_feedback(this.selectedType,,;
- this.$parent.toggle();
- this.selectedType = 0;
- = null;
- = null;
- }
- }
- };
- </script><script id="egg-store-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div class="fullwidth">
- <h1 class="roundme_sm">{{ loc.p_egg_shop_title }}</h1>
- <div class="f_row">
- <div id="popupInnards" class="box_blue4 roundme_md f_col center_cont ss_marginright_lg box_relative">
- <div id="eggshop_banner" class="hideme">
- <img src="img/egg-shop-banner-left.png">
- <div class="eggshop_banner_mid">
- {{ loc.p_egg_shop_mostpopular }}
- </div>
- </div>
- <p align="center" class="nospace"><img src="./img/eggshop_egg1.png" class="eggshop_image"></p>
- <h6 class="nospace shadow_bluebig4 eggshop_bigtitle">{{ loc.p_egg_shop_eggpile }}</h6>
- <span class="eggshop_subtitle text_white">{{ loc.p_egg_shop_eggpile_desc }}</span>
- <div class="eggshop_pricebox roundme_sm">$5 USD</div>
- <button class="ss_button btn_green bevel_green btn_sm center_h" @click="onItemClicked('egg_pack_small')">{{ loc.p_buy_item_confirm }}</button>
- </div>
- <div id="popupInnards" class="box_blue4 roundme_md f_col center_cont ss_marginright_lg box_relative">
- <div id="eggshop_banner">
- <img src="img/egg-shop-banner-left.png">
- <div class="eggshop_banner_mid">
- {{ loc.p_egg_shop_mostpopular }}
- </div>
- </div>
- <p align="center" class="nospace"><img src="./img/eggshop_egg2.png" class="eggshop_image"></p>
- <h6 class="nospace shadow_bluebig4 eggshop_bigtitle">{{ loc.p_egg_shop_eggbasket }}</h6>
- <span class="eggshop_subtitle text_white">{{ loc.p_egg_shop_eggbasket_desc }}</span>
- <div class="eggshop_pricebox roundme_sm">$10 USD</div>
- <button class="ss_button btn_green bevel_green btn_sm center_h" @click="onItemClicked('egg_pack_medium')">{{ loc.p_buy_item_confirm }}</button>
- </div>
- <div id="popupInnards" class="box_blue4 roundme_md f_col center_cont ss_marginright_lg box_relative">
- <div id="eggshop_banner" class="hideme">
- <img src="img/egg-shop-banner-left.png">
- <div class="eggshop_banner_mid">
- {{ loc.p_egg_shop_mostpopular }}
- </div>
- </div>
- <p align="center" class="nospace"><img src="./img/eggshop_egg3.png" class="eggshop_image"></p>
- <h6 class="nospace shadow_bluebig4 eggshop_bigtitle">{{ loc.p_egg_shop_eggbox }}</h6>
- <span class="eggshop_subtitle text_white">{{ loc.p_egg_shop_eggbox_desc }}</span>
- <div class="eggshop_pricebox roundme_sm">$20 USD</div>
- <button class="ss_button btn_green bevel_green btn_sm center_h" @click="onItemClicked('egg_pack_large')">{{ loc.p_buy_item_confirm }}</button>
- </div>
- <div id="popupInnards" class="box_blue4 roundme_md f_col center_cont box_relative">
- <div id="eggshop_banner">
- <img src="img/egg-shop-banner-left.png">
- <div class="eggshop_banner_mid">
- {{ loc.p_egg_shop_bestvalue }}
- </div>
- </div>
- <p align="center" class="nospace"><img src="./img/eggshop_egg4.png" class="eggshop_image"></p>
- <h6 class="nospace shadow_bluebig4 eggshop_bigtitle">{{ loc.p_egg_shop_eggcluckton }}</h6>
- <span class="eggshop_subtitle text_white">{{ loc.p_egg_shop_eggcluckton_desc }}</span>
- <div class="eggshop_pricebox roundme_sm">$50 USD</div>
- <button class="ss_button btn_green bevel_green btn_sm center_h" @click="onItemClicked('egg_pack_giant')">{{ loc.p_buy_item_confirm }}</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="popupInnards" class="box_blue4 roundme_md f_row center_cont ss_margintop box_relative eggshop_chicken_box" style="width: 80%; margin: 0 auto;">
- <h1 class="eggshop_megatitle shadow_bluebig4">Golden<br>Chicken!</h1>
- <img src="./img/ico_chicken.png" class="eggshop_chicken">
- <div class="eggshop_goldchicken_right">
- <ul>
- <li> {{ loc.p_chicken_goldfeature1 }}</li>
- <li> {{ loc.p_chicken_goldfeature2 }}</li>
- <li v-html="loc.p_chicken_goldfeature3"></li>
- <li> {{ loc.p_chicken_goldfeature4 }}</li>
- </ul>
- <div class="eggshop_pricebox roundme_sm">$9.99 USD</div>
- <button class="ss_button btn_green bevel_green width_md center_h" @click="onItemClicked('golden_chicken_pass')">{{ loc.p_chicken_goldbutton }}</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_egg_store = {
- template: '#egg-store-template',
- props: ['loc'],
- methods: {
- onItemClicked: function (sku) {
- this.$parent.hide();
- extern.buyProductForMoney(sku);
- }
- }
- };
- </script><script id="house-ad-big-template" type="text/x-template">
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- <img :src="adImageUrl" @click="onClicked" class="splash_ad_image centered roundme_md">
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_house_ad_big = {
- template: '#house-ad-big-template',
- data: function() {
- return {
- removeOverlayClick: '',
- }
- },
- props: ['useAd'],
- bigAdTimeout: null,
- methods: {
- onCloseClicked: function () {
- console.log('big ad closed');
- this.close();
- },
- onClicked: function () {
- this.close();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3');
- extern.clickedHouseLink(this.useAd);
- },
- close: function () {
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupclose.mp3');
- this.$emit('big-house-ad-closed');
- },
- outsideClickClose: function() {
- const showingId = document.getElementById('house-ad-big-template', true);
- this.removeOverlayClick = this.handleOutsideClick;
- document.addEventListener('click', this.removeOverlayClick);
- },
- handleOutsideClick: function(e) {
- // Stop bubbling
- e.stopPropagation();
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- if ( !'splash_ad_image') ) {
- this.onCloseClicked();
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- },
- computed: {
- adImageUrl: function () {
- if (!hasValue(this.useAd)) {
- return;
- }
- return 'img/promo/{0}{1}'.format(, this.useAd.imageExt);
- }
- },
- watch: {
- useAd: function (bigAd) {
- if (hasValue(bigAd)) {
- this.$options.bigAdTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
- vueApp.ui.houseAds.big = null;
- }, 15000);
- // Close with outside click
- this.outsideClickClose();
- }
- }
- }
- };
- </script><script id="house-ad-small-template" type="text/x-template">
- <img v-show="(useAd !== null)" :src="adImageUrl" @click="onClicked" class="news_banner roundme_md">
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_house_ad_small = {
- template: '#house-ad-small-template',
- props: ['useAd'],
- methods: {
- onClicked: function () {
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3');
- extern.clickedHouseAdSmall(this.useAd);
- }
- },
- computed: {
- adImageUrl: function () {
- if (!hasValue(this.useAd)) {
- return;
- }
- return 'img/promo/{0}{1}'.format(, this.useAd.imageExt);
- }
- }
- };
- </script><script id="item-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div class="store_item roundme_lg '.$is_hi.' '.$is_na.' clickme" ref="eggItemInvetory" :class="highlightSelected()" @click="onClick">
- <div v-if="showPrice" class="equip_smallprice">
- <svg class="equip_egg eggIcon"><use xlink:href="#icon-egg"></use></svg>
- <div class="equip_cost">{{ item.price }}</div>
- </div>
- <div v-if="showPhysicalMerch">
- <div class="equip_special">{{ loc.eq_special_merch }}</div>
- </div>
- <canvas ref="itemCanvas" class="equip_icon" width="250" height="250"></canvas>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_item = {
- template: '#item-template',
- props: ['loc', 'item', 'showItemOnly', 'isSelected'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- itemOnly: hasValue(this.showItemOnly) ? this.showItemOnly : false
- }
- },
- computed: {
- showPrice () {
- return this.isItemSellable() && this.item.price > 0;
- },
- showPhysicalMerch () {
- var physicalMerch = this.isItemSellable() && this.item.unlock === 'physical';
- return physicalMerch;
- },
- },
- mounted() {
- this.renderItem();
- this.itemHightlightedOrder();
- },
- methods: {
- isItemSellable: function () {
- return !this.itemOnly && vueData.equip.mode ==;
- },
- renderItem: function () {
- extern.renderItemToCanvas(this.item, this.$refs.itemCanvas);
- },
- highlightSelected: function () {
- return this.isSelected ? 'highlight' : '';
- },
- onClick: function () {
- this.$emit('item-selected', this.item);
- },
- itemHightlightedOrder: function() {
- return this.$refs.eggItemInvetory.classList.contains('highlight') ? this.$'-1' : null;
- },
- },
- watch: {
- item: function (val) {
- this.renderItem();
- }
- }
- };
- </script><script id="gold-chicken-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div>
- <div class="f_row fullwidth">
- <div id="popupInnards" class="box_blue3 roundme_sm f_col center_cont f_justify_start ss_marginright_lg">
- <h2 class="text_white shadow_blue4 nospace margintop_xl">{{ loc.p_chicken_goldchicken }}</h2>
- <p class="nospace"><strong>{{ loc.p_chicken_goldchicken_price }}</strong></p>
- <p align="center"><img src="./img/chicken_shadow.png" class="chicken_popup_image"></p>
- <div class="box_light roundme_sm fullwidth">
- <ul>
- <li> {{ loc.p_chicken_goldfeature1 }} </li>
- <li> {{ loc.p_chicken_goldfeature2 }} </li>
- <li v-html="loc.p_chicken_goldfeature3"></li>
- <li> {{ loc.p_chicken_goldfeature4 }} </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <button class="ss_button btn_green bevel_green btn_sm center_h" @click="onChickenClick">{{ loc.p_chicken_goldbutton }}</button>
- </div>
- <div id="popupInnards" class="box_blue3 roundme_sm f_col center_cont f_justify_start">
- <h2 class="text_white shadow_blue4 nospace margintop_xl">{{ loc.p_chicken_nugget }}</h2>
- <p class="nospace"><strong>{{ loc.p_chicken_nugget_price }}</strong></p>
- <p align="center"><img src="./img/nugget_shadow.png" class="chicken_popup_image"></p>
- <div class="box_light roundme_sm fullwidth">
- <ul>
- <li>{{ loc.p_chicken_nuggetfeature1 }}</li>
- <li> {{ loc.p_chicken_nuggetfeature2 }} </li>
- <li v-html="loc.p_chicken_nuggetfeature3"></li>
- <li> {{ loc.p_chicken_nuggetfeature4 }} </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <button class="ss_button btn_green bevel_green btn_sm center_h" @click="onNuggetClick">{{ loc.p_chicken_nuggetbutton }}</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="btn_horizontal" class="f_center">
- <button @click="onCloseClick()" class="ss_button btn_red bevel_red btn_sm">{{ loc.cancel }}</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_gold_chicken_popup = {
- template: '#gold-chicken-template',
- props: ['loc'],
- methods: {
- onCloseClick: function () {
- this.$parent.close();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupclose.mp3');
- },
- onChickenClick: function () {
- document.exitPointerLock();
- window.onkeydown = null;
- window.onkeyup = null;
- this.$parent.toggle();
- extern.buyGoldenChicken();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_playconfirm.mp3');
- },
- onNuggetClick: function () {
- this.$parent.hide();
- extern.startChickenNugget();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_playconfirm.mp3');
- }
- }
- };
- </script><script id="chicken-nugget-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div id="popupInnards" class="box_dark roundme_sm fullwidth f_col">
- <h3 class="nospace center_cont">{{ loc.p_nugget_instruction }}</h3>
- <iframe id="miniGameFrame" ref="miniGameFrame" src="about:blank" frameBorder="0" class="roundme_lg" ></iframe>
- <p align="center">
- <button id="gotNuggetOK" v-show="isMiniGameComplete" @click="onGotNugget" class="ss_button btn_shiny clickme invisible">{{ loc.p_nugget_button }}</button>
- </p>
- <div class="center_cont">
- <div id="chickenNuggetAdContainer" ref="chickenNuggetAdContainer" style="display: block; pointer-events: all;"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_chicken_nugget_popup = {
- template: '#chicken-nugget-template',
- props: ['loc'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- isMiniGameComplete: false
- }
- },
- methods: {
- placeBannerAdTag: function (tagEl) {
- this.$refs.chickenNuggetAdContainer.appendChild(tagEl);
- },
- loadMiniGame: function () {
- this.isMiniGameComplete = false;
- this.$refs.miniGameFrame.src = "app_nugget/index.html";
- // The ad tags are outside of the Vue app; manipulate the DOM directly
- this.$refs.chickenNuggetAdContainer.appendChild(vueApp.$options.multisizeAdTag);
- extern.showBannerAd(vueApp.$;
- },
- unloadMiniGame: function () {
- this.$refs.miniGameFrame.src = "about:blank";
- },
- onGotNugget: function () {
- this.$parent.hide();
- this.unloadMiniGame();
- extern.checkUpgrade();
- },
- onMiniGameCompleted: function () {
- this.isMiniGameComplete = true;
- }
- }
- };
- </script>
- <script id="home-screen-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div>
- <house-ad-big id="big-house-ad" :useAd="ui.houseAds.big" @big-house-ad-closed="onBigHouseAdClosed"></house-ad-big>
- <div id="mainHead">
- <streamer-panel id="twitch_panel" :streams="twitchStreams" :title="loc.twitch_title" :viewers="loc.twitch_viewers" icon="ico_twitch"></streamer-panel>
- <!-- <streamer-panel id="youtube_panel" :streams="youtubeStreams" :title="loc.youtube_title" :viewers="loc.youtube_viewers" icon="ico_youtube"></streamer-panel> -->
- </div>
- <div id="mainLayout">
- <account-panel id="account_panel" ref="accountPanel" :loc="loc" :selected-language-code="currentLanguageCode" :eggs="eggs" :languages="languages" :show-corner-buttons="ui.showCornerButtons" :show-bottom="true" :photo-url="photoUrl" :is-anonymous="isAnonymous" :is-of-age="isOfAge" :show-targeted-ads="showTargetedAds" :ui="ui" @sign-in-clicked="onSignInClicked" @sign-out-clicked="onSignOutClicked"></account-panel>
- <div id="logo">
- <a href="" @click="playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3')"><img src="img/logo.png"></a>
- </div>
- <div id="panel_front_play">
- <play-panel id="play_game" ref="playPanel" :loc="loc" :player-name="playerName" :game-types="gameTypes" :current-game-type="currentGameType" :server-list="serverList" :current-server-id="currentServerId" :home="home" @playerNameChanged="onPlayerNameChanged"></play-panel>
- <stats-panel id="stats_panel" :loc="loc" :kills="kills" :deaths="deaths" :kdr="kdr" :streak="streak"></stats-panel>
- </div>
- <div id="panel_front_egg">
- <weapon-select-panel id="weapon_select" :current-class="classIdx"></weapon-select-panel>
- <button class="ss_button btn_md btn_yolk bevel_yolk" @click="onEquipClicked">{{ loc.eq_equipment }}</button>
- </div>
- <div id="panel_front_news">
- <div id="news_feed" class="front_panel roundme_md">
- <div id="news_mask"></div>
- <h3 class="nospace">{{ loc.home_latestnews }}</h3>
- <newsfeed-panel id="news_scroll" ref="newsScroll" :current-language-code="currentLanguageCode"></newsfeed-panel>
- </div>
- <house-ad-small id="banner-ad" :useAd="ui.houseAds.small"></house-ad-small>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="mainFooter">
- <chicken-panel id="chicken_panel" :loc="loc" :is-upgraded="isUpgraded"></chicken-panel>
- <footer-links-panel id="footer_links_panel" :loc="loc"></footer-links-panel>
- <social-panel id="social_panel"></social-panel>
- </div>
- <!-- Popup: Firebase Sign In -->
- <large-popup id="firebaseSignInPopup" ref="firebaseSignInPopup" :overlay-close="false">
- <template slot="content">
- <h1 class="nospace">{{ loc.p_signin_head }}</h1>
- <div id="firebaseui-auth-container"></div>
- <div id="btn_horizontal" class="f_center">
- <button @click="onSignInCancelClicked()" class="ss_button btn_red bevel_red btn_sm">{{ loc.cancel }}</button>
- </div>
- </template>
- </large-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Check Email -->
- <small-popup id="checkEmailPopup" ref="checkEmailPopup" :hide-cancel="true">
- <template slot="header">{{ loc.p_check_email_title }}</template>
- <template slot="content">
- <p>{{ loc.p_check_email_text1 }}:</p>
- <h5 class="nospace center_cont">{{ maskedEmail }}</h5>
- <p class="ss_marginbottom">{{ loc.p_check_email_text2 }}</p>
- </template>
- <template slot="confirm">{{ loc.ok }}</template>
- </small-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Resend Email -->
- <small-popup id="resendEmailPopup" ref="resendEmailPopup" @popup-confirm="onResendEmailClicked">
- <template slot="header">{{ loc.p_resend_email_title }}</template>
- <template slot="content">
- <p>{{ loc.p_resend_email_text1 }}:</p>
- <h5 class="nospace center_cont">{{ maskedEmail }}</h5>
- <p class="ss_marginbottom">{{ loc.p_resend_email_text2 }}</p>
- </template>
- <template slot="cancel">{{ loc.ok }}</template>
- <template slot="confirm">{{ loc.p_resend_email_resend }}</template>
- </small-popup>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script id="create-private-game-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div>
- <h1 class="roundme_sm">{{ loc.p_privatematch_title }}</h1>
- <div class="box_blue2 roundme_sm fullwidth">
- <div id="popupInnards" class="fullwidth f_row f_spaced">
- <div id="private_left" class="f_col f_start">
- <h3 class="center_cont fullwidth">{{ loc.p_privatematch_gametype }}</h3>
- <select name="gameType" v-model="pickedGameType" class="ss_select fullwidth" @click="playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3')" @change="playSound('./sound/ui/ui_onchange.mp3')">
- <option v-for="g in gameTypes" v-bind:value="g.value">{{ loc[g.locKey] }}</option>
- </select>
- <button class="ss_button button_blue bevel_blue fullwidth" @click="onServerClick">{{ loc.server }}: {{ loc[serverLocKey] }}</button>
- <button name="play" @click="onPlayClick" class="ss_button btn_big fullwidth btn_green bevel_green btn_sm"><i class="fa fa-play fa-sm"></i> {{ loc.p_privatematch_create }}</button>
- <!-- Player limit is not in place yet
- <h3 class="nospace">{{ loc.p_privatematch_players }}</h3>
- <div id="player_selector">
- <img src="./img/ico_arrowLeft.png" class="numberArrow">
- <input type="text" v-model class="ss_field fld_number">
- <img src="./img/ico_arrowRight.png" class="numberArrow">
- </div> -->
- </div>
- <div class="f_col j_start">
- <h3 class="ss_marginleft_lg center_cont">{{ loc.p_privatematch_selectmap }}</h3>
- <div id="private_maps" class="ss_marginleft_lg roundme_md">
- <img :src="mapImgPath" id="mapThumb" class="roundme_sm">
- <div id="mapNav">
- <button id="mapLeft" @click="onMapChange(-1)" class="clickme"> </button>
- <h5 id="mapText">
- {{ loc[mapLocKey].name }}
- <span class="map_playercount shadow_grey roundme_sm">
- <img src="img/ico_eggColour_normal.png">
- <span class="ss_marginbottom_xs ss_marginright_xs">x</span>
- <span>{{loc[mapLocKey].suggested_player_limit}}</span>
- </span>
- </h5>
- <button id="mapRight" @click="onMapChange(1)" class="clickme"> </button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="btn_horizontal" class="f_center nospace">
- <button @click="onCloseClick()" class="ss_button btn_red bevel_red btn_sm">{{ loc.cancel }}</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_create_private_game_popup = {
- template: '#create-private-game-template',
- props: ['loc', 'serverLocKey', 'mapImgBasePath'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- showingServerList: false,
- pickedGameType: 0,
- gameTypes: vueData.gameTypes,
- mapIdx: 0,
- mapImgPath: this.mapImgBasePath + vueData.maps[0].img,
- mapLocKey: vueData.maps[0].locKey
- }
- },
- methods: {
- playSound (sound) {
- vueApp.playSound(sound);
- },
- onCloseClick: function () {
- this.$parent.close();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupclose.mp3');
- },
- onServerClick: function () {
- this.showingServerList = true;
- this.$parent.toggle();
- vueApp.$refs.homeScreen.$refs.playPanel.$refs.pickServerPopup.toggle();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3');
- },
- onMapChange: function(dir) {
- this.mapIdx = ((this.mapIdx + dir) + vueData.maps.length) % vueData.maps.length;
- this.mapImgPath = this.mapImgBasePath + vueData.maps[this.mapIdx].img;
- this.mapLocKey = vueData.maps[this.mapIdx].locKey;
- console.log(this.mapIdx);
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_onchange.mp3');
- },
- onPlayClick: function () {
- this.$parent.toggle();
- playType: vueData.playTypes.createPrivate,
- gameType: this.pickedGameType,
- mapIdx: this.mapIdx,
- playerName: vueData.playerName
- });
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_playconfirm.mp3');
- }
- }
- };
- </script><script id="account-panel-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div>
- <div id="account_top">
- <input v-if="isAnonymous" type="image" src="img/attention_indicator.png" v-show="showCornerButtons" @click="onAnonWarningClick" class="account_icon roundme_sm attention_btn" v-bind:title="loc['account_title_shop']">
- <div class="account_eggs roundme_sm clickme" @click="onEggStoreClick" v-bind:title="loc['account_title_eggshop']">
- <img src="img/ico_goldenEgg.png" class="egg_icon">
- <span class="egg_count shadow_blue2_micro">{{ eggs }}</span>
- </div>
- <!-- <input type="image" src="img/ico_nav_leaderboards.png" class="account_icon roundme_sm"> -->
- <input type="image" src="img/ico_nav_shop.png" v-show="showCornerButtons" @click="itemStoreClick" class="account_icon roundme_sm" v-bind:title="loc['account_title_shop']">
- <input type="image" src="img/ico_nav_help.png" v-show="showCornerButtons" @click="onHelpClick" class="account_icon roundme_sm" v-bind:title="loc['account_title_faq']">
- <input type="image" src="img/ico_nav_share.png" v-show="showShareLinkButton" @click="onShareLinkClick" class="account_icon roundme_sm" v-bind:title="loc['account_title_invite']">
- <input type="image" src="img/ico_nav_settings.png" v-show="showCornerButtons" @click="onSettingsClick" class="account_icon roundme_sm" v-bind:title="loc['account_title_settings']">
- <input type="image" src="img/ico_nav_fullscreen.png" v-show="showCornerButtons" @click="onFullscreenClick" class="account_icon roundme_sm" v-bind:title="loc['account_title_fullscreen']">
- </div>
- <div id="account_bottom" v-show="showBottom">
- <language-selector :languages="languages" :loc="loc" :selectedLanguageCode="selectedLanguageCode"></language-selector>
- <button id="signInButton" v-show="(isAnonymous && showSignIn)" @click="onSignInClicked" class="ss_button btn_yolk bevel_yolk">{{ loc.sign_in }}</button>
- <button id="signOutButton" v-show="!isAnonymous" @click="onSignOutClicked" class="ss_button btn_yolk bevel_yolk">{{ loc.sign_out }}</button>
- <div id="player_photo" v-show="photoUrl !== null && photoUrl !== undefined && photoUrl !== '' && ! isAnonymous">
- <img :src="photoUrl" class="roundme_sm bevel_blue"/>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_account_panel = {
- template: '#account-panel-template',
- components: {
- 'language-selector': comp_language_selector
- },
- props: ['loc', 'eggs', 'languages', 'selectedLanguageCode', 'showBottom', 'photoUrl', 'isAnonymous', 'isOfAge', 'showTargetedAds', 'showCornerButtons', 'ui'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- languageCode: this.selectedLanguageCode
- }
- },
- methods: {
- onEggStoreClick: function () {
- vueApp.showEggStorePopup();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupopen.mp3');
- },
- itemStoreClick: function() {
- if (extern.inGame) {
- vueApp.$refs.gameScreen.hideGameMenu();
- extern.openEquipInGame();
- vueApp.switchToEquipUi();
- }
- else {
- vueApp.switchToEquipUi();
- }
- vueApp.$refs.equipScreen.switchToShop();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupopen.mp3');
- },
- onHelpClick: function () {
- vueApp.showHelpPopup();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupopen.mp3');
- },
- onSettingsClick: function () {
- ga('send', 'event', 'open settings');
- vueApp.showSettingsPopup();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupopen.mp3');
- },
- onFullscreenClick: function () {
- extern.toggleFullscreen();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3');
- },
- onSignInClicked: function () {
- vueApp.setDarkOverlay(true);
- this.$emit('sign-in-clicked');
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_playconfirm.mp3');
- },
- onSignOutClicked: function () {
- vueApp.setDarkOverlay(true);
- this.$emit('sign-out-clicked');
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_reset.mp3');
- },
- onShareLinkClick: function () {
- extern.inviteFriends();
- },
- onAnonWarningClick: function() {
- vueApp.showAttentionPopup();
- }
- },
- computed: {
- showSignIn: function () {
- if (!isFromEU) {
- return true;
- }
- return isFromEU && this.isOfAge && this.showTargetedAds;
- },
- showShareLinkButton: function () {
- return this.showCornerButtons && (this.ui.showScreen ===;
- }
- }
- };
- </script>
- <script id="streamer-panel-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div class="panel_streamer noscroll">
- <div id="stream_mask"></div>
- <h1 class="stream_head roundme_sm" :class="icon">{{ title }}</h1>
- <div id="stream_scroll" class="v_scroll" v-show="show">
- <div class="stream_item roundme_sm" v-for="s in streams">
- <a :href="" target="_blank" @click="playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3')">
- <img :src="s.image" class="stream_img roundme_sm"> {{ }}
- <p class="stream_viewers">{{ s.viewers }} {{ viewers }}</p>
- </a>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_streamer_panel = {
- template: '#streamer-panel-template',
- props: ['streams', 'title', 'viewers', 'icon'],
- methods: {
- playSound (sound) {
- vueApp.playSound(sound);
- }
- },
- computed: {
- show: function() {
- if (!this.streams) {
- return false;
- }
- return this.streams.length > 0;
- }
- }
- };
- </script><template id="stats_panel_template" type="text/x-template">
- <div class="front_panel roundme_md">
- <h3 class="nospace">{{ loc.home_stats }}</h3>
- <div id="stat_item" class="roundme_sm">
- <h4>{{ loc.kills.toUpperCase() }}</h4>
- <div class="stat_stat">{{ kills }}</div>
- </div>
- <div id="stat_item" class="roundme_sm">
- <h4>{{ loc.deaths.toUpperCase() }}</h4>
- <div class="stat_stat">{{ deaths }}</div>
- </div>
- <div id="stat_item" class="roundme_sm">
- <h4>{{ loc.kdr.toUpperCase() }}</h4>
- <div class="stat_stat">{{ kdr }}</div>
- </div>
- <div id="stat_item" class="roundme_sm">
- <h4>{{ loc.streak.toUpperCase() }}</h4>
- <div class="stat_stat">{{ streak }}</div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </template>
- <script>
- var comp_stats_panel = {
- template: '#stats_panel_template',
- props: ['loc', 'kills', 'deaths', 'kdr', 'streak'],
- };
- </script>
- <script id="play-panel-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div>
- <div class="front_panel roundme_md">
- <input name="name" :value="playerName" v-bind:placeholder="loc.play_enter_name" @change="onNameChange($event)" v-on:keyup="onPlayerNameKeyUp($event)" class="ss_field fullwidth"><br>
- <select name="gameType" v-model="pickedGameType" class="ss_select fullwidth" @change="onGameTypeChange($event)">
- <option v-for="g in gameTypes" v-bind:value="g.value">{{ loc[g.locKey] }}</option>
- </select><br>
- <button name="server" @click="onPickServerButtonClick" class="ss_button btn_blue bevel_blue fullwidth">{{ loc.server }}: {{ loc[serverLocKey] }}</button><br>
- <button name="play" @click="onPlayButtonClick" class="ss_button btn_big btn_green bevel_green fullwidth nospace"><i class="fa fa-play fa-sm"></i> {{ loc.home_play }}</button>
- <h3>{{ loc.home_privategames }}</h3>
- <div id="btn_horizontal" class="nospace">
- <button name="create" @click="onCreatePrivateGameClick" class="ss_button btn_sm btn_blue bevel_blue">{{ loc.home_create }}</button>
- <button name="join" @click="onJoinPrivateGameClick" class="ss_button btn_sm btn_blue bevel_blue">{{ loc.home_join }}</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- Popup: Pick Server -->
- <large-popup id="pickServerPopup" ref="pickServerPopup" @popup-closed="onPickServerPopupClosed">
- <template slot="header">{{ loc.server }}</template>
- <template slot="content">
- <server-list-popup id="server_list_popup" ref="serverListPopup" v-if="(serverList.length > 0)" :loc="loc" :servers="serverList" :picked-server-id="currentServerId" @server-picked="onServerPicked"></server-list-popup>
- </template>
- </large-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Create Private Game -->
- <large-popup id="createPrivateGamePopup" ref="createPrivateGamePopup">
- <template slot="content">
- <create-private-game-popup id="createPrivateGame" ref="createPrivateGame" :loc="loc" :server-loc-key="serverLocKey" map-img-base-path="./img/maps/"></create-private-game-popup>
- </template>
- </large-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Join Private Game -->
- <small-popup id="joinPrivateGamePopup" ref="joinPrivateGamePopup" :popup-model="home.joinPrivateGamePopup" @popup-confirm="onJoinConfirmed">
- <template slot="header">{{ loc.p_game_code_title }}</template>
- <template slot="content">
- <div class="error_text shadow_red" v-show="home.joinPrivateGamePopup.showInvalidCodeMsg">{{ loc.p_game_code_blank }}</div>
- <p><input type="text" class="ss_field ss_margintop ss_marginbottom fullwidth center_cont" v-model="home.joinPrivateGamePopup.code" v-bind:placeholder="loc.p_game_code_enter" v-on:keyup.enter="onJoinConfirmed"></p>
- </template>
- <template slot="cancel">{{ loc.cancel }}</template>
- <template slot="confirm">{{ loc.confirm }}</template>
- </small-popup>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script id="server-list-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div>
- <h1 class="roundme_sm">{{ loc.p_servers_title }}</h1>
- <div v-for="s in servers" :key="">
- <div id="server_list_item">
- <input type="radio" :id="('rb_' +" name="pickServer" v-bind:value="" v-model="serverId" @click="playSound('./sound/ui/ui_onchange.mp3')">
- <label :for="('rb_' +" class="serverName">{{ loc[s.locKey] }} </label>
- <label :for="('rb_' +" class="serverPingWrap roundme_sm">
- <span class="pingBar" :class="barColorClass(s)" :style="barStyle(s)"></span>
- </label>
- <label :for="('rb_' +" class="serverPingNumber ss_marginleft_lg"> {{ }}ms</label>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="btn_horizontal" class="f_center">
- <button @click="onCancelClick()" class="ss_button btn_red bevel_red btn_sm">{{ loc.cancel }}</button>
- <button @click="onConfirmClick()" class="ss_button btn_green bevel_green btn_sm">{{ loc.ok }}</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_server_list_popup = {
- template: '#server-list-template',
- props: ['loc', 'servers', 'pickedServerId'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- colorClasses: ['greenPing', 'yellowPing','orangePing', 'redPing'],
- serverId: this.pickedServerId
- }
- },
- methods: {
- playSound (sound) {
- vueApp.playSound(sound);
- },
- barColorClass: function (server) {
- var colorIdx = Math.min(3, Math.floor( / 100));
- return this.colorClasses[colorIdx];
- },
- barStyle: function (server) {
- return {
- width: Math.min(10, Math.max(0, / 100)) + 0.1 + 'em'
- }
- },
- onCancelClick: function () {
- this.serverId = this.pickedServerId;
- this.$parent.close();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupclose.mp3');
- },
- onConfirmClick: function () {
- this.$emit('server-picked', this.serverId);
- this.$parent.close();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_playconfirm.mp3');
- }
- }
- };
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_play_panel = {
- template: '#play-panel-template',
- components: {
- 'create-private-game-popup': comp_create_private_game_popup,
- 'server-list-popup': comp_server_list_popup
- },
- props: ['loc', 'playerName', 'gameTypes', 'currentGameType', 'serverList', 'currentServerId', 'home'],
- data: function() {
- return {
- pickedServerId: null,
- pickedGameType: this.currentGameType
- }
- },
- methods: {
- onPickServerButtonClick: function () {
- this.$refs.pickServerPopup.toggle();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupopen.mp3');
- },
- onServerPicked: function (serverId) {
- if (vueData.currentServerId === serverId) { return; }
- vueData.currentServerId = serverId;
- extern.selectServer(vueData.currentServerId);
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_onchange.mp3');
- },
- onPickServerPopupClosed: function () {
- if (this.$refs.createPrivateGame.showingServerList) {
- this.$refs.createPrivateGame.showingServerList = false;
- this.$refs.createPrivateGamePopup.toggle();
- }
- },
- onNameChange: function (event) {
- console.log('name changed to: ' +;
- this.$emit('playerNameChanged',;
- },
- onPlayerNameKeyUp: function (event) {
- = extern.fixStringWidth(;
- // Send username to server to start the game!
- if (event.code == "Enter" || event.keyCode == 13) {
- if (vueData.playerName.length > 0) {
- playType: vueData.playTypes.joinPublic,
- playerName: vueData.playerName
- });
- }
- }
- },
- onGameTypeChange: function (event) {
- extern.selectGameType(;
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_onchange.mp3');
- },
- onPlayButtonClick: function () {
- if (!hasValue(this.playerName)) {
- console.log('invalid player name');
- vueApp.showGenericPopup('play_pu_name_title', 'play_pu_name_content', 'ok');
- return;
- }
- = 0;
- playType: vueData.playTypes.joinPublic,
- gameType: this.pickedGameType,
- playerName: this.playerName,
- mapIdx: -1
- });
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_playconfirm.mp3');
- },
- onCreatePrivateGameClick: function () {
- this.$refs.createPrivateGamePopup.toggle();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupopen.mp3');
- },
- onJoinPrivateGameClick: function () {
- this.showJoinPrivateGamePopup(vueData.home.joinPrivateGamePopup.code);
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupopen.mp3');
- },
- showJoinPrivateGamePopup: function (showCode) {
- // The popup must be active before it will update; set code after showing
- this.$;
- vueData.home.joinPrivateGamePopup.code = showCode;
- },
- onJoinConfirmed: function () {
- vueData.home.joinPrivateGamePopup.code = vueData.home.joinPrivateGamePopup.code.replace(parsedUrl.root, '');
- this.$refs.joinPrivateGamePopup.hide();
- playType: vueData.playTypes.joinPrivate,
- playerName: this.playerName,
- joinCode: vueData.home.joinPrivateGamePopup.code
- });
- }
- },
- computed: {
- serverLocKey: function () {
- if (!hasValue(this.serverList) || this.serverList.length === 0) {
- return '';
- }
- var server = this.serverList.find(s => {
- return == vueData.currentServerId;
- });
- return hasValue(server) ? server.locKey : '';
- }
- },
- watch: {
- currentGameType: function (val) {
- this.pickedGameType = val;
- }
- }
- };
- </script><template id="weaponselect_panel_template" type="text/x-template">
- <div>
- <img src="img/ico_weapon_assaultRifle.png" class="weapon_img roundme_lg" :class="addSelectedCssClass(charClass.Soldier)" @click="selectClass(charClass.Soldier)">
- <img src="img/ico_weapon_shotgun.png" class="weapon_img roundme_lg" :class="addSelectedCssClass(charClass.Scrambler)" @click="selectClass(charClass.Scrambler)">
- <img src="img/ico_weapon_sniper.png" class="weapon_img roundme_lg" :class="addSelectedCssClass(charClass.Ranger)" @click="selectClass(charClass.Ranger)">
- <img src="img/ico_weapon_rocketLauncher.png" class="weapon_img roundme_lg" :class="addSelectedCssClass(charClass.Eggsploder)" @click="selectClass(charClass.Eggsploder)">
- <img src="img/ico_weapon_SMG.png" class="weapon_img roundme_lg" :class="addSelectedCssClass(charClass.Whipper)" @click="selectClass(charClass.Whipper)">
- <img src="img/ico_weapon_boltAction.png" class="weapon_img roundme_lg" :class="addSelectedCssClass(charClass.Crackshot)" @click="selectClass(charClass.Crackshot)">
- </div>
- </template>
- <script>
- var comp_weapon_select_panel = {
- template: '#weaponselect_panel_template',
- props: ['currentClass'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- charClass: CharClass
- }
- },
- methods: {
- selectClass: function (classIdx) {
- extern.changeClass(classIdx);
- this.$emit('changed-class', classIdx);
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3');
- },
- addSelectedCssClass: function (classIdx) {
- return (this.currentClass === classIdx)
- ? 'weapon_selected'
- : '';
- }
- }
- };
- </script>
- <script id="newsfeed-panel-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div class="v_scroll">
- <div v-for="item in localizedItems" @click="onItemClicked(item)" class="news_item roundme_md" :class="applyClickClass(item)">
- <img :src="('img/newsItems/' + item.image)" class="news_img roundme_sm">
- <p>{{ item.msg }}</p>
- </div>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_newsfeed_panel = {
- template: '#newsfeed-panel-template',
- props: ['currentLanguageCode'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- items: [],
- localizedItems: []
- }
- },
- mounted: function () {
- var outer = this;
- fetch('newsItems.json')
- .then(function(response) {
- response.json()
- .then(function(parsedItemList) {
- outer.items = parsedItemList;
- outer.localizeItems();
- });
- });
- },
- methods: {
- localizeItems: function () {
- let locItemList = [];
- const lang = 'en';
- this.items.forEach( (item) => {
- var locEntry = item.loc.find((l) => {
- // Since we have no localization for news items only display en
- // return l.code === this.currentLanguageCode;
- return l.code === lang;
- });
- item.msg = hasValue(locEntry) ? locEntry.msg : '';
- locItemList.push(item);
- });
- this.localizedItems = locItemList;
- },
- onItemClicked: function(item) {
- extern.clickedHouseLink(item);
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3');
- },
- applyClickClass: function (item) {
- return extern.hasHouseLink(item) ? 'clickme' : '';
- }
- },
- watch: {
- // Rebuild the localized item array when the current language code changes
- currentLanguageCode: function (newCode) {
- this.localizeItems();
- }
- }
- };
- </script><script id="chicken-panel-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div id="showBuyPassDialogButton">
- <img src="img/ico_chickenBadge.png" v-show="isUpgraded">
- <div v-show="!isUpgraded">
- <img src="img/anim_chicken.gif" @click="onChickenClick" class="clickme">
- <div id="buyPassChickenSpeech">
- <img src="img/speechtail.png" class="buyPassChickenSpeechTail">
- <span v-html="loc.chicken_cta"></span>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_chicken_panel = {
- template: '#chicken-panel-template',
- props: ['loc', 'isUpgraded'],
- methods: {
- onChickenClick: function () {
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_chicken.mp3');
- vueApp.showGoldChickenPopup();
- }
- }
- };
- </script><script id="footer-links-panel-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div class="center_h">
- <a @click="onChangelogClicked" class="clickme">{{ version }}</a> |
- <a href="" target="_blank" @click="playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3')">{{ loc.footer_merchandise }}</a> |
- <a href="" target="_blank" @click="playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3')">{{ loc.footer_privacypolicy }}</a> |
- <a href="" target="_blank" @click="playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3')">{{ loc.footer_termsofservice }}</a> |
- <a href="" target="_blank" @click="playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3')">© 2019 {{ loc.footer_bluewizard }}</a>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_footer_links_panel = {
- template: '#footer-links-panel-template',
- props: ['loc'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- version: version
- }
- },
- methods: {
- onChangelogClicked: function () {
- vueApp.showChangelogPopup();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupopen.mp3');
- },
- playSound (sound) {
- vueApp.playSound(sound);
- }
- }
- };
- </script>
- <script id="social-panel-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div class="social_icons roundme_sm">
- <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="img/ico_social_newsletter.png" class="social_icon" @click="playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3')"></a>
- <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="img/ico_social_discord.png" class="social_icon" @click="playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3')"></a>
- <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="img/ico_social_facebook.png" class="social_icon" @click="playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3')"></a>
- <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="img/ico_social_twitter.png" class="social_icon" @click="playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3')"></a>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_social_panel = {
- template: '#social-panel-template',
- methods: {
- playSound (sound) {
- vueApp.playSound(sound);
- }
- }
- };
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_home_screen = {
- template: '#home-screen-template',
- components: {
- 'streamer-panel': comp_streamer_panel,
- 'stats-panel': comp_stats_panel,
- 'play-panel': comp_play_panel,
- 'weapon-select-panel': comp_weapon_select_panel,
- 'newsfeed-panel': comp_newsfeed_panel,
- 'house-ad-big': comp_house_ad_big,
- 'house-ad-small': comp_house_ad_small,
- 'account-panel': comp_account_panel,
- 'chicken-panel': comp_chicken_panel,
- 'footer-links-panel': comp_footer_links_panel,
- 'social-panel': comp_social_panel
- },
- data: function () {
- return vueData;
- },
- methods: {
- playSound (sound) {
- vueApp.playSound(sound);
- },
- onEquipClicked: function () {
- vueApp.switchToEquipUi();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_equip.mp3');
- },
- showSignIn: function () {
- this.$refs.firebaseSignInPopup.toggle();
- extern.showSignInDialog();
- },
- onSignInClicked: function () {
- this.showSignIn();
- },
- onSignInCancelClicked: function () {
- this.$refs.firebaseSignInPopup.hide();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupclose.mp3');
- },
- onSignOutClicked: function () {
- extern.signOut();
- },
- onResendEmailClicked: function () {
- extern.sendFirebaseVerificationEmail();
- vueApp.showGenericPopup('verify_email_sent', 'verify_email_instr', 'ok');
- },
- onBigHouseAdClosed: function () {
- console.log('big house ad closed event received');
- this.ui.houseAds.big = null;
- },
- onPlayerNameChanged: function (newName) {
- console.log('play name event handler');
- vueApp.setPlayerName(newName);
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_onchange.mp3');
- }
- }
- };
- </script><script id="equip-screen-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div>
- <div id="equip_wrapper">
- <account-panel id="account_panel" ref="accountPanel" :loc="loc" :eggs="eggs" :show-corner-buttons="ui.showCornerButtons" :ui="ui" :show-bottom="false" :is-anonymous="isAnonymous"></account-panel>
- <div id="equip_box">
- <section id="equip_panel_left" class="equip_panel left_panel">
- <div class="equip_panelhead">
- </div>
- <div id="equip_sidebox" class="roundme_md">
- <equipped-slots id="equip.equipped_slots" ref="equip.equipped_slots" :loc="loc" :primary-item="equip.equippedPrimary" :secondary-item="equip.equippedSecondary" :hat-item="equip.equippedHat" :stamp-item="equip.equippedStamp" @equipped-type-selected="onEquippedTypeSelected"></equipped-slots>
- <color-select id="equip.equipped_slots" ref="colorSelect" :loc="loc" :color-idx="equip.colorIdx" :extra-colors-locked="equip.extraColorsLocked" @color-changed="onColorChanged"></color-select>
- </div>
- <p align="center"><button @click="onRedeemClick" class="ss_button btn_blue1 btn_md bevel_blue">{{ loc.eq_redeem }}</button></p>
- </section>
- <!-- end.left_panel -->
- <section id="equip_panel_middle" class="equip_panel middle_panel">
- <div class="equip_panelhead panel_tabs">
- <button class="ss_bigtab bevel_blue ss_marginright" :class="getButtonToggleClass(equip.equipModes.inventory)" @click="switchToInventory">{{ loc.eq_inventory }}</button>
- <button class="ss_bigtab bevel_blue" :class="getButtonToggleClass(" @click="switchToShop">{{ loc.eq_shop }}</i></button>
- </div>
- <div id="equip_purchase_top" class="equip_purchase_top">
- <!-- <div></div> -->
- <price-tag id="price_tag" class="ss_marginright" v-if="equip.buyingItem" ref="price_tag" :loc="loc" :item="equip.buyingItem" @buy-item-clicked="onBuyItemClicked"></price-tag>
- <physical-tag id="physical-tag" class="ss_marginright" v-if="equip.physicalUnlockPopup.item" ref="physical-tag" :loc="loc" :item="equip.physicalUnlockPopup.item" @buy-item-clicked="onBuyItemClicked"></physical-tag>
- <!-- <p v-if="equip.buyingItem">{{ equip.buyingItem }}</p>
- <p v-if="equip.physicalUnlockPopup">{{ equip.physicalUnlockPopup.item }}</p> -->
- <!--<item-timer id="item_timer" ref="item_timer" :loc="loc"></item-timer>-->
- </div>
- <div id="equip_weapon_panel">
- <weapon-select-panel id="weapon_select" :current-class="classIdx" @changed-class="onChangedClass"></weapon-select-panel>
- <button class="ss_button btn_md btn_red bevel_red" @click="onBackClick"><i class="fas fa-backward"></i> {{ loc.back }}</button>
- </div>
- </section>
- <!-- end .middle_panel -->
- <section id="equip_panel_right" class="equip_panel right_panel">
- <item-type-selector id="item_type_selector" ref="item_type_selector" :selected-item-type="equip.selectedItemType" :show-special-items="equip.showSpecialItems" :in-shop="isInShop" @item-type-changed="onItemTypeChanged" @tagged-items-clicked="onTaggedItemsClicked"></item-type-selector>
- <div id="equip_sidebox" class="roundme_md">
- <item-grid id="item_grid" ref="item_grid" :loc="loc" :grid-class="getGridClass" :items="equip.showingItems" :selectedItem="equip.selectedItem" :category-loc-key="equip.categoryLocKey" :in-shop="isInShop" @item-selected="onItemSelected" @switch-to-shop="onSwitchToShopClicked"></item-grid>
- <!--<house-ad-small id="banner-ad" v-show="!isInShop"></house-ad-small>-->
- </div>
- </section>
- <!-- .right_panel-->
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- Popup: Buy Item -->
- <small-popup id="buyItemPopup" ref="buyItemPopup" @popup-confirm="onBuyItemConfirm">
- <template slot="header">{{ loc.p_buy_item_title }}</template>
- <template slot="content">
- <div>
- <canvas id="buyItemCanvas" ref="buyItemCanvas" width="250" height="250"></canvas>
- </div>
- <div class="f_row f_center">
- <img src="img/ico_goldenEgg.png" class="egg_icon"/>
- <h1>{{ (equip.buyingItem) ? equip.buyingItem.price : '' }}</h1>
- </div>
- </template>
- <template slot="cancel">{{ loc.p_buy_item_cancel }}</template>
- <template slot="confirm">{{ loc.p_buy_item_confirm }}</template>
- </small-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Redeem Code -->
- <small-popup id="redeemCodePopup" ref="redeemCodePopup" :popup-model="equip.redeemCodePopup" @popup-confirm="onRedeemCodeConfirm">
- <template slot="header">{{ loc.p_redeem_code_title }}</template>
- <template slot="content">
- <div class="error_text shadow_red" v-show="equip.redeemCodePopup.showInvalidCodeMsg">{{ loc.p_redeem_code_no_code }}</div>
- <p><input type="text" class="ss_field ss_margintop ss_marginbottom center_cont width_lg" v-model="equip.redeemCodePopup.code" v-bind:placeholder="loc.p_redeem_code_enter"></p>
- </template>
- <template slot="cancel">{{ loc.cancel }}</template>
- <template slot="confirm">{{ loc.confirm }}</template>
- </small-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Physical Unlock -->
- <small-popup id="physicalUnlockPopup" ref="physicalUnlockPopup" :popup-model="equip.physicalUnlockPopup" @popup-confirm="onPhysicalUnlockConfirm">
- <template slot="header">{{ loc.p_physical_unlock_title }}</template>
- <template slot="content">
- <div v-if="(equip.physicalUnlockPopup.item !== null)">
- <div>
- <item :item="equip.physicalUnlockPopup.item" :isSelected="false" :show-item-only="true"></item>
- <div class="f_row f_center">
- <img src="img/ico_goldenEgg.png" class="egg_icon"/>
- <h1>{{ loc.p_buy_special_price }}</h1>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="popup_sm__item_desc">
- {{ loc[equip.physicalUnlockPopup.item.item_data.physicalUnlockLocKey] }}
- </div>
- </div>
- </template>
- <template slot="cancel">{{ loc.cancel }}</template>
- <template slot="confirm">{{ loc.confirm }}</template>
- </small-popup>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script id="equipped-slots-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div>
- <h3 class="margins_sm">{{ loc.eq_equipped }}</h3>
- <div id="equip_equippedslots">
- <div class="equip_item roundme_lg clickme f_row f_center" @click="onClick(itemType.Primary)">
- <item id="primary_item" ref="primary_item" v-if="primaryItem" :item="primaryItem" class="equip_icon"></item>
- </div>
- <div class="equip_item roundme_lg clickme f_row f_center" @click="onClick(itemType.Secondary)">
- <item id="secondary_item" ref="secondary_item" v-if="primaryItem" :item="secondaryItem" class="equip_icon"></item>
- </div>
- <div class="equip_item roundme_lg clickme f_row f_center" @click="onClick(itemType.Hat)">
- <item id="hat_item" ref="hat_item" v-if="hatItem" :item="hatItem"></item>
- <div v-if="!hatItem" class="equip_icon equip_icon_hat"></div>
- </div>
- <div class="equip_item roundme_lg clickme f_row f_center" @click="onClick(itemType.Stamp)">
- <item id="stamp_item" ref="stamp_item" v-if="stampItem" :item="stampItem"></item>
- <div v-if="!stampItem" class="equip_icon equip_icon_stamp"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_equipped_slots = {
- template: '#equipped-slots-template',
- components: { 'item': comp_item },
- props: ['loc', 'primaryItem', 'secondaryItem', 'hatItem', 'stampItem'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- itemType: ItemType
- }
- },
- methods: {
- onClick: function (itemType) {
- this.$emit('equipped-type-selected', itemType);
- }
- },
- computed: {
- emptyHatClass: function () {
- return (this.hatItem === null) ? 'equip_icon_hat' : '';
- },
- emptyStampClass: function () {
- return (this.stampItem === null) ? 'equip_icon_stamp' : '';
- }
- }
- };
- </script><script id="color-select-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div>
- <h3 class="margins_sm">{{ loc.eq_color }}</h3>
- <div id="equip_free_colors" class="center_cont">
- <svg v-for="(c, index) in freeColors" class="eggIcon equip_color" :style="{ color: c }" :class="isSelectedClass(index)" @click="onClick(index)"><use xlink:href="#icon-egg"></use></svg>
- </div>
- <div id="equip_paid_colors" class="center_cont ss_marginbottom_lg">
- <svg v-for="(c, index) in paidColors" class="eggIcon equip_color" :style="{ color: c }" :class="isSelectedClass(index + freeColors.length)" @click="onClick(index + freeColors.length)"><use :xlink:href="getExtraColorEggIcon(index + freeColors.length)"></use></svg>
- </div>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_color_select = {
- template: '#color-select-template',
- props: ['loc', 'colorIdx', 'extraColorsLocked'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- freeColors: freeColors,
- paidColors: paidColors
- }
- },
- methods: {
- isSelectedClass: function (idx) {
- return (idx === this.colorIdx) ? 'selected' : ''
- },
- getExtraColorEggIcon: function (idx) {
- return (this.extraColorsLocked === true) ? '#icon-egg-locked' : '#icon-egg';
- },
- onClick: function (idx) {
- if (idx >= freeColors.length && this.extraColorsLocked === true) {
- vueApp.showGoldChickenPopup();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_chicken.mp3');
- return;
- }
- this.$emit('color-changed', idx);
- }
- }
- };
- </script><script id="item-timer-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div>
- <div id="equip_timerem" class="box_blue3 roundme_sm shadow_blue4">
- <i class="fas fa-hourglass-start"></i> 9{{ loc.eq_day }}<span class="blink">:</span>12{{ loc.eq_hour }}
- <br>{{ loc.eq_remaining }}
- </div>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_item_timer = {
- template: '#item-timer-template',
- props: ['loc']
- };
- </script><script id="price-tag-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div id="equip_purchase_items" class="equip_purchase_items">
- <div id="equip_pricetag" class="equip_pricetag shadow_blue2">
- <img src="img/pricetag_left.png" class="equip_pricetag__endpiece">
- <div class="equip_pricetag__tag equip_pricetag__is_buy_tag">
- <img src="img/ico_goldenEgg.png">{{ item.price }}
- </div>
- <img src="img/pricetag_right.png" class="equip_pricetag__endpiece">
- </div>
- <button class="ss_button btn_yolk bevel_yolk is_purchase_btn" @click="onBuyClick">{{ loc.eq_buy }}</button>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_price_tag = {
- template: '#price-tag-template',
- props: ['loc', 'item'],
- methods: {
- onBuyClick: function () {
- this.$emit('buy-item-clicked', this.item);
- }
- }
- };
- </script><script id="physical-tag-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div id="equip_get_physical_item" class="equip_purchase_items">
- <div id="equip_pricetag" class="equip_pricetag shadow_blue2">
- <img src="img/pricetag_left.png">
- <div class="equip_pricetag__tag equip_pricetag__is_special_tag">
- <img src="img/ico_goldenEgg.png" class="ss_marginright">{{ loc.p_buy_special_price }}
- </div>
- <img src="img/pricetag_right.png">
- </div>
- <button class="ss_button btn_yolk bevel_yolk is_special_get_btn" @click="onBuyClick">{{ loc.p_chicken_goldbutton }}</button>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_physical_tag = {
- template: '#physical-tag-template',
- props: ['loc', 'item'],
- methods: {
- onBuyClick: function () {
- this.$emit('buy-item-clicked', this.item);
- }
- }
- };
- </script><script id="item-type-selector-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div>
- <div id="equip_itemtype" class="equip_panelhead">
- <img src="img/ico_weaponPrimary.png" class="ico_itemtype clickme roundme_lg" :class="getSelectedClass(itemType.Primary)" @click="onItemTypeClick(itemType.Primary)">
- <img src="img/ico_weaponSecondary.png" class="ico_itemtype clickme roundme_lg" :class="getSelectedClass(itemType.Secondary)" @click="onItemTypeClick(itemType.Secondary)">
- <img src="img/ico_hat.png" class="ico_itemtype clickme roundme_lg" :class="getSelectedClass(itemType.Hat)" @click="onItemTypeClick(itemType.Hat)">
- <img src="img/ico_stamp.png" class="ico_itemtype clickme roundme_lg" :class="getSelectedClass(itemType.Stamp)" @click="onItemTypeClick(itemType.Stamp)">
- <img src="img/ico_specialItem.png" v-show="inShop && showSpecialItems" class="ico_itemtype clickme roundme_lg" :class="getSelectedClass('tagged')" @click="onTaggedTypeClick">
- </div>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_item_type_selector = {
- template: '#item-type-selector-template',
- props: ['showSpecialItems', 'selectedItemType', 'inShop'],
- data: function () {
- return {
- itemType: ItemType,
- showingTagged: false
- }
- },
- methods: {
- onItemTypeClick: function (itemType) {
- this.$emit('item-type-changed', itemType);
- },
- onTaggedTypeClick: function () {
- this.$emit('tagged-items-clicked');
- },
- getSelectedClass: function (itemType) {
- return (itemType === this.selectedItemType)
- ? 'selected'
- : '';
- }
- }
- };
- </script><script id="item-grid-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div>
- <div id="item_mask"></div>
- <h3 class="margins_sm">{{ loc[categoryLocKey] }}</h3>
- <div id="equip_grid" :class="gridClass">
- <item v-for="i in items" :loc="loc" :item="i" :key="" :isSelected="isSelected(i)" @item-selected="onItemSelected"></item>
- <div v-show="!inShop" class="store_item roundme_lg '.$is_hi.' '.$is_na.' clickme morestuff bevel_green" @click="onSwitchToShopClick"></div>
- <div v-show="inShop && (items.length === 0)" class="store_item roundme_lg '.$is_hi.' '.$is_na.' soldout">
- <div class="soldout_head shadow_bluebig5" v-html="loc.eq_sold_out_head"></div>
- <div class="soldout_text" v-html="loc.eq_sold_out_text"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_item_grid = {
- template: '#item-grid-template',
- components: { 'item': comp_item },
- props: ['loc', 'items', 'selectedItem', 'gridClass', 'categoryLocKey', 'inShop'],
- methods: {
- onItemSelected: function (selectedItem) {
- this.$emit('item-selected', selectedItem);
- },
- isSelected: function (item) {
- if (!hasValue(this.selectedItem)) {
- return false;
- }
- return ( ===;
- },
- onSwitchToShopClick: function () {
- this.$emit('switch-to-shop');
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_playconfirm.mp3');
- }
- },
- computed: {
- categoryName: function () {
- if (!hasValue(this.selectedItem)) {
- return null;
- }
- return this.loc['item_type_' + this.selectedItem.item_type_id];
- }
- }
- };
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_equip_screen = {
- template: '#equip-screen-template',
- components: {
- 'account-panel': comp_account_panel,
- 'equipped-slots': comp_equipped_slots,
- 'color-select': comp_color_select,
- 'item-timer': comp_item_timer,
- 'price-tag': comp_price_tag,
- 'physical-tag': comp_physical_tag,
- 'item-type-selector': comp_item_type_selector,
- 'item-grid': comp_item_grid,
- 'house-ad-small': comp_house_ad_small,
- 'weapon-select-panel': comp_weapon_select_panel,
- 'item': comp_item,
- // 'account-panel': comp_account_panel,
- 'house-ad-small': comp_house_ad_small
- },
- data: function () {
- return vueData;
- },
- equippedItems: {},
- methods: {
- setup: function (itemType) {
- if (!itemType) { itemType = ItemType.Primary; }
- this.updateEquippedItems();
- this.poseEquippedItems();
- if (itemType === 'tagged') {
- this.populateItemGridWithTagged(this.equip.specialItemsTag);
- } else {
- this.populateItemGridWithType(itemType);
- }
- this.selectEquippedItemForType();
- },
- updateEquippedItems: function () {
- this.$options.equippedItems = extern.getEquippedItems();
- this.equip.equippedHat = this.$options.equippedItems[ItemType.Hat];
- this.equip.equippedStamp = this.$options.equippedItems[ItemType.Stamp];
- this.equip.equippedPrimary = this.$options.equippedItems[ItemType.Primary];
- this.equip.equippedSecondary = this.$options.equippedItems[ItemType.Secondary];
- },
- poseEquippedItems: function () {
- this.posingHat = this.equip.equippedHat;
- this.posingStamp = this.equip.equippedStamp;
- this.posingWeapon = (this.equip.showingWeaponType === ItemType.Primary)
- ? this.equip.equippedPrimary
- : this.equip.equippedSecondary;
- this.workItBaby();
- },
- selectEquippedItemForType: function () {
- switch (this.equip.selectedItemType) {
- case ItemType.Hat: this.equip.selectedItem = this.equip.equippedHat; break;
- case ItemType.Stamp: this.equip.selectedItem = this.equip.equippedStamp; break;
- case ItemType.Primary: this.equip.selectedItem = this.equip.equippedPrimary; break;
- case ItemType.Secondary: this.equip.selectedItem = this.equip.equippedSecondary; break;
- }
- },
- populateItemGridWithType: function (itemType) {
- this.equip.selectedItemType = itemType;
- var items = extern.getItemsOfType(itemType);
- this.populateItemGrid(items);
- this.equip.categoryLocKey = 'item_type_{0}{1}'.format(itemType, ((itemType === ItemType.Primary) ? '_' + this.classIdx : ''));
- },
- populateItemGridWithTagged: function (tag) {
- var items = extern.getTaggedItems(tag);
- this.populateItemGrid(items);
- this.equip.categoryLocKey = 'item_type_5';
- },
- populateItemGrid: function (items) {
- if (this.equip.mode === vueData.equip.equipModes.inventory) {
- items = items.filter(i => {
- return extern.isItemOwned(i) || (i.is_available && i.unlock === "default");
- });
- } else {
- items = items.filter(i => {
- return i.is_available && !extern.isItemOwned(i) && i.unlock !== "default";
- })
- }
- this.equip.showingItems = items;
- },
- workItBaby: function () {
- extern.poseWithItem(ItemType.Hat, this.posingHat);
- extern.poseWithItem(ItemType.Stamp, this.posingStamp);
- extern.poseWithItem(this.posingWeapon.item_type_id, this.posingWeapon);
- },
- onBackClick: function () {
- extern.saveEquipment();
- this.equip.showingWeaponType = ItemType.Primary;
- this.poseEquippedItems();
- if (!extern.inGame) {
- vueApp.switchToHomeUi();
- } else {
- extern.closeEquipInGame();
- vueApp.switchToGameUi();
- }
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupclose.mp3');
- },
- onItemTypeChanged: function (itemType) {
- this.switchItemType(itemType);
- },
- switchItemType: function (itemType) {
- if (itemType !== this.equip.selectedItemType) {
- if (itemType === ItemType.Primary || itemType === ItemType.Secondary) {
- this.equip.showingWeaponType = itemType;
- }
- this.poseEquippedItems();
- this.populateItemGridWithType(itemType);
- if (this.equip.mode === this.equip.equipModes.inventory) {
- this.selectEquippedItemForType();
- } else {
- this.selectFirstItemInShop();
- }
- }
- if (!this.isInShop) {
- this.hideItemForSale();
- this.hideItemForSpecial();
- }
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3');
- },
- onTaggedItemsClicked: function () {
- this.showTaggedItems(this.equip.specialItemsTag);
- this.selectFirstItemInShop();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3');
- },
- showTaggedItems: function (tag) {
- this.equip.selectedItemType = 'tagged';
- if (this.equip.mode === this.equip.equipModes.inventory && !this.ownsTaggedItems(this.equip.specialItemsTag)) {
- this.equip.mode =;
- }
- this.populateItemGridWithTagged(tag);
- },
- switchToInventory: function () {
- if (this.equip.selectedItemType === 'tagged' && this.equip.mode === {
- if (!this.ownsTaggedItems(this.equip.specialItemsTag)) {
- this.switchItemType(ItemType.Primary);
- }
- }
- this.equip.mode = this.equip.equipModes.inventory;
- this.hideItemForSale();
- this.hideItemForSpecial();
- this.poseEquippedItems();
- this.showItemsAfterEquipModeSwitch();
- this.selectEquippedItemForType();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_toggletab.mp3');
- },
- ownsTaggedItems: function (tag) {
- return extern.getTaggedItems(tag).filter(i => {
- return extern.isItemOwned(i);
- }).length > 0;
- },
- selectFirstItemInShop: function () {
- if (this.isInShop && this.equip.showingItems.length > 0) {
- this.selectItem(this.equip.showingItems[0]);
- }
- },
- switchToShop: function () {
- this.equip.mode =;
- this.showItemsAfterEquipModeSwitch();
- this.selectFirstItemInShop();
- vueApp.conditionalAnonWarningCall();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_toggletab.mp3');
- },
- showItemsAfterEquipModeSwitch: function () {
- if (this.equip.selectedItemType !== 'tagged') {
- this.populateItemGridWithType(this.equip.selectedItemType);
- } else {
- this.showTaggedItems(this.equip.specialItemsTag)
- }
- },
- onEquippedTypeSelected: function (itemType) {
- this.equip.selectedItemType = itemType;
- if (this.equip.selectedItemType === ItemType.Primary || this.equip.selectedItemType === ItemType.Secondary) {
- this.equip.showingWeaponType = itemType;
- }
- this.switchToInventory();
- },
- onChangedClass: function () {
- this.hideItemForSale();
- this.hideItemForSpecial();
- this.updateEquippedItems();
- this.poseEquippedItems();
- this.populateItemGridWithType(this.equip.selectedItemType);
- },
- autoSelectItem: function (item) {
- if (extern.isItemOwned(item)) {
- this.switchToInventory();
- } else {
- this.switchToShop();
- }
- this.switchItemType(item.item_type_id);
- this.selectItem(item);
- },
- onItemSelected: function (item) {
- this.selectItem(item);
- },
- selectItem: function (item) {
- var selectingSame = hasValue(this.equip.selectedItem) && ===;
- var selectedId = selectingSame ? : null;
- var isWeapon = (item.item_type_id === ItemType.Primary || item.item_type_id === ItemType.Secondary);
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3');
- if (selectingSame) {
- if (this.isInShop) {
- // Revert to equipped weapon
- item = this.$options[this.equip.selectedItem.item_type_id];
- } else {
- // Take off hat or stamp
- if (!isWeapon) {
- item = null;
- extern.removeItemType(this.equip.selectedItem.item_type_id);
- }
- }
- }
- // Take off any items being tried on
- this.poseEquippedItems();
- this.equip.selectedItem = item;
- extern.tryEquipItem(item);
- this.updateEquippedItems();
- if (hasValue(item)) {
- this.poseWithItem(item);
- if (this.isInShop) {
- switch (item.unlock) {
- case "physical":
- console.log('purchasing physical item');
- if ( !selectingSame ) {
- this.offerItemForSpecial(item)
- this.hideItemForSale();
- } else {
- this.hideItemForSpecial();
- }
- // this.$refs.physicalUnlockPopup.toggle();
- break;
- case "purchase":
- if (!selectingSame) {
- this.offerItemForSale(item);
- this.hideItemForSpecial();
- } else {
- this.hideItemForSale();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- this.poseEquippedItems();
- this.hideItemForSale();
- this.hideItemForSpecial();
- }
- },
- poseWithItem: function (item) {
- switch (item.item_type_id) {
- case ItemType.Hat: this.posingHat = item; break;
- case ItemType.Stamp: this.posingStamp = item; break;
- case ItemType.Primary:
- case ItemType.Secondary: this.posingWeapon = item; break;
- }
- this.workItBaby();
- },
- getButtonToggleClass: function (equipMode) {
- return (equipMode === this.equip.mode) ? 'btn_toggleon' : 'btn_toggleoff';
- },
- offerItemForSpecial: function(item) {
- return this.equip.physicalUnlockPopup.item = item;
- },
- hideItemForSpecial: function() {
- this.equip.physicalUnlockPopup.item = null;
- },
- offerItemForSale: function (item) {
- this.equip.buyingItem = item;
- },
- hideItemForSale: function () {
- this.equip.buyingItem = null;
- // this.equip.physicalUnlockPopup.item = null
- },
- onBuyItemClicked: function () {
- // If item is buying item show buyItemPopup or show physicalUnlockPopup
- this.equip.buyingItem ? this.$refs.buyItemPopup.toggle() : this.$refs.physicalUnlockPopup.toggle();
- this.equip.buyingItem ? extern.renderItemToCanvas(this.equip.buyingItem, this.$refs.buyItemCanvas) : null;
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupopen.mp3');
- },
- onBuyItemConfirm: function () {
- extern.api_buy(this.equip.buyingItem, this.boughtItemSuccess, this.boughtItemFailed);
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_playconfirm.mp3');
- },
- boughtItemSuccess: function () {
- this.equip.selectedItem = this.equip.buyingItem;
- var itemType = this.equip.selectedItem.item_type_id;
- if (itemType === ItemType.Primary || itemType === ItemType.Secondary) {
- this.equip.showingWeaponType = itemType;
- }
- this.hideItemForSale();
- this.setup(this.equip.selectedItemType);
- this.updateEquippedItems();
- this.poseEquippedItems();
- this.selectEquippedItemForType();
- },
- boughtItemFailed: function () {
- vueApp.showGenericPopup('p_buy_error_title', 'p_buy_error_content', 'ok');
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_reset.mp3');
- },
- onRedeemClick: function () {
- this.$refs.redeemCodePopup.code = '';
- this.$refs.redeemCodePopup.toggle();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupopen.mp3');
- },
- onRedeemCodeConfirm: function () {
- extern.api_redeem(this.equip.redeemCodePopup.code, this.redeemCodeSuccess, this.redeemCodeFailed);
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_playconfirm.mp3');
- },
- redeemCodeSuccess: function (eggs, items) {
- this.populateItemGridWithType(this.equip.selectedItemType);
- this.giveStuffPopup.eggs = eggs;
- this.giveStuffPopup.items = items;
- this.$refs.giveStuffPopup.toggle();
- },
- redeemCodeFailed: function () {
- vueApp.showGenericPopup('p_redeem_error_title', 'p_redeem_error_content', 'ok');
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_reset.mp3');
- },
- onPhysicalUnlockConfirm: function () {
-, '_blank');
- },
- onColorChanged: function (colorIdx) {
- this.equip.colorIdx = colorIdx;
- extern.setShellColor(this.equip.colorIdx);
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_onchange.mp3');
- },
- onSwitchToShopClicked: function () {
- this.switchToShop();
- }
- },
- computed: {
- isInShop: function () {
- return (this.equip.mode ===;
- },
- getGridClass: function () {
- return this.isInShop ? '' : 'equip_grid_short';
- }
- }
- };
- </script><script id="game-screen-template" type="text/x-template">
- <div>
- <account-panel id="game_account_panel" ref="accountPanel" :loc="loc" :eggs="eggs" :show-bottom="false" :show-corner-buttons="ui.showCornerButtons" :ui="ui"></account-panel>
- <div id="chickenBadge" ref="chickenBadge" style="display: none;"><img src="img/ico_chickenBadge.png"></div>
- <!-- Reticle -->
- <div id="reticleContainer">
- <div id="crosshairContainer">
- <div id="crosshair0" class="crosshair"></div>
- <div id="crosshair1" class="crosshair"></div>
- <div id="crosshair2" class="crosshair"></div>
- <div id="crosshair3" class="crosshair"></div>
- </div>
- <div id="shotReticleContainer">
- <div class="shotReticle black"></div>
- <div class="shotReticle black"></div>
- <div class="shotReticle white"></div>
- <div class="shotReticle white"></div>
- </div>
- <div id="readyBrackets">
- <div class="readyBracket"></div>
- <div class="readyBracket"></div>
- <div class="readyBracket"></div>
- <div class="readyBracket"></div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <!-- Scope -->
- <div id="scopeBorder">
- <div id="maskleft"></div>
- <div id="maskmiddle"></div>
- <div id="maskright"></div>
- </div>
- <!-- Best Streak -->
- <div id="best_streak_container">
- <!--<h3>{{ loc.ui_game_beststreak }}</h3>-->
- <h1 id="bestStreak">x0</h1>
- </div>
- <!-- Team Scores -->
- <div id="teamScores">
- <div id="teamScore2" class="teamScore red inactive">
- <div id="teamScoreNum2" class="number">0</div>
- <div class="teamLetter red" style="color: #f00;">R</div>
- </div>
- <div id="teamScore1" class="teamScore blue inactive">
- <div id="teamScoreNum1" class="number">0</div>
- <div class="teamLetter blue" style="color: #0af;">B</div>
- </div>
- <!--<div>
- <img src="img/spatulaIcon.png" style="width: 3em; transform: rotate(60deg)">
- </div>-->
- </div>
- <!-- Weapon -->
- <div id="weaponBox">
- <div id="grenades">
- <img id="grenade3" class="grenade" src="img/ico_grenadeEmpty.png?v=1"/>
- <img id="grenade2" class="grenade" src="img/ico_grenadeEmpty.png?v=1"/>
- <img id="grenade1" class="grenade" src="img/ico_grenadeEmpty.png?v=1"/>
- </div>
- <h2 id="weaponName"></h2>
- <h2 id="ammo" class="shadow_grey"></h2>
- </div>
- <!-- Health -->
- <div id="health">
- <svg class="healthSvg">
- <circle id="healthBar" class="healthBar" cx="50%" cy="50%" r="2.15em" />
- <circle class="healthYolk" cx="50%" cy="50%" r="1.35em" />
- </svg>
- <div id="healthHp">100</div>
- </div>
- <!-- Spatula -->
- <img id="spatulaPlayer" src="img/spatulaIcon.png" />
- <!-- Grenade throw power -->
- <div id="grenadeThrowContainer">
- <div id="grenadeThrow"></div>
- </div>
- <!-- Kill -->
- <div id="killBox" class="shadow_grey">
- <h3>{{ loc.ui_game_youkilled }}</h3>
- <h2 id="KILLED_NAME"></h2>
- <h3 id="KILL_STREAK"></h3>
- </div>
- <!-- Death -->
- <div id="deathBox">
- <h3>{{ loc.ui_game_killedby }}</h3>
- <h2 id="KILLED_BY_NAME"></h2>
- <h3 id="respawnMessage"></h3>
- </div>
- <!-- Game messages -->
- <div id="gameMessage"></div>
- <!-- Chat -->
- <div id="chatOut" class="chat roundme_sm"></div>
- <input id="chatIn" class="chat roundme_sm" maxlength=64 tabindex=-1 placeholder="Press TAB to exit" onkeydown="extern.onChatKeyDown(event)"></input>
- <!-- Kill ticker -->
- <div id="killTicker" class="chat"></div>
- <!-- Spectator controls -->
- <div id="spectate">
- {{ loc.ui_game_spectating }}
- </div>
- <div id="serverAndMapInfo" class="shadow_grey"></div>
- <!-- Ingame UI Stuff -->
- <div id="inGameUI">
- <div id="readouts" class="shadow_grey">
- {{ loc.ui_game_fps }}: <div id="FPS"></div><br>
- {{ loc.ui_game_ping }}: <div id="ping"></div>
- </div>
- <!-- Corner icon buttons -->
- <!--
- <div id="corner" style="float: right; margin-top: 0.5em;">
- <div id="currentBalanceContainer" style="display: none; position: relative; left: -1em; top: 0.15em;">
- <span id="currentBalance" style="display: inline-block; font-size: 1.7em; position: relative; top: -0.25em; left: -0.1em; color: white;"></span>
- boopdiddyboop<img src="img/egg_icon.png" style="width: 1.6em; height: 2em;" />
- </div>
- <div id="cornerButtons" style="display: none; margin-bottom: 0.5em; text-align: right; float: right;">
- <-<img id="homeButton" style="display: none; margin-right: 0.5em;" title="Home" class="icon" src="img/home.png?v=1" onclick="extern.showMainMenuConfirm()" />
- <img id="friendsButton" style="display: none; margin-right: 0.5em;" title="Invite friends" class="icon" src="img/friends.png?v=1" onclick="extern.inviteFriends()" />
- <img style="margin-right: 0.5em;" title="Feedback" class="icon" src="img/feedback.png?v=1" onclick="extern.showFeedbackForm()" />
- <img style="margin-right: 0.5em;" title="Settings" class="icon" src="img/settings.png?v=1" onclick="extern.openSettingsMenu()" />
- <img class="icon" title="Toggle fullscreen" src="img/fullScreen.png?v=1" onclick="extern.toggleFullscreen()" /> ->
- </div>
- </div>
- -->
- </div>
- <!-- Popup: Mute/Boot Player -->
- <small-popup id="playerActionsPopup" ref="playerActionsPopup" @popup-cancel="onPlayerActionsCancel" @popup-closed="onPlayerActionsCancel" :hide-confirm="true">
- <template slot="header">{{ playerActionsPopup.playerName }}</template>
- <template slot="content">
- <p>{{ loc.ui_game_playeractions_header }}</p>
- <h4 class="ss_button btn_medium btn_blue bevel_blue" v-on:click="onMuteClicked">{{ muteButtonLabel }}</h4>
- <h4 class="ss_button btn_medium btn_yolk bevel_yolk" v-if="playerActionsPopup.isGameOwner" v-on:click="onBootClicked">{{ loc.ui_game_playeractions_boot }}</h4>
- </template>
- <template slot="cancel">{{ loc.cancel }}</template>
- </small-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Switch Team -->
- <small-popup id="switchTeamPopup" ref="switchTeamPopup" @popup-cancel="onSwitchTeamCancel" :overlay-close="false" @popup-closed="onSwitchTeamCancel" @popup-confirm="onSwitchTeamConfirm">
- <template slot="header">{{ loc.p_switch_team_title }}</template>
- <template slot="content">
- <h4 class="roundme_sm" :class="newTeamColorCss">{{ newTeamName }} <i class="fa fa-flag"></i></h4>
- <p>{{ loc.p_switch_team_text }}</p>
- </template>
- <template slot="cancel">{{ }}</template>
- <template slot="confirm">{{ loc.yes }}</template>
- </small-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Share Link -->
- <small-popup id="shareLinkPopup" ref="shareLinkPopup" :popup-model="game.shareLinkPopup" @popup-confirm="onShareLinkConfirm" @popup-closed="onShareLinkClosed">
- <template slot="header">{{ loc.p_sharelink_title }}</template>
- <template slot="content">
- <p>{{ loc.p_sharelink_text }}</p>
- <p><input ref="shareLinkUrl" type="text" class="ss_field ss_margintop ss_marginbottom fullwidth" v-model="game.shareLinkPopup.url" @focus="$"></p>
- </template>
- <template slot="cancel">{{ loc.close }}</template>
- <template slot="confirm">{{ loc.p_sharelink_copylink }}</template>
- </small-popup>
- <!-- Popup: Leave Game Confirm -->
- <small-popup id="leaveGameConfirmPopup" ref="leaveGameConfirmPopup" :overlay-close="false" :hide-close="true" @popup-confirm="onLeaveGameConfirm" @popup-cancel="onLeaveGameCancel">
- <template slot="header">{{ loc.leave_game_title }}</template>
- <template slot="content">
- <p>{{ loc.leave_game_text }}</p>
- </template>
- <template slot="cancel">{{ }}</template>
- <template slot="confirm">{{ loc.yes }}</template>
- </small-popup>
- <div id="inGameScaler">
- <div class="player__container">
- <!-- Player List -->
- <div id="playerSlot" class="playerSlot" style="display: none">
- <div style="
- display: table-cell;
- border-radius: 0.2em;
- padding-top: 0.05em; padding-bottom: 0.05em;
- padding-left: 0.5em; padding-right: 0.5em;
- overflow-y: hidden;
- font-weight: bold;
- ">
- <span></span> <!-- Name -->
- <span style="padding-left: 1em"></span> <!-- Score -->
- </div>
- <div style="display: table-cell;"></div> <!-- Icons -->
- </div>
- <div id="playerList"></div>
- </div>
- <!-- end .player__container -->
- <div class="pause-popup--container">
- <!-- Popup: Pause -->
- <large-popup id="pausePopup" ref="pausePopup" hide-close="true" :overlay-close="false" :overlay-class="ui.overlayClass.inGame">
- <template slot="content">
- <div id="pausePopupInnards" class="box_blue2 roundme_sm fullwidth f_row">
- <div id="pauseButtons">
- <button @click="onHomeClicked" class="ss_button btn_blue bevel_blue"><i class="fa fa-home"></i> {{ loc.p_pause_home }}</button>
- <button @click="onEquipClicked()" class="ss_button btn_blue bevel_blue"><i class="fas fa-star"></i> {{ loc.p_pause_equipment }}</button>
- <!-- Don't have leaderboards yet <button class="ss_button btn_blue bevel_blue"><i class="fa fa-trophy"></i> {{ loc.p_pause_leaderboards }}</button> -->
- <!-- <button class="ss_button btn_blue bevel_blue"><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i> {{ loc.p_pause_shop }}</button> -->
- <button @click="onHelpClicked" class="ss_button btn_blue bevel_blue"><i class="fa fa-question"></i> {{ loc.p_pause_help }}</button>
- <button @click="onShareLinkClicked" class="ss_button btn_blue bevel_blue"><i class="fa fa-link"></i> {{ loc.p_pause_sharelink }}</button>
- <button @click="onSettingsClicked" class="ss_button btn_blue bevel_blue"><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> {{ loc.p_pause_settings }}</button>
- </div>
- <div id="popupTipDay" class="popupTipDay roundme_sm">
- <h3><i class="fa fa-lightbulb fa-lg"></i> {{ loc.p_pause_tipoftheday }}</h3>
- <p>{{ (loc.tip_ofthe_day ? loc.tip_ofthe_day[game.tipIdx] : '') }}</p>
- <div id="btn_horizontal" class="pause-popup--btn-group">
- <div class="btn-container">
- <button v-show="isTeamGame" @click="onSwitchTeamClicked" class="ss_button btn__team_switch" :class="teamColorCss">{{ teamName }} <i class="fa fa-flag"></i></button>
- </div>
- <div class="btn-container">
- <button @click="onSpectateClicked()" class="ss_button btn_blue bevel_blue btn_sm" v-show="!isRespawning"><i class="fas fa-eye"></i> {{ loc.p_pause_spectate }}</button>
- <button @click="onPlayClicked()" class="ss_button btn_green bevel_green btn_sm" v-show="!isRespawning"><i class="fa fa-play"></i> {{ loc.p_pause_play }}</button>
- <button class="fullwidth btn__respawning" v-show="isRespawning">{{ game.respawnTime }}</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="pauseAdPlacement" ref="pauseAdPlacement"></div>
- </template>
- </large-popup>
- </div>
- <!-- .pause-popup--container -->
- <!-- <div id="testbaby"></div> -->
- </div>
- <!-- end #inGameScaler -->
- </div>
- </script>
- <script>
- var comp_game_screen = {
- template: '#game-screen-template',
- components: {
- 'account-panel': comp_account_panel,
- },
- data: function () {
- return vueData;
- },
- created: function () {
- window.addEventListener('resize', this.resizeBannerAdTagForGame);
- },
- destroyed: function () {
- window.removeEventListener('resize', this.resizeBannerAdTagForGame);
- },
- methods: {
- placeBannerAdTagForGame: function (tagEl) {
- this.$refs.pauseAdPlacement.appendChild(tagEl);
- },
- showGameMenu: function () {
- = this.loc.tip_ofthe_day
- ? Math.randomInt(0, this.loc.tip_ofthe_day.length)
- : 0;
- = extern.gameType;
- this.$;
- vueData.ui.showCornerButtons = true;
- setTimeout(() => this.resizeBannerAdTagForGame(), 1);
- },
- hideGameMenu: function () {
- this.$refs.pausePopup.hide();
- },
- onHomeClicked: function () {
- this.hideGameMenu();
- this.$;
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_click.mp3');
- },
- onLeaveGameConfirm: function () {
- this.leaveGame();
- },
- onLeaveGameCancel: function () {
- this.showGameMenu();
- },
- leaveGame: function () {
- // clientGame.js manipulates chickenBadge element directly to hide/show it
- this.$ = 'none';
- vueApp.showSpinner();
- = 'visible';
- window.scrollY = 0;
- this.hidePopupsIfGameCloses();
- extern.leaveGame(this.afterLeftGame);
- vueData.ui.showCornerButtons = true;
- // OneSignal elements are not part of the Vue app
- var oneSignalBell = document.getElementById('onesignal-bell-container');
- if (oneSignalBell) {
- = 'inline-block';
- }
- },
- hidePopupsIfGameCloses: function() {
- const gamePopups = vueApp.$refs.gameScreen.$children;
- if (Array.isArray(gamePopups)) {
- gamePopups.forEach( gamePopup => {;
- if ( gamePopup.isShowing === true && gamePopup.$ !== 'pausePopup' ) {
- gamePopup.close();
- console.log(`Closing ${gamePopup.$}`);
- }
- });
- }
- },
- afterLeftGame: function () {
- vueApp.hideSpinner();
- vueApp.switchToHomeUi();
- },
- onHelpClicked: function () {
- this.hideGameMenu();
- vueApp.showHelpPopup();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupopen.mp3');
- },
- onShareLinkClicked: function () {
- extern.inviteFriends();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupopen.mp3');
- },
- onSettingsClicked: function () {
- this.hideGameMenu();
- vueApp.showSettingsPopup();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupopen.mp3');
- },
- onShareLinkConfirm: function () {
- extern.copyFriendCode(this.$refs.shareLinkUrl);
- },
- onShareLinkClosed: function () {
- this.showGameMenu();
- },
- onEquipClicked: function () {
- this.hideGameMenu();
- extern.openEquipInGame();
- vueApp.switchToEquipUi();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_equip.mp3');
- },
- onSwitchTeamClicked: function () {
- this.hideGameMenu();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupopen.mp3');
- this.$;
- },
- onSwitchTeamCancel: function () {
- this.showGameMenu();
- },
- onSwitchTeamConfirm: function () {
- extern.switchTeam();
- this.showGameMenu();
- },
- onPlayClicked: function () {
- this.hideGameMenu();
- vueData.ui.showCornerButtons = false;
- extern.respawn();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_playconfirm.mp3');
- },
- onSpectateClicked: function () {
- this.hideGameMenu();
- vueData.ui.showCornerButtons = false;
- extern.enterSpectatorMode();
- vueApp.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_playconfirm.mp3');
- },
- showPlayerActionsPopup: function () {
- this.hideGameMenu();
- this.$;
- },
- onPlayerActionsCancel: function () {
- this.showGameMenu();
- },
- onMuteClicked: function () {
- this.$refs.playerActionsPopup.hide();
- this.playerActionsPopup.muteFunc();
- },
- onBootClicked: function () {
- this.$refs.playerActionsPopup.hide();
- this.playerActionsPopup.bootFunc();
- },
- resizeBannerAdTagForGame: function() {
- const pauseAdPlacement = document.getElementById('pauseAdPlacement');
- const rect = document.getElementById('pausePopup').getBoundingClientRect();
- = (rect.height).toString() + 'px';
- if (rect.width < 970) {
- = ' scale(' + (rect.width / 970) + ') translateX(-50%)';
- } else {
- = ' scale(1) translateX(-50%)';
- }
- }
- },
- computed: {
- isRespawning: function () {
- return > 0;
- },
- isTeamGame: function () {
- // Would be better to use the same enum as the client game code
- return !== 0;
- },
- teamColorCss: function () {
- return === ? 'blueTeam btn_red bevel_red' : 'redTeam btn_blue bevel_blue';
- },
- teamName: function () {
- return === ? this.loc.p_pause_joinred : this.loc.p_pause_joinblue;
- },
- newTeamColorCss: function () {
- return === ? 'redTeam btn_red' : 'blueTeam btn_blue';
- },
- newTeamName: function () {
- return === ? this.loc.team_red : this.loc.team_blue;
- },
- muteButtonLabel: function () {
- return this.playerActionsPopup.muted ? this.loc.ui_game_playeractions_unmute : this.loc.ui_game_playeractions_mute;
- }
- }
- };
- </script>
- <script>
- function startVue(languageCode, locData) {
- vueData.extern = extern;
- vueData.loc = locData;
- vueApp = new Vue({
- el: '#app',
- components: {
- 'dark-overlay': comp_dark_overlay,
- 'light-overlay': comp_light_overlay,
- 'spinner-overlay': comp_spinner_overlay,
- 'gdpr': comp_gdpr,
- 'settings': comp_settings,
- 'help': comp_help,
- 'egg-store': comp_egg_store,
- 'item': comp_item,
- 'home-screen': comp_home_screen,
- 'equip-screen': comp_equip_screen,
- 'game-screen': comp_game_screen,
- 'gold-chicken-popup': comp_gold_chicken_popup,
- 'chicken-nugget-popup': comp_chicken_nugget_popup
- },
- data: vueData,
- createdTime: null,
- mountedTime: null,
- fullyRenderedTime: null,
- multisizeAdTag: null,
- created () {
- console.log('Vue instance created');
- createdTime =;
- // Create localStorage for language on vueApp created lifecyle if none present
- if (! getStoredString('selectedLanguage', null) ){
- localStorage.setItem('selectedLanguage', languageCode);
- }
- // currentLanguageCode is set the localStorage selecetedLanguage but just in case, set it to the default
- this.currentLanguageCode = getStoredString('selectedLanguage', null) ? localStorage.getItem('selectedLanguage') : languageCode;
- // run the method to update the current languge
- this.changeLanguage(this.currentLanguageCode);
- },
- mounted () {
- console.log('Vue instance mounted');
- mountedTime =;
- console.log('create -> mount time (ms): ' + (mountedTime - createdTime));
- this.currentGameType = extern.gameType;
- this.$options.multisizeAdTag = useAdManager
- ? document.getElementById('div-gpt-ad-5141196-1')
- : document.getElementById('shellshock-io_multisize');
- // Cannot modify data within the mounted hook, so wait until next tick
- this.$nextTick(function () {
- fullyRenderedTime =;
- console.log('mounted -> fully rendered time (ms): ' + (fullyRenderedTime - mountedTime));
- console.log('created -> fully rendered time (ms): ' + (fullyRenderedTime - createdTime));
- this.ready = true;
- this.placeBannerAdTagForNugget(this.$options.multisizeAdTag);
- this.showSpinner('ui_game_loading', 'ui_game_waitforit');
- //this.playMusic();
- extern.continueStartup();
- });
- },
- methods: {
- getCanvas: function () {
- return this.$refs.canvas;
- },
- playMusic: function () {
- myAudio = new Audio('./sound/theme.mp3');
- // Uncomment for looping.
- // myAudio.addEventListener('ended', function() {
- // this.currentTime = 0;
- //;
- // }, false);
- myAudio.volume = this.volume;
- },
- playSound: function (sound) {
- if(sound) {
- var audio = new Audio(sound);
- audio.volume = this.volume;
- }
- },
- changeLanguage: function (languageCode) {
- extern.getLanguageData(languageCode, this.setLocData);
- },
- setLocData: function (languageCode, newLocData) {
- this.currentLanguageCode = getStoredString('selectedLanguage', null) ? localStorage.getItem('selectedLanguage') : languageCode;
- this.loc = newLocData;
- },
- setPlayerName: function (playerName) {
- this.playerName = playerName;
- },
- showSpinner: function (headerLocKey, footerLocKey) {
- this.$, footerLocKey);
- },
- showSpinnerLoadProgress: function (percent) {
- this.$refs.spinnerOverlay.showSpinnerLoadProgress(percent);
- },
- hideSpinner: function () {
- this.$refs.spinnerOverlay.hide();
- },
- onSettingsPopupOpened: function () {
- this.$refs.settings.captureOriginalSettings();
- },
- onSettingsX: function () {
- this.$refs.settings.applyOriginalSettings();
- this.$refs.settings.cancelLanguageSelect();
- },
- onNoAnonPopupConfirm: function () {
- this.showFirebaseSignIn();
- },
- onSharedPopupClosed: function () {
- // If in-game, show game menu after closing the popup
- //this.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupclose.mp3');
- if (this.ui.showScreen === && extern.inGame) {
- this.showGameMenu();
- }
- },
- onGiveStuffComplete: function () {
- this.$refs.giveStuffPopup.toggle();
- },
- onPrivacyOptionsOpened: function () {
- this.showPrivacyPopup();
- },
- /**
- * Creates a generic popup that passes content 3 data options to slots on the genericPopup smallPopup
- * @param titleLockKey mixed - popup header text
- * @param contentLocKey mixed- popup content
- * @param confirmLocKey mixed - popup button text
- */
- showGenericPopup: function (titleLocKey, contentLocKey, confirmLocKey, hideBackgroundPopup) {
- this.genericMessagePopup.titleLocKey = titleLocKey;
- this.genericMessagePopup.contentLocKey = contentLocKey;
- this.genericMessagePopup.confirmLocKey = confirmLocKey;
- this.hidePausePopupIfGenericPopupOpen();
- this.$;
- // vueApp.setDarkOverlay();
- },
- hidePausePopupIfGenericPopupOpen: function() {
- if (!this.$refs.gameScreen.$refs.pausePopup && $refs.gameScreen.$refs.pausePopup.isShowing === false) {
- return;
- }
- return this.$refs.gameScreen.$refs.pausePopup.hide();
- },
- showOpenUrlPopup: function (url, titleLocKey, content, confirmLocKey, cancelLocKey) {
- console.log('title: ' + this.loc[titleLocKey]);
- console.log('confirm: ' + this.loc[confirmLocKey]);
- console.log('cancel: ' + this.loc[cancelLocKey]);
- this.openUrlPopup.url = url;
- this.openUrlPopup.titleLocKey = titleLocKey;
- this.openUrlPopup.content = content;
- this.openUrlPopup.confirmLocKey = confirmLocKey;
- this.openUrlPopup.cancelLocKey = cancelLocKey;
- this.$;
- },
- onOpenUrlPopupConfirm: function () {
- extern.openUrlAndGiveReward();
- },
- showMissingFeaturesPopup: function () {
- this.ui.showScreen = -1;
- this.$;
- },
- showFirebaseSignIn: function () {
- this.$refs.homeScreen.showSignIn();
- },
- hideFirebaseSignIn: function () {
- this.$refs.homeScreen.$refs.firebaseSignInPopup.hide();
- },
- showCheckEmail: function () {
- this.$refs.homeScreen.$;
- },
- hideCheckEmail: function () {
- this.$refs.homeScreen.$refs.checkEmailPopup.hide();
- },
- showResendEmail: function () {
- this.$refs.homeScreen.$;
- },
- hideResendEmail: function () {
- this.$refs.homeScreen.$refs.resendEmailPopup.hide();
- },
- showChickenPopup: function () {
- this.$;
- },
- hideChickenPopup: function () {
- this.$refs.goldChickenPopup.hide();
- },
- showHelpPopup: function () {
- this.hideGameMenu();
- this.$;
- },
- showAttentionPopup: function () {
- this.hideGameMenu();
- this.$;
- },
- hideHelpPopup: function () {
- this.$refs.helpPopup.hide();
- },
- showSettingsPopup: function () {
- this.hideGameMenu();
- this.$;
- extern.settingsMenuOpened();
- },
- hideSettingsPopup: function () {
- this.$refs.settingsPopup.hide();
- },
- showEggStorePopup: function () {
- this.hideGameMenu();
- this.$;
- },
- hideEggStorePopup: function () {
- this.$refs.eggStorePopup.hide();
- },
- showChangelogPopup: function () {
- this.$;
- },
- hideChangelogPopup: function () {
- //this.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_popupclose.mp3');
- this.$refs.changelogPopup.hide();
- },
- showGiveStuffPopup: function (titleLoc, eggs, items) {
- this.giveStuffPopup.titleLoc = titleLoc;
- this.giveStuffPopup.eggs = eggs;
- this.giveStuffPopup.items = items;
- this.$;
- },
- showShareLinkPopup: function (url) {
- this.hideGameMenu();
- = url;
- this.$refs.gameScreen.$;
- },
- showJoinPrivateGamePopup: function (code) {
- this.$refs.homeScreen.$refs.playPanel.showJoinPrivateGamePopup(code);
- },
- switchToHomeUi: function () {
- this.ui.showScreen = this.ui.screens.home;
- this.placeBannerAdTagForNugget(vueApp.$options.multisizeAdTag);
- },
- switchToEquipUi: function () {
- console.log('switchToEquipUi called');
- this.$refs.equipScreen.setup();
- this.$refs.equipScreen.switchToInventory();
- this.ui.showScreen = this.ui.screens.equip;
- },
- switchToGameUi: function (isGameOwner) {
- this.ui.showScreen =;
- = isGameOwner;
- // The ad tags are outside of the Vue app; manipulate the DOM directly
- this.$refs.gameScreen.placeBannerAdTagForGame(vueApp.$options.multisizeAdTag);
- this.showGameMenu();
- },
- showGameMenu: function () {
- this.hideSpinner();
- this.$refs.gameScreen.showGameMenu();
- },
- hideGameMenu: function () {
- this.$refs.gameScreen.hideGameMenu();
- },
- onMiniGameCompleted: function () {
- this.$refs.homeScreen.onMiniGameCompleted();
- },
- setShellColor: function (colorIdx) {
- this.equip.colorIdx = colorIdx;
- },
- setAccountUpgraded: function (upgraded) {
- this.isUpgraded = upgraded;
- this.equip.extraColorsLocked = !this.isUpgraded;
- },
- setDarkOverlay: function (visible, overlayClass) {
- this.$ = visible;
- this.$refs.darkOverlay.overlayClass = overlayClass;
- },
- setLightOverlay: function (visible, overlayClass) {
- this.$ = visible;
- this.$refs.darkOverlay.overlayClass = overlayClass;
- },
- authCompleted: function () {
- this.hideFirebaseSignIn();
- if (extern.isGameReady) {
- this.hideSpinner();
- this.setDarkOverlay(false);
- }
- },
- showItemOnEquipScreen: function (item) {
- this.switchToEquipUi();
- this.$refs.equipScreen.autoSelectItem(item);
- },
- showTaggedItemsOnEquipScreen: function (tag) {
- this.switchToEquipUi();
- this.$refs.equipScreen.showTaggedItems(tag);
- },
- useHouseAdSmall: function (smallHouseAd) {
- this.ui.houseAds.small = smallHouseAd;
- },
- useHouseAdBig: function (bigHouseAd) {
- this.ui.houseAds.big = bigHouseAd;
- },
- denyAnonUser: function () {
- this.$;
- },
- showGdrpNotification: function () {
- this.$;
- },
- showPrivacyPopup: function () {
- this.hideSettingsPopup();
- this.$;
- },
- hidePrivacyPopup: function () {
- this.$refs.privacyPopup.hide();
- this.showSettingsPopup();
- },
- ofAgeChanged: function () {
- extern.setOfAge(this.isOfAge);
- this.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_onchange.mp3');
- },
- targetedAdsChanged: function () {
- extern.setTargetedAds(this.showTargetedAds);
- this.playSound('./sound/ui/ui_onchange.mp3');
- },
- setPrivacySettings: function (ofAge, targetedAds) {
- this.isOfAge = ofAge;
- this.showTargetedAds = targetedAds;
- },
- gameJoined: function (gameType, team) {
- = gameType;
- this.setTeam(team);
- },
- setTeam: function (team) {
- if (hasValue(team)) {
- = team;
- }
- },
- showGoldChickenPopup: function () {
- this.$;
- },
- hideGoldChickenPopup: function () {
- this.$refs.goldChickenPopup.hide();
- },
- showNuggetPopup: function () {
- this.$;
- this.$refs.chickenNugget.loadMiniGame();
- },
- hideNuggetPopup: function () {
- this.$refs.nuggetPopup.hide();
- this.$refs.chickenNugget.unloadMiniGame();
- },
- onMiniGameCompleted: function () {
- this.$refs.chickenNugget.onMiniGameCompleted();
- },
- placeBannerAdTagForNugget: function (tagEl) {
- this.$refs.chickenNugget.placeBannerAdTag(tagEl);
- },
- useSpecialItemsTag: function (tag) {
- this.equip.specialItemsTag = tag;
- this.equip.showSpecialItems = true;
- },
- disableSpecialItems: function () {
- this.equip.showSpecialItems = false;
- },
- setUiSettings: function (settings) {
- this.$refs.settings.setSettings(settings);
- },
- leaveGame: function () {
- this.$refs.gameScreen.leaveGame();
- },
- showPlayerActionsPopup: function (slot) {
- this.playerActionsPopup = slot;
- this.$refs.gameScreen.showPlayerActionsPopup();
- },
- anonWarningPopupConfrim: function() {
- const anonWarnConfrimed = localStorage.getItem('anonWarningConfirmed');
- return anonWarnConfrimed === null && localStorage.setItem('anonWarningConfirmed', true);
- },
- conditionalAnonWarningCall: function() {
- const anonWarnConfrimed = localStorage.getItem('anonWarningConfirmed');
- return anonWarnConfrimed === null && vueApp.showAttentionPopup();
- },
- needMoreEggsPopupCall: function() {
- this.$;
- }
- }
- });
- }
- </script>
- </body>
- </html>
Source Code
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- <meta property="og:title" content=" - The Never Ending game"/>
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- <option disabled>Paris 3000 players</option>
- <option>Paris - 200 players</option>
- <option>Paris - 2800 players</option>
- </select>
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- <div id="howtoplay">
- <br /><br />
- <div id="resumeHowToPlay">
- <div class="resume"> The city survival game:</div>
- <div class="resume"> Upgrade your skills </div>
- <div class="resume"> Buy and sell buildings</div>
- <div class="resume"> Be the richest</div>
- </div>
- <br />
- <br /><br />
- <div id="commandsHowToPlay">
- <div class="commands"> <span id="arrowHowToPlay" class="subcommands">ARROW KEY</span> or <span id="wasdHowToPlay"class="subcommands">WASD</span> to move </div>
- <div class="commands"> <span id="leftHowToPlay" class="subcommands">LEFT CLICK</span> to hit</div>
- <div class="commands"> <span id="enterHowToPlay"class="subcommands">ENTER</span> to chat</div>
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- <div class="commands"> <span id="mHowToPlay" class="subcommands">M</span> for Map</div>
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Source Code
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CSS3的一个伪类选择器“:nth-child()”. Table表格奇偶数行定义样式: 语法: :nth-child(an+b) 为什么选择她,因为我认为,这个选择器是最多学问的一个了.很可惜,据我 ...
- 编译原理--05 用C++手撕PL/0
前言 目录 01 文法和语言.词法分析复习 02 自顶向下.自底向上的LR分析复习 03 语法制导翻译和中间代码生成复习 04 符号表.运行时存储组织和代码优化复习 05 用C++手撕PL/0 在之前 ...
- 清晰架构(Clean Architecture)的Go微服务: 程序设计
我使用Go和gRPC创建了一个微服务,并将程序设计和编程的最佳实践应用于该项目. 我写了一系列关于在项目工作中做出的设计决策和取舍的文章,此篇是关于程序设计. 程序的设计遵循清晰架构(Clean Ar ...
- 最漂亮的Spring事务管理详解
SnailClimb 2018年05月21日阅读 7245 可能是最漂亮的Spring事务管理详解 Java面试通关手册(Java学习指南) 微信阅读地 ...
- 包、logging模块、hashlib模块、openpyxl模块、深浅拷贝
包.logging模块.hashlib模块.openpyxl模块.深浅拷贝 一.包 1.模块与包 模块的三种来源: 1.内置的 2.第三方的 3.自定义的 模块的四种表现形式: 1.py文件 2.共享 ...
- 【PAT甲级】1090 Highest Price in Supply Chain (25 分)
题意: 输入一个正整数N(<=1e5),和两个小数r和f,表示树的结点总数和商品的原价以及每向下一层价格升高的幅度.下一行输入N个结点的父结点,-1表示为根节点.输出最深的叶子结点处购买商品的价 ...
- IDEA自动部署WEB工程至远程服务器(学习笔记)
一.部署Web工程的几种方式 ①本地打war,上传至远程服务器tomcat容器即可 优点:简单粗暴 缺点:浪费时间 ②IDEA自动部署至远程服务器 优点:节省大量时间 缺点:配置稍多(第一次) 二.I ...